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odłożyć coś z powrotem na miejsce začněte se učit
I'm just going to put the car away (in the garage). to put sth in the place where it is kept because you have finished using it I'm just going to put the car away (in the garage)
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Put that knife down before you hurt somebody! It's a great book. I couldn't put it down.
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put something aside / disregard to ignore or forget sth, usually a feeling or difference of opinion They decided to put aside their differences.
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To put off; postpone. The principal deferred the decision to the school board.
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nie rozwiązny (problem), nie wykonane (zadanie) začněte se učit
not yet paid, solved, or done $450 million in outstanding debts. There are still a couple of problems outstanding.
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We're embarking upon a new project later this year.
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I've planned out the day - some shopping, then a meal and a show.
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Five soldiers died after their bus was ambushed on a country road.
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By the age of 32 she had reached the pinnacle of her career.
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These diseases are more prevalent among young children.
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He said that he deplored all violence.
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The candidate’s behavior during the debate turned what could have been a victory into a political debacle.
trzeba przyznać, co prawda začněte se učit
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He has relinquished his claim to the throne.
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they adjourned the meeting till the following week.
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You can vote either in person or by proxy.