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Księgowy przygotował sprawozdanie finansowe firmy. začněte se učit
The accountant prepared financial statement of the company.
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Forensic Accounting is the specialty practice area of accounting that describes engagements that result from actual or anticipated disputes or litigation. “Forensic” means suitable for use in Court. začněte se učit
Rachunkowość sądowa jest dziedziną rachunkowości specjalizacji, która opisuje zobowiązania wynikające z rzeczywistych lub przewidywanych sporów lub sporów sądowych. „Kryminalistyczny” oznacza odpowiedni do stosowania w sądzie.
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We need to ensure safety to the citizens. začněte se učit
Musimy zapewnić obywatelom bezpieczeństwo.
I agree with you to a certain extent. začněte se učit
W pewnym stopniu się z tobą zgadzam.
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At the forefront of this image makeover is the specialism of forensic accounting začněte se učit
Na czele tej zmiany wizerunku leży specjalizacja księgowości sądowej
A forensic accountant's work is chiefly concerned with any investigation of financial data... začněte se učit
Praca księgowego kryminalistyki dotyczy głównie wszelkich badań danych finansowych...
the case came to litigation začněte se učit
sprawa zakończyła się w sądzie
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oszustwo przy użyciu karty kredytowej
Stephen used bribery to get the judge to rule in his favour. začněte se učit
Stephen uciekł się do przekupstwa, by sędzia orzekł na jego korzyść.
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Your help was crucial for the success of the project. začněte se učit
Twoja pomoc była kluczowa dla powodzenia projektu.
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uchylanie się od płacenia podatków
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There can be large differences between the profit recorded in the financial statements and the profit from the income tax calculation between the U.S. and Britain due to different accounting methods, taxation and financial reporting. začněte se učit
Różnice w rachunkach zysków w sprawozdaniach finansowych oraz przy obliczaniu podatku dochodowego pomiędzy USA i Wielką Brytanią są związane z różnymi metodami prowadzenia księgowości, podatków oraz sprawozdawczości finansowej w tych krajach.
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Medical equipment is a small part of health care expenditures. začněte se učit
Sprzęt medyczny stanowi małą część wydatków na służbę zdrowia.
The little kitten emerged from under the house. He was dirty and scared. začněte se učit
Kiciuś wyłonił się spod domu. Był brudny i wystraszony.
Drug smugglers often conceal drugs inside normal household objects. začněte se učit
Przemytnicy często ukrywają narkotyki w zwykłych przedmiotach gospodarstwa domowego.
Terry was able to capture the beautiful sunset on camera. začněte se učit
Terry'emu udało się uchwycić na zdjęciu piękny zachód słońca.
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It is a criminal system of taking money from people in exchange for agreeing not to hurt them or damage their property: začněte se učit
Jest to kryminalny system odbierania pieniędzy od ludzi w zamian za zgodę na nie ranienie ich lub uszkodzenie ich własności:
Emails sent by financial institutions are most often scam, they would never contact you via email. začněte se učit
Emaile wysłane przez instytucje finansowe są często podstępem, nigdy nie skontaktowaliby się z tobą przez maila.
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przestępczości białych kołnierzyków
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Medical equipment is a small part of health care expenditures. začněte se učit
Sprzęt medyczny stanowi małą część wydatków na służbę zdrowia.
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sprawozdanie z przepływów pieniężnych
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provide a snapshot of a business's value začněte se učit
dostarczyć migawkę wartości firmy
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What are your biggest assets? začněte se učit
Jakie są twoje największe zalety?
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Delivery of raw materials is delayed and we can't start the production. začněte se učit
Dostawa surowców jest opóźniona i nie możemy rozpocząć produkcji.
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We need to employ new people. začněte se učit
Musimy zatrudnić nowych ludzi.
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We need to discourage her from dating that man. He seems crude. začněte se učit
Musimy zniechęcić ją do umawiania się z tym facetem. Wygląda na prostaka.
He encouraged me to change the job. začněte se učit
Zachęcił mnie do zmiany pracy.
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Prognoza przepływów pieniężnych
go from strength to strength to gradually become more successful: The firm's gone from strength to strength since the new factory was built. začněte se učit
sukcesywnie odnosić coraz więcej sukcesów sukcesywnie odnosić coraz więcej sukcesów
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Do you have a work permit? začněte se učit
Czy ma pan zezwolenie na pracę?
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health and safety guidelines začněte se učit
wytyczne dotyczące zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa
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to cause something to happen: He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending. začněte se učit
because of: A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. The bus was delayed due to heavy snow. začněte se učit
to cause something to exist: Heavy rains have given rise to flooding over a large area. začněte se učit
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to start something or cause it to happen: Who originated the saying "Small is beautiful"? začněte se učit
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When an event or situation has a knock-on effect, it causes other events or situations, but not directly: If one or two trains run late, it has a knock-on effect on the entire rail service. začněte se učit
Jeśli banki zaczną mieć kłopoty, spowoduje to efekt domina dla reszty gospodarki.
