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Proszę nie wstawać, dopóki samolot nie przestanie kołować začněte se učit
Please, don't stand up until the plane stops taxiing
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zgodny, spójny, konsekwentny začněte se učit
Consistent means always acting or behaving in the same way: "He's a consistent supporter of this museum"."Data from recent experiments show consistent (always the same) results"."Customers expect the quality of our services will be consistent (the same)"
oszołomiony, skonsternowany začněte se učit
Bewildered means completely confused. An alter term is "baffled":"I was baffled (bewildered) by his behaviour"."I was buffled/bewildered by many of the scientific terms used in the article"
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odwiert, otwór wiertniczy začněte se učit
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Fracking is a method used for getting oil and gas from underground rocks by injecting liquid into the rocks so that they break apart
szczelinowanie hydrauliczne začněte se učit
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To swagger means to walk or behave in a very confident way "He swaggered into the shop like it was his own, like he owned the place". A swagger is a way of walking or behaving that shows you have a lot of self-confidence
zabrać się do robienia czegoś začněte se učit
get round to doing something "Thank you for your suggestions. I'll get round to using them soon". "I'll get round to doing my homework in the evening".
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To shuffle cards means to mix them before playing a game so that no one knows what order they are in: He shuffled the cards. Whose turn is it to shuffle and deal?
pominięty w natłoku np. obowiązków (USA) začněte se učit
Lost in the shuffle means not noticed or given attention because there are many other people or things to consider or deal with: With six older kids, the baby sometimes gets lost in the shuffle
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Dome - a large rounded roof or ceiling that is shaped like half of a ball: This is the dome of the capitol building. Dome is also a structure that looks like the dome of a building, such as a dome of ice, or a stadium that is covered by a roof
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exquisite - excellent, wonderful, finely done or made, very beautiful or delicate Exquisite - finely done or made: That move was executed with exquisite precision; very beautiful or delicate: These flowers are exquisite. Her singing voice is truly exquisite; extreme or intense: He chose his words with exquisite care
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Food is exquisite when it is extremely delicious and carefully made
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An exquisite feeling is usually one that is strongly felt. There can be an exquisite pain or exquisite pleasure
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exquisite - very sensitive The room was decorated in exquisite taste. She has an exquisite sense of timing
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A vineyard is a plantation of grapevines, typically producing grapes used in vinemaking
biesiada - specjalny posiłek z dużą ilością jedzenia i picia začněte se učit
feast - a special meal with large amounts of food and drink Every fourth of July Americans have their annual Thanksgiving feast. Every guest brought a different dish to the party, and we had quite a feast. A feast is also a large formal dinner: There were hundreds of guests at the royal wedding feast.
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This wooden tavern juts quite far out of the cliff face which makes it a popular resting spot for hikers
nieposłuszeństwo – akt otwartej odmowy posłuszeństwa czemuś lub komuś; začněte se učit
defiance - an act of openly refusing to obey something or somebody Nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban. She held up a clenched fist in an act of defiance. They arranged a street demonstration in complete defiance of the goverment ban. He was jailed for his defiance of the law
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stypendium/uczony, erudyta začněte se učit
Scholar - a person who knows a lot about a particular subject because they have studied it in detail: She is the most distinguished scholar in her field. Literary scholars have argued about this matter for years
skierować kogoś do specjalisty začněte se učit
refer someone to a specialist
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John Dillinger was a famous American bank robber and a mobster
powstrzymać (kogoś) od robienia czegoś začněte se učit
to restrain (somebody) from doing sth To restrain means to stop something or somebody from doing things, especially by using physical force: The prisoner had to be restrained by the police. The conventions of the life of the upper-class were restraining its members
nakaz lub postanowienie sądu začněte se učit
They have obtained an injunction that will restrain the company from selling the product.
zwolennik (czegoś) - osoba, która popiera pomysł lub sposób działania začněte se učit
a proponent (of sth) - a person who supports an idea or course of action A proponent is an advocate of something, a person in favour of a given idea or proposal: She's among the most outspoken proponents of the course of action. The theory does still have its proponents. He was a proponent of higher education for the blacks
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She is a former governor of Alaska and the first female Republican nominee for vice president of the US in the 2008 election
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She starred in the TV sitcom "Ellen" and came out as a lesbian, just like her character.
