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In other words, knowledge is power.
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You were chewing bubble gum.
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Are they any better?
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We got punished for no reason.
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When they’d finished, she looked at them in amazement.
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How many stops is it?
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She put the poster on the wall.
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He tried to throw the paper in the bin, but he missed.
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Someone is cooking, you can smell the food.
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Can she explain that to me?
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There’s nothing else, they can do for you.
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Is my daughter wearing a black coat?
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My husband got killed in a fight.
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I changed my mind, and I don’t want to go anymore.
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I want to invite her at the party.
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This is a pointless conversation.
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Sebastian was there more than once actually.
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Nobody else knows, how to do it?
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The whole family is talking about it.
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Is your Polish getting better?
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How long has this party been in power?
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We were ill for several days.
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They pulled their chair, closer to the table.
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He had the intention to go, but then he changed his mind.
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I’ll be around, if they need me.
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I’ve reduced my expenses.
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Present tenses, are the easiest tenses in English.
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Each one was a little different.
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Don’t turn around.
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He went down from the third floor.
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They weren’t tired.
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She found the letter by accident.
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Sebastian shouldn’t go there alone.
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Leave my children alone.
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Have they noticed anything else?
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You got married, just before you moved here.
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You hardly ever go out.
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Call me, when my son gets to the restaurant.
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We punched him in the stomach.
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She went through a green light.
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It’s a very large building, you can’t miss it.
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You wish, you could afford, to have your own sports car.
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Our book has been receiving a wide recognition, since one year.
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Please, wash the dishes before you go.
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He tried to change the reservation, but it was impossible.
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I got a lot of money, from selling my house.
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Sebastian is just very stupid.
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I’ve been receiving news for a few weeks.
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Which one of your birthday gifts do you like the most?
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Have we got a piece of paper?
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Sebastian often has to study, later at night.
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I could hardly hear them.
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It had an immediate effect on her.
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I never get to see my brother.
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In case of rain, you can take a taxi.
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Can she do me a favour?
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I didn’t have a map, and I got lost.
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It’s my fault, not yours.
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In some cases, people had to wait for over 4 weeks.
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holiday v angličtině

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