3. edukacja

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otázka odpověď
być mólem książkowym
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be a bookworm
Every time I see Ben, he’s reading a different book. He’s a typical bookworm
być naśladowcą
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be a copycat
Julia’s a real copycat. She always wears the same clothes as Lucy.
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swot up
I’ve started to swot up vocabulary for the French test
zabierać się do nauki
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hit the books
It’s time to hit the books
być pupilkiem nauczyciela
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be teacher's pet
nadrobić zaległości
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catch up
I was in hospital for two weeks and now I have to catch up on my school work
policzyć osoby, uczestników wycieczki
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count noses
Our teacher’s so overprotective - she’s always counting noses
kuć, uczyć się bardzo intensywnie
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crack a book
If you want to pass the exam, you need to crack a few books
wyciąć klasy
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cut classes
My dad wasn’t too pleased when he found out I’d been cutting classes
oblać egzamin
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I think I flunked the history test
wyróżnić się na jakimś polu
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grade A sth
That guy is a grade A scientist.
móc napisać książkę o czymś
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write the book on sth
I wrote the book on excuses for why I should continue drinking, so there’s nothing you can say that I haven’t said already
odrobić swoją lekcję
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learn one’s lesson
I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll never lend Jack my bike ever again
być źródłem wszelkiej wiedzy
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be the fount of all knowledge

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