oświecony, światły, postępowy začněte se učit
Enlightened - showing or having an understanding of people's needs, a situation, etc., that is not based on old-fashioned attitudes or prejudice: More enlightened companies provided education for the workforce.
tytułowy, o tej samej nazwie začněte se učit
An eponymous character of a book, play, film, etc. is the one mentioned in the title: Oprah Winfrey has hosted and produced the eponymous Oprah Winfrey Show for 25 years with great success
urok - ekscytująca i atrakcyjna cecha, która sprawia, że osoba, praca lub miejsce wydają się wyjątkowe, często ze względu na majątek lub status začněte se učit
glamour - an exciting and attractive quality that makes a person, a job or place seem special, often because of wealth or status Ireland's top fashion model added a touch of glamour to the event. Hopeful young actors are drawn by the glamour of Hollywood. They are dazzled by the glamour of Hollywood
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Dazzling: a) so bright that you cannot see for a short time (blinding), like a dazzling white light; b) impressing someone very much: That was a dazzling display of oriental dance
wbrew czemuś, w geście nieposłuszeństwa wobec czemuś začněte se učit
Nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban
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zmienić swój sposób myślenia začněte se učit
You can protect yourself from negativity by shifting your mindset and vibration
przewody, drogi energetyczne začněte se učit
You can learn how to clear energy cords, disconnect from negativity and prevent energy depletion
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To flabbergast - to shock or surprise someone very much: It flabbergasts me to see how many people still support them. We were flabbergasted by the news that he had won that game
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to align to something - to change something slightly so that it is in the correct relationship to something else Now I'll show you how to align to your Heart and Soul and cleanse your energy so you can stay balanced, centered and grounded. The domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets
duchowość - wnętrze człowieka začněte se učit
spirituality - the interior of a man
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Here you can unravel the mistery of The Law of Attraction and explore the nature of the universe
Coś, co sprawia nam przyjemność začněte se učit
an indulgence - something that people do or enjoy as a special pleasure She found that she couldn't afford the indulgences she had once enjoyed. For our anniversary we allowed ourselves the indulgence of an elegant dinner at our favourite restaurant. Good food is my only indulgence
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to cultivate something - to develop an attitude, a way of talking and behaving, etc. This modern image is actively cultivated by the company. It is important to cultivate compassion. To cultivate someone means to try to gain someone's friendship or support: He purposely tried to cultivate good relationship with the press.
tyłek - ta część ciała, na której siedzisz začněte se učit
a butt - the part of your body you sit on He slipped and landed on his butt. These exercises will make your butt firmer. Get your butt over here! (come over here now). He worked his butt off (he worked very hard) to finish on time.
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She really saved my butt (She helped me out of a difficult situation). I've saved your butt so many times.
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Why don't you get off your butt and do something? (Why don't you stop being so lazy and do something?)
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The butt of a rifle is the thicker end of it (Butt is the thicker end of a weapon or took)
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yucky - causing discomfort, disgust, or a strong feeling of dislike (unpleasant or disgusting) Some people consider oysters to be a delicacy; other people think they're yucky. The water was dirty and smelled yucky. The food was yucky (disgusting). I felt yucky after eating all that cake
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Hyperactive - extremely active or too active (overactive): My children are really hyperactive. All of these wild characters are products of the author's hyperactive imagination
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invigorate - to give life and energy to someone A brisk walk in the cool morning air always invigorates me. He was invigorated by the positive feedback. That was a brisk but invigorating walk. The major has plans to invigorate the inert downtown economy
taka (np. wypowiedź), w której gratulujesz samemu sobie začněte se učit
His speech sounded very pompous and self-congratulatory. Pompous means showing that you think you are more important than other people, especially by using long and formal words and expressions: He seemed pompous because he perceived to be more important
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The book adopts a historical perspective
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You can try to approach the problem from a different perspective
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A terrorist let one hostage go, but kept the others captive
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spirit - the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character You're underestimating the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties. Yoga is meant to unite the body, mind and spirit. It's a testimony to the triumph of the human spirit.
