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začněte se učit
n- the process or a period Of changing from one state or condition to another
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the transition from a boy to a man is always difficult
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wahać się, zawahać się
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she hesitated for a moment
n- the ability to control your thoughts and action in order to achieve what you want to do, a strong and determined desire to do something that you want to do
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in spite of what happened he never lost the will to live
n- what somebody wants to happen in a particular situation
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the governed according to the will of the people / he thought he was doing the will of God
przekonany (o czymś)
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she is convinced of her ability to win/ judges were convinced of his guilt
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I confused this man with my uncle
zauroczenie, zadurzenie
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maybe it was never more than infatuation
mądrość, rozsądek
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v- to treat somebody in a way that seems friendly but which shows that you think that they are not very intelligent experienced Etc
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some television programs tend to patronize children
adj- Zmyślony
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made- up
wydmuchać nos
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blow your nose
zobowiązanie, obowiązek
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I had a moral obligation to help her
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n- an illegal act
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a criminal /drug offense
n- the feeling of being upset or angry at something that somebody had said or done
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the photo may cause offence to some people/ no one will take offense (feel upset or insulted) if you leave early /don't be so quick to take offense
i - used to say that you do not mean to upset or show a lack of respect for somebody by something you say or do
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no offense
no offense, but I'd really like to be on my own
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adj -rozpieszczony
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utrapienie, wrzód na tyłku
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pain in the neck
zostać zdekoncentrowanym
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get distracted
rozpraszać, dekoncentrować
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rozkojarzony zdekoncentrowany
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n- a task or piece of work that somebody is given to do, usually as part of their job or status
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koncert na żywo
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pv - to start or begin something such as a job
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take up
he takes up his duties next week
n- a place where people meet for an organized event for example a concert, sporting event or conference
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adj- very exciting and great fun
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ustępstwo, kompromis
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adj -z zawiązanymi oczyma
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co dziwne, dziwnym trafem
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funnily enough
to die
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pop off
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v- to say what somebody's punishment will be (usually passive)
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he was condemned to death for murder and later hanged
wirtualna rzeczywistość
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sztuczna inteligencja
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AI = artificial intelligence
to select, organize, and look after the objects or works of art in a museum or an art gallery Etc
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opór, sprzeciw
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mistrz, nauczyciel
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v- to publicly and officially tell people about something important
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v- to show something clearly: to be sign of something (świadczyć o czymś)
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this piece of evidence proclaims that he is innocent
nawiasem mówiąc
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szczególnie zwłaszcza w szczególności
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most notably
adj- legal or acting according to the law or the rules (uczciwy)
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żałować, odczuwać przykrość
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be sorry
poziom, szczebel, rząd
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adv- śmiesznie, absurdalnie
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hałaśliwy rozkrzyczany
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I think their music is rather raucous
założenie ustanowienie utworzenie
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she was very important for the establishment of the group
bardzo bezpośredni, agresywny
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in your face
przy zdrowych zmysłach, rozsądny
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uwolniony wyzwolone swobodnych oswobodzony
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pv- to make something appear
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bring something out
a crisis brings out the best in her
pv- to make something easy to see or understand
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brink something out
that dress really brings out the color of your eyes
pv: to produce something: to publish something
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brink something out
the band have just brought out their second album
v- to begin to happen: to begin something
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the meeting is scheduled to commence at noon
podkręcać zwiększać
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turn up
she turned the volume up
v -to behave in a violent way in a public place often as a protest
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students all over the country rioted against the government
v- to steal or illegally copy something
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rip off
all that ideas in the film are ripped off from other movies
to cheat Somebody by making them pay too much by selling them something of poor quality etc.
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rip off
tourists complained of being ripped off by local cab drivers
okładka płyty
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kłopoty problemy
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I get so much grief for being a woman in this place
nauczać pouczać
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strażnik stróż obrońca opiekun
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Bujać się do muzyki
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jam out
pv- wykorzystać coś
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make of something
what do you make of the money is none of my concern
pomagać wspierać
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the charity organization aids people in need
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internet usage naturally has its positive aspects
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zbiórka zgromadzenie ludzi (we wspólnym celu) a large public meeting especially one held to support a particular idea or political party
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odbywać się przeprowadzać organizować (na przykład spotkania)
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pv- (of the weather) to become fine or bright.
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Clear up
pv - (of an illness infection) to disappear
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clear up
ph- to make something clean and neat
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clear up
I'm fed up with clearing up after you
pv- to solve or explain something
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clear up
I hope this explanation clears up any confusion
schludny, czysty
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pv- to tell somebody about something that has happened
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fill sb in (on sth)
pv- used to talk or ask about how well somebody is doing in a particular situation
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get on
he's getting on very well at school
pv- to have a friendly relationship with somebody
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get along with
she never really got along with her sister
pv- to deal with or gain control of something
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get over
she can't get over her shyness
pv- spędzać czas z
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hang out with
pv- to cancel a meeting or an arrangement that you have made with somebody
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put somebody off
it's too late to put them off now
zniechęcać kogoś
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put sb off
she put me off with her bad language
pv- to say what you think clearly and fairly especially in order to support or defend somebody
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speak up
pv- usually used in order to tell somebody to speak more loudly
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speak up
pv- to admire or respect somebody
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look up to sb
pv- to accept somebody something that is annoying and pleasant without complaining
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put up with
I don't know how she puts up with him
pv- try to communicate with somebody or help them
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reach out to
the church needs to find new ways of reaching out to young people /if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us at this email address
pv- to support or defend somebody something
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stand up for
always stand up for your friends
pv- to begin to be friendly with somebody especially somebody with a bad reputation
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take up with
pv- to speak or write to somebody about something that they may be able to deal with or help you with
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take something up with somebody
they decided to take the matter up with their MP

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