6 kwietnia 2018

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otázka odpověď
pójść dalej
Możemy przejść dalej. Wiem już wszystko o Twojej żonie.
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move on
We can move on. Now I know everything about your wife.
nad morzem
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by/at the sea
I spent my last holiday at the sea. It was Amazing time with my family.
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I haven’t got any hair on my head. When I was young my hair ware long and black.
dobrze się dogadywać
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get on well
-What does it mean „get on well with own wife”? -When you have time and fancying to give-and-take.
być z kimś w dobrych kontaktach
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get along with sb
You don’t get along with own son. You spend too much time in work and with your lover.
zerwać relacje
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break up
I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. I was jealous of her.
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The childhood is the best part of life! Everything is easier when you aren’t responsible for anything.
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the only child
To be the Only child cut both ways.
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The twins, who are uniovular are very cute, especially in the same outfitting.
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My best friend have the triplets. I still have a problem with their names.
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It was heavy case. I found the solution after two years.
w najbliższej przyszłości
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in the nearest future
I will get married in The nearest future. The Wedding is exactly in 4 months.
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The Silesia is a specific region in Poland. It’s not Only a province. People from Silesia have got own local dialect and cusine.
Dolny Śląsk
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Lower - Silesian district
I need to go to Lower-Silesian district! He told me that I see there a lot of castles.
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My company is one of The most significant on The global market.
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When your child go to the kindergarten? Not yet. She shouldn’t to use nappies.
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After ten hours at work I am exhausted. I’m waiting for The weekend.

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