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spirits - a person's feelings or state of mind You can be in high or low spirits: They were all in high spirits as their team won the match. They were all in good spirits as they set out. This song never fails to lift my spirits. My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again
podtrzymywać kogoś/się na duchu začněte se učit
You must try and keep your spirits up (stay cheerful). We sang songs to keep our spirits up
osoba lubiąca te same rzeczy co ty začněte se učit
Kindred spirits are people who like the same things as you: I found a few kindred spirits in the peace movement
z duszą (z odwagą/determinacją) začněte se učit
with spirit - with courage, energy or determination Although the team lost, they played with tremendous spirit (they played with courage and determination). Peter had a good game and showed his true spirit. He sang with great spirit. She has plenty of fighting spirit
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A fighting spirit - a feeling that you're ready to fight very hard for something or to try to do something difficult
jeśli/kiedy twoja dusza się upomni/popchnie cię začněte se učit
if/when the spirit moves you - If/when you feel like it I'll go for a run this evening, If the spirit moves me. Make a donation to the charity if the spirit moves you.
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in spirit - in one's thoughts I shall be with you in spirit (I shall be thinking about you though not with you phisically
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To raise one's spirits means to make someone feel more cheerful or brave: The sunny weather raised my spirits a little
duch jest chętny, ale ciało jest słabe (entuzjastyczna dusza jest uwięziona w wątłym ciele) začněte se učit
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak This is a humorous saying used when someone intends to do good things but is too lazy, weak or busy to actually do them
rozkładać się np. na kanapie začněte se učit
to sprawl - to lie or sit with your arms and legs spread wide apart The kids sprawled on the carpet to watch TV. He sprawled on the coach. One punch in his face sent him sprawling to the floor (caused his to fall to the floor in an uncontrolled way). She tripped and went sprawling into the table.
rozrastać się - rozprzestrzeniać się lub rozwijać w nierówny, nieuporządkowany lub niekontrolowany sposób začněte se učit
to sprawl - spread or develop in an uneven, untidy or uncontrolled way The city sprawls along the coastline. The bushes were sprawling along the road. I saw her sprawling across the bed. He was sprawling in his chair
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invincible - too powerful to be defeated or overcome
coś (np. miasto) co się rozlewa (rozwija/rozprzestrzenia w sposób nieuporządkowany) začněte se učit
a sprawl - a group of things (such as buildings) that cover an area in an uneven or untidy way I saw a sprawl of stores and restaurants spreading out over the city in an untidy, uneven way
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zakłopotanie, skrępowanie začněte se učit
Bewilderment is a feeling of being confused very much: She stared at them in bewilderment (confusion) and shock. I stared at them holding a multitude of instructions in their hands. They must have been bewilderingly complex
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substantial - large in amount, size or number A substantial number of people commute to work each day. This will save us a substantial amount of time. She purchased her tickets at a substantial discount
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to differentiate something from something The only thing that differentiates the twins is the color of their eyes; also to see or state the difference or differences between two or more things: We've been learning how to differentiate between different types of plants
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phillips head screwdriver
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solitary - without anyone or anything else, not involving or including anyone or anything else I saw one solitary figure coming over the horizon. He took a solitary stroll on the beach. It is a solitary job; Separate from other people or things: A solitary house stood on top of the cliff. He's a very solitary man
przyznać się do łapówkarstwa začněte se učit
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convex - having a shape like the outside of a bowl; curving outward
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Concave means having a shape like the inside of a bowl; curving inward, like a concave polygon or a concave lens
duża grupa lub liczba czegoś, wachlarz czegoś začněte se učit
array of something - a large group or number of things - usually singular They offer a bewildering/perplexing array of products and services. The car is available in an array of colors (in many different colors). We encountered a whole array of problems (many problems)
tablica (jednostka złożona z wielu usług) začněte se učit
an array (unit made up of multiple services) An array is a group of devices that together form a unit, like an array of solar panels or an antenna array
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to array - to put or place a group of things in a particular position, to arrange in a particular order so that they look attractive The layer is made up of bricks arranged (arrayed) in regular patterns. The table was arrayed with all sorts of delicacies (There were all sorts of delicacies arrayed (arranged) attractively on the table.