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aiming products at the young začněte se učit
produkty skierowane do młodych
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the temperatures topped 38 začněte se učit
temperatura przekroczyła 38
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trzymać się porządku obrad
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How do you manage to stay in such good shape? začněte se učit
Jak to robisz, że utrzymujesz tak dobrą formę?
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1. something that happens or is made or done only once: Will you be doing more talks in the future or was that just a one-off? 2. happening only once: They gave him a one-off payment to compensate for the extra hours that he had to work. začněte se učit
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The sheriff appointed me as his deputy. začněte se učit
Szeryf mianował mnie na swojego zastępcę.
1. the act of examining someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success, or needs: The newspaper gave an editorial appraisal of the government's achievements of the past year. začněte se učit
2. job/performance appraisal a meeting in which an employee discusses his or her progress, aims, and needs at work with his or her manager or employer: Many companies operate regular job appraisals, often on an annual basis.
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You'll be informed about the venue and exact time of the event. začněte se učit
Zostaniecie poinformowani o miejscu i dokładnym terminie wydarzenia.
All changes are underlined. začněte se učit
Wszystkie zmiany są podkreślone.
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zaznaczone kółkiem, podświetlone
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to be the person in charge of a meeting, etc.: Would you like to chair tomorrow's meeting? začněte se učit
osoba prowadząca spotkanie być osobą prowadzącą spotkanie
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used to describe a room or building which has few or no walls inside, so it is not divided into smaller rooms: Open-plan offices function well for people who need to be communicating with each other all the time. začněte se učit
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the process of dividing the cost of something into the different parts that make up the total amount, according to who is doing the work, what materials are needed, etc.: This is a detailed cost breakdown of the costs involved in building a house. začněte se učit
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to say to your employer that you are ill when you are not so that you do not have to go to your place of work for a day: I just didn't feel like work so I threw a sickie. začněte se učit
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The period of suspension can be up to two years. začněte se učit
Okres zawieszenia może trwać nawet do 2 lat.
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a diagram (= simple plan) that shows the structure of the people in an organization, for example who has the highest rank začněte se učit
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The invoice will be issued immediately. začněte se učit
Faktura zostanie wystawiona natychmiast.
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to ask someone to do something that they promised to do but that have not yet done: If you don't hear from the builders this week, make sure you chase them up. I must chase my flatmate up about those bills and see if she paid them. začněte se učit
pośpieszac kogoś, żeby zrobił cos co nie zrobił
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sprawiedliwe wynagrodzenie
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You must declare your revenue on your income tax form. začněte se učit
Musisz zadeklarować swój dochód na formularzu podatku dochodowego.
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Instead of money bonuses we decided to organize a trip abroad as an incentive. začněte se učit
Zamiast bonusów pieniężnych zdecydowaliśmy się zorganizować wyjazd za granicę jako zachętę.
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The Astors are an affluent family. having a lot of money or owning a lot of things: affluent nations/neighbourhoods začněte se učit
Astorowie to zamożna rodzina.
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(the total amount collected of) a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable grown in large amounts: The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice. začněte se učit
a group of people or things with something in common, that exist at a particular time: The judges will select the best from this year's crop of first novels.
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amend to change the words of something written, esp. a law or a legal document: The terms of the contract were amended in later years. začněte se učit
award to officially give work, a sum of money, etc. to a company or organization: Firms making big campaign contributions are often awarded lucrative government grants. award a grant/contract (to sb) začněte se učit
The Pentagon has awarded a $520 million contract to the construction company.
My subcontractor has broken the contract without giving a reason for his decision. začněte se učit
Mój podwykonawca zerwał umowę bez podania przyczyny takiej decyzji.
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with these words or with this action: I hereby pronounce you man and wife. začněte se učit
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starting from this time; in the future: Elizabeth Gaskell's novel "Ruth" will hereafter be cited within the text as EG. začněte se učit
dalej, odtąd, w dalszym ciągu, od tej chwili dalej odtąd w dalszym ciągu od tej chwili
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deem to consider or judge: The president asked Congress for authority to take whatever steps he deemed necessary, including the use of force. začněte se učit
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w odniesieniu do przyczyny
If you want to work here, you have to comply with certain rules. začněte se učit
Jeśli chcesz tu pracować, musisz stosować się do reguł.
