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to make something appear by magic, or as if by magic
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conjure (up)
in the past, a formal fight using guns or swords, arranged between two people as a way of deciding an argument
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a weapon with a long, sharp metal blade and a handle, used especially in the past
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to reduce something by removing things that are not necessary
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to reduce something by removing things that are not necessary
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used to refer to a style of music written in Europe between about 1750 and 1830
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a long, wide hole that is dug all the way around a place such as a castle and usually filled with water, to make it more difficult to attack
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cabbage that has been cut into small pieces and preserved in salt
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to kiss and hold a person in a sexual way
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(the use of) an expression comparing one thing with another, always including the words "as" or "like"
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a curved shape sticking out from the surface of something
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If you do something ..., you do it to a great degree
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big time
to give someone a responsibility or problem that they do not want and that will cause them a lot of work or difficulty
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saddle sb with sth
to have someone or something as the main or most important interest or subject
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revolve around/round sb/sth
a performer of popular music who makes one successful recording but then no others
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one-hit wonder
(of a place) to be next to or near to another place
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to neighbour (with?)
a city that is the centre of government of a country or smaller political area
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to have or own something to be proud of
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(especially of a place) attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way
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the pointed top of a mountain, or the mountain itself
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the highest point of a mountain
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an area of land that has not been used to grow crops or had towns and roads built on it, especially because it is difficult to live in as a result of its extremely cold or hot weather or bad earth
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a rounded stone used on the surface of an old-fashioned road
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a particular place
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to take or get possession of something again
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freedom from being governed or ruled by another country
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to start a new activity
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move on
If you ... an unpleasant experience ..., you stop thinking about it, so that it does not affect your life
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put sth behind you
(especially of an event, action, or story) seeming to be something positive and good and therefore causing feelings of pleasure and happiness
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something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, courage, etc. to achieve it
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to do or be by chance
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happen (to)
in, from, or to other countries
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to use a word or an expression that is not polite, usually when you are very angry
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a political division of the UK or Ireland, forming the largest unit of local government, or the largest political division of a state in the US
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a very large area of sea surrounded on three sides by a coast
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a long piece of land that sticks out from a larger area of land into the sea or into a lake
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to rain very slightly
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a long, thin, flat beach that goes out into the sea
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to do something successfully
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a ... sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone
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to turn pale, for example because you are shocked
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shaped like a ring
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an opening through a wall, floor, etc., or the cover for it
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to put or keep someone in prison or in a place used as a prison
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a long pole, fence, wall, or natural feature, such as a mountain or sea, that stops people from going somewhere
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small, white pieces of dead skin from the head that collect in the hair or fall on the clothes
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