ustawić kogoś (żołnierzy lub oddziały) začněte se učit
to array somebody (soldiers or troops) - put or place soldiers or troops in a place or position so that they are ready to attack They have arrayed (deployed) military troops along the hilltop so that they could lay siege to the circled area
ubrać kogoś w eleganckie komplety začněte se učit
to array someone (in fine clothing) - to dress someone, especially yourself in fine clothing She has arrayed (dressed) herself in rich velvets and satins
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crude - rude in a way that makes people uncomfortable, especially talking about sexual matters in a rude way You should not date with that man. He seems crude to me. They tell a lot of crude (vulgar) jokes
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Crude - very simple and basic: done in a way that does not show a lot of skill: They built a crude shelter out of branches. It is a crude (simple) drawing
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derogatory - expressing a low opinion of someone or something Derogatory means showing a lack of respect for somebody or something: He was accused of making derogatory remarks about her. Synonyms are: insulting, disrespectful
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zaganiać do stada (zwierzęta) začněte se učit
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Unlike his cinematic counterpart, the real cowboy was mostly overworked and underpaid.
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The real cowboy toiled hard fifteen hours a day, got by on little sleep and a dull diet of meat, flour and beans, and suffered from many ailments.
przeżyć na czymś, egzystować dzięki czemuś začněte se učit
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ailment - a minor illness that is not very serious She suffered from a chronic back illness. The doctor treated him for a variety of ailments. I got all the common childhood ailments. Below is a list of common childhood ailments
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A steer is a male cow that has had its sex organs removed and is raised for meat
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To steer clear (of) means to keep away from someone or something completely: He's in a bad mood. You'd better steer clear of him if you don't want trouble. I try to steer clear of the subject of politics when i talk to Jim
popłoch, panika; ucieczka ludzi i/lub zwierząt w popłochu začněte se učit
Stampede - an occurrance in which a large group of excited or frightened animals or people run together in a wild and uncontrolled way to escape from something, get out of a place, etc: One of the greatest fears was stampedes of frightened cattle.
wyluzować, zrelaksować się, cieszyć się życiem začněte se učit
Once the cattle were sold, it was time to let loose and squander one's meagre earnings on gambling, whiskey and whores
popędzić (zwierzęta); uciekać w popłochu začněte se učit
to stampede - to run away in a large group from something especially because of fear People started to stampede to the exit. To stampede also means to cause people or animals to run away in a large group: The gunshot stampeded the cattle
przeludnienie (za dużo ludzi w jednym miejscu začněte se učit
Overcrowding - a situation in which there are too many people or things in one place: They need to reduce overcrowding in the prison
drut kolczasty / ogrodzenie z drutu kolczastego začněte se učit
barbed-wire / a barbed-wire fence By the turn of the century, cattle runs began to decline, due to overgrazing, harsh winters and barbed-wire fences
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eminent (an eminent scholar)
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distinguished - very successful and admired by other people He has had a long and distinguished (very successful) career in medicine. His elder brother was the distinguished mathematician and geologist John Playfair. Wales has a long and distinguished tradition of choral singing.