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He is responsible for database maintenance. začněte se učit
utrzymanie np. komputera, bazy danych Jest odpowiedzialny za utrzymanie bazy danych.
on expiry of the warranty začněte se učit
po upływie okresu gwarancji
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Fred let his subscription lapse, so he couldn't use the online movie service anymore. začněte se učit
Fred pozwolił, by jego subskrypcja wygasła, więc nie mógł korzystać już z serwisu fimów online.
to force someone to experience something very unpleasant: These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries. The suffering inflicted on these children was unimaginable. začněte se učit
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The family decided to sue the police for failing to handle their case properly. začněte se učit
Rodzina zdecydowała się pozwać policję, gdyż nie zajęła się ich sprawą odpowiednio.
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poza sądowego rozstrzygania
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the illegal buying and selling of company shares by people who have special information because they are involved with the company: The company's executives and its accountants are accused of falsifying financial statements and engaging in insider trading začněte se učit
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pranie brudnych pieniędzy
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the fact of being responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason for it, or the degree to which this happens: začněte se učit
There were furious demands for greater police accountability. Accountability is important these days, and managers aren't always willing to adopt risky strategies.
of or relating to a person or organization whose job is to control an activity or process or to the regulations themselves: a regulatory agency federal regulatory standards začněte se učit
of or relating to a person or organization whose job is to control an activity or process or to the regulations themselves:
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the process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you: začněte se učit
upoważnienie / wzmacnianie / umożliwianie Part of the philosophy of the World Wide Web is the empowerment of the individual.
a working method or set of working methods that is officially accepted as being the best to use in a particular business or industry, usually described formally and in detail: začněte se učit
a model for best practice in the treatment of diabetes a best-practice policy/programme
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spiral (from sth) to sth The country's foreign debt spiralled from $840 million to $2.6 billion. začněte se učit
spiraling pay wykonawczej
to change the words of something written, esp. a law or a legal document: The terms of the contract were amended in later years. začněte se učit
to break the rules in a way that you consider unimportant or not harmful: You’ve got to know when to bend the rules a little. začněte se učit
to not deserve any blame: Your behaviour today has been above reproach začněte se učit
nie zasługiwać na obwinianie
temporary failure: a lapse of concentration The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment. a memory lapse začněte se učit
the process of taking a case to a court of law so that a judgment can be made: The company has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation. začněte se učit
zakończenie sprawy w sądzie
be part and parcel of sth to be a feature of something, especially a feature that cannot be avoided: Being recognized in the street is part and parcel of being a celebrity. začněte se učit
to fail to keep a promise or an agreement, etc.: If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts. začněte se učit
zawieść w utrzymaniu porozumienia
wash your hands of sth If you wash your hands of something that you were previously responsible for, you intentionally stop being involved in it or connected with it in any way: She couldn't wait to wash her hands of the whole project. začněte se učit
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The scientists are conducting a complicated research. začněte se učit
Naukowcy prowadzą skomplikowane badanie.
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Potrzebujemy więcej najemców.
She had no prior experience of teaching. začněte se učit
Nie miała wcześniejszego doświadczenia w nauczaniu.
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The company did not disclose the price of the new product. začněte se učit
Firma nie ujawniła ceny nowego produktu.
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to implement a plan/policy/measure The corporation has implemented a new compensation plan for its sales force. začněte se učit
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the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization: začněte se učit
The company is relocating to new premises. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on school premises. The ice cream is made on the premises (= in the building where it is sold). The security guards escorted the protesters off (= away from) the premises.
the damage that happens to an object in ordinary use during a period: Seat covers on buses take a lot of wear and tear. začněte se učit
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If Howard wasn't careful, George would strike him. Democratization has brought workers the right to strike and join a trade union. We're striking for better pay and improved safety standards. začněte se učit
Gdyby Howard nie uważał, George by go uderzył. to refuse to continue working because of an argument with an employer about working conditions, pay levels, or job losses:
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If you split the difference, you agree on a number or amount that is exactly in the middle of the difference between two other numbers or amounts. začněte se učit
Opinions were split cleanly between men and women. The electronics division was split off into a freestanding company. Let's split the cost right down the middle. The family is split down the middle on this issue.
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answering questions in a way that is not direct or clear, especially because you do not want to give an honest answer: done to avoid something bad happening: začněte se učit
The Minister was her usual evasive self, skilfully dodging reporters' questions about her possible resignation. By the time the pilot realized how close the plane was to the building, it was too late to take evasive action.
allowing yourself to be controlled by other people or animals: He was looking for a quiet, submissive wife who would obey his every word. In the presence of older birds, the younger eagles tend to be submissive. začněte se učit
Researchers found that some Asian American women feel pressure to fit into stereotypes of them as submissive geisha girls.
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If you breach the rules, you will be expelled from the school. začněte se učit
Jeśli naruszysz reguły, zostaniesz wyrzucony ze szkoły.
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turn a blind eye to something začněte se učit