powstrzymać się - powstrzymać się od odczuwania emocji lub robienia czegoś, co chciałbyś zrobić začněte se učit
to restrain yourself - stop yourself from feeling an emotion or doing something that you would like to do John managed to restrain his anger; I managed to restrain the urge to punch him; You can restrain yourself from doing; She had to restrain herself from crying out in pain. I was tempted to answer back, but I restrained myself
posiadający sporą wiedzę na temat czegoś začněte se učit
knowledgeable about sth - knowing a lot about something, well-informed She is very knowledgeable about plants. Her lawyer seemed very knowledgeable and experienced. Bill was nice enough and seemed extremely knowledgeable too. She's very knowledgeable about all kinds of music
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imposing - impressive to look at; making a strong impression 👉That was a grand and imposing building 👉 Its sheer size is imposing. An imposing person makes a strong impression on you: 👉 She was a tall imposing woman
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awe-inspiring - extremely impressive; making you admire it very much The building was awe-inspiring in size and design. Seeing the canyon first-hand, as well as the canyon itself, is nothing short of awe-inspiring
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The sun will probably be our greatest foe. Many considered him a foe of democracy. Her ability was acknowledged by her friends and foes alike
krem z filtrem przeciwsłonecznym začněte se učit
The sun will probably be our greatest foe. I bought some extra sunscreen, and I'll throw in some bananas as well
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flurry - a brief and light snowfall (snow flurry); a brief period of excitement or activity We had a few flurries (light snowfalls) yesterday. There was a flurry of trading in the stock exchange. The incident could create a flurry (brief period) of interest in safety issues
nawał czegoś (np. informacji) začněte se učit
A flurry is a large amount of something that happens or comes suddenly: 👉 There was a flurry (large, sudden amount) of requests for more information
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Use a blacklight flashlight at night to spot any dangerous scorpions or bobcats lurking in the dark
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A water mister or bandana can make the searing heat more bearable
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Searing - very hot: 👉 The heat of the fire was searing; extremely intense, severe: 👉 She felt a searing pain in her foot. It was a searing (extremely intense) experience.
Czy są tu gdzieś jadowite węże? začněte se učit
Are there venomous snakes around here
przewyższać, przekraczać coś začněte se učit
Winter lows routinely hit 0 °C but rarely fall far below freezing. Up at the rims, where the elevation can surpass 2,500 meters, visitors may have a frigid experience
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to creep down (to) (temperature) Below the rim at river level, daily highs max out at around 42°C. When it's winter, average lows from November to February each year creep down to -10°C.
złe lub niemoralne nawyki; złe lub niemoralne zachowania začněte se učit
a vice - evil or immoral (nefarious) behavior or habits; a quality in somebody's character that is evil or immoral Such men can be prone to vice. Greed is a terrible vice. The film ended most satisfactorily: vice punished and virtue rewarded. He used his inheritance to indulge his vices of drinking and gambling. Of his many vices, his cruelty was the worst
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virtue - morally good behavior or character; a good and moral quality I urge you all to lead lives of virtue. His supporters regard him as a model of virtue (a person who has no moral faults). She says that virtue is its own reward (If you do good things, you don't need to be rewarded with money, fame, etc.)
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vice – działalność przestępcza z udziałem seksu lub narkotyków začněte se učit
vice - criminal activities that involve sex or drugs The bright 21-year-old turned to a secret life of vice after getting bored with her studies at college. At the door were two plain-clothes detectives from the vice squad
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A vice is a tool with two metal blocks that can be moved together by turning a screw. The vice can be used to hold an object in place while work is done on it: 👉 He held my arm in a vice-like (very firm) grip
piekielny (bardzo zły, fatalny) začněte se učit
The first half has been 45 hellish minutes for our team. They're 3-0 down.
na granicy czegoś (niedługo przed czymś/doświadczeniem czegoś) začněte se učit
on the verge of something
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zrzec się swoich praw rodzicielskich začněte se učit
to relinquish one's parental rights
zrezygnować z czegoś, zrzec się czegoś začněte se učit
to relinquish something - to give something up, to stop having something, especially when this happens unwillingly He was forced to relinquish control of the company. They had relinquished all hope that she was alive. She relinquished possession of the house to her sister. They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence. He finally relinquished my hand.
zadufany w sobie, pewny siebie začněte se učit
self-assured - having or showing confidence in yourself and your abilities She was calm and self-assured. He has a self-assured manner
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lion's share of something After the break, they still enjoyed the lion's share of possession, but couldn't do anything with it
cnota jest sama w sobie nagrodą začněte se učit
If you do good things, you don't need to be rewarded with money, fame, etc. You say that virtue is its own reward
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cnota - dobra lub moralna cecha začněte se učit
a virtue - a good or moral quality Patience is a virtue. When you are patient, you live virtuously
cnota - dobry wynik, który z czegoś pochodzi začněte se učit
a virtue - a good result that comes from something Her parents taught her the virtue of hard work (that hard work is important and valuable)
ze względu na, na mocy czegoś začněte se učit
by virtue of something - because of something, in view of something She has the right to participate by virtue of her status as a former employee
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zrobić cnotę z konieczności (skorzystać na czymś, do czego zostałeś zmuszony) začněte se učit
to make a virtue out of necessity - to benefit from something that you are forced to do When he lost his driver's license, he made a virtue out of necessity and got in shape by riding his bike to work
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Divan (or divan bed) is a bed with a thick base and a mattress
łóżko z baldachimem (z dachem) začněte se učit
lambrekin (falbany pod prześcieradłem) začněte se učit
Valance is a narrow piece of cloth like a short curtain that hangs around the frame of a bed, under a shelf, etc.
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A patchwork is a type of needlework in which small pieces of cloth of different colours or designs are sewn together
drabinka / siłownia do gimnastyki začněte se učit
climbing frame/ jungle gym
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kosz noszony na plecach/zaczepiony na tył roweru začněte se učit
Pannier - each of a pair of bags or boxes carried on either side of the back wheel of a bicycle or motorcycle; each of a pair of baskets carried on either side of its back by a horse or donkey
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nóżka (np. do oparcia skutera) začněte se učit
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1) stabilizatory 2) kółka treningowe (montowane do tylnego koła roweru) začněte se učit
1) stabilizers 2) training wheels
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rower do jazdy ekstremalnej (cross) začněte se učit
biegacz (rower wyścigowy) začněte se učit
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tandem (rower na dwie osoby) začněte se učit
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A frame is a strong border of structure of wood, metal, etc. that holds a door, picture, piece of glass in position: I'm going to paint the door frame white. She leaned against the frame of the door
rama, konstrukcja, pułapka začněte se učit
frame - the supporting structure of a piece of furniture, a building, a vehicle, etc. that gives it its shape The bed frame is made of pine. In the 1920s, federal office buildings were typically built with steel frames encased in concrete or granite. There is a frame of an aircraft, a bicycle, a unicycle, a car, etc.
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In this context, a frame is the form or structure of a person or animal's body: She has a slender frame. The frame of the animal is really slender. The bed was shorter than his six-foot frame. He has a lean, athletic frame. She has quite a small frame.
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stealth - the fact of doing something in a quiet or secret way The government was accused of trying to introduce the tax by stealth. Lions rely on stealth when hunting
zmęczenie spowodowane różnicą czasu začněte se učit
Jet lag is a tired and unpleasant feeling that you sometimes get when you travel by airplane to a place that is far away: I had bad jet lag after that last trip overseas
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Seamstress - a man or woman who can sew and make clothes or whose job is sewing and making clothes
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a ripple - a small wave on the surface of a liquid, especially water in a lake, etc. The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond's surface. He watched the ripples spread across the pool. I dropped the pebble in the water, sending ripples across the pond. The sinking pebble sent ripples across the surface of the lake
kamyk – gładki, okrągły kamień, który znajduje się w wodzie lub w jej pobliżu začněte se učit
pebble - a smooth, round stone that is found in or near water A pebble beach is one in which mainly pebbles are contained
fala czegoś, falowy odgłos, np. dźwięk fali morskiej začněte se učit
A ripple of ... is a sound that gradually becomes louder and then quieter again, like a ripple of laughter or a ripple of applause: His remarks sent a ripple of laughter through the audience
fala (krzykliwego śmiech) začněte se učit
a ripple of (garlish laughter) A ripple of ... is a feeling that gradually spreads or passes through a person or group of people: A ripple of fear passed through him. The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the crowd. Her visit caused no more than a ripple of interest
tytułowo, zgodnie z tytułem czegoś lub nazwą np. miasta začněte se učit
America's favorite, and eponymously named chocolate comes from Hershey
odpowiednio, stosownie, co za tym idzie začněte se učit
America's favorite, and eponymously named chocolate comes from Hershey. Fittingly, the town has a chocolate factory and a theme park called Hershey's Chocolate World
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And most famous of all, in the Independence National Historic Park in Philadelphia you can find Independence Hall, and the cracked Liberty Bell.
Atrakcją w wesołym miasteczku, na której można się przejechać (np. karuzela) začněte se učit
The park contained rides for children and rollercoasters for adults
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Pennsylvania is often an overlooked state, especially by foreigners who are thinking of the USA's most famous places
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Pennsylvania is famous for the cheesesteak sandwich
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Suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to make another word, such as -ly in quickly or -ness in sadness: You may have noticed many places in Pennsylvania have the suffix 'burg'.
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Montage is a picture, film or piece of music or writing that consists of many separate items put together, especially in an interesting or unusual combination, like a photographic montage. Also: a process of making a montage
Zamknąć coś w czymś, szczególnie w celu ochrony czegoś začněte se učit
To encase something in something To encase means to surround or cover something completely, especially to protect it: The reactor is encased in concrete and steel. His upper body was completely encased in bandages
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She promptly seized the opportunity that his absence gave her. To seize a chance, an opportunity or initiative means to be quick to make a use of them: The party seized the initiative quickly and with enthusiasm.
nakłonić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś začněte se učit
to prompt somebody to do something This code displays an input element prompting a user to type in their username.
Dzieci pisknęły z zachwytu, gdy zobaczyły szczeniaka. Nie była w stanie ukryć swojego zachwytu z powodu tej wiadomości začněte se učit
delight - a feeling of great pleasure The children squealed with delight when they saw a puppy. She couldn't hide her delight at the news
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She won the game quickly and easily, to the delight of her fans
czerpać z czegoś przyjemność začněte se učit
to take delight in something He takes delight in proving other people wrong. I used to take delight in playing video games, but now I hardly have time for them. She took a simple delight in joys that we could all share.
Coś, co sprawia Ci ogromną przyjemność začněte se učit
A delight - something that gives you great pleasure This guitar is a delight to play. That match was a delight to watch. Now let's talk for a moment about the delights of living in the countryside. The baby was a constant delight and source of amazement. It was a delight to see him so fit and healthy.
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próbować, degustować czegoś Spróbujmy kulinarnych przysmaków Maroka začněte se učit
Let's sample the culinary delights of Morocco
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to sneer/mock - to show that you have no respect for somebody by the expression on your face or the way you speak He sneered at people who liked pop music. 'You? A writer?' she sneered, then she gave a sneering laughter.
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Winded by grocery shopping and household chores? Remember that regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance.
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Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.
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Ben's bakeshop is open daily till 8:00 PM.
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kontekstualizowany - umieszczony lub studiowany w kontekście začněte se učit
contextualized - placed or studied in context To contextualize something means to place or study it in context: The book contextualizes Melville's short fiction and poetry. Also to contextualize means to consider something in relation to the situation in which something happens or exists.
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It's important to use descriptive texts for button actions and links so that users know what will happen when they interact.
brzydzić się, mocno nie znosić začněte se učit
loathe - dislike somebody or something very much I loathe modern art. They loathe each other. He loathed hypocrisy. Many of the people fear and loathe the new government. Wheather you love or loathe their music, you can't deny their talent.
przejąć kontrolę nad (miastem/krajem) začněte se učit
to seize control of a (city/country) The hostile armed forces managed to seize control of the country.
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Podczas nalotu skonfiskowano dużą ilość narkotyków začněte se učit
to seize goods - to take illegal or stolen goods away from somebody A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid.
pociągać coś za sobą, wiązać się z czymś začněte se učit
Before you assess what particular skill level you want to aim for, remember to break it down as the main skill most probably entails a lot of small skills. Try to identify these ‘subskills’ and plan on learning them.
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disappear without a trace
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a renegade - a person who leaves one political, religious, etc. group to join another that has very different views There was no place for a communist renegade in the political climate of the time. Also: a person who opposes and lives outside a group or society that they used to belong to. One synonym here is: outlaw
potknąć się, popełnić błąd začněte se učit
Learn from other people's mistakes and experiences. Is there a particular aspect to the skill that trips people up? Being aware of it at the beginning is a big step towards overcoming/avoiding it.
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Nie zapomnij przekazać tej wiadomości swojemu menadżerowi začněte se učit
Don't forget to convey the message to your manager.
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to consider something as something I consider video games as a source of short-term pleasure. Lots of people take delight in them.
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trampolina, odskocznia do czegoś začněte se učit
a springboard (for sth/ a springboard to sth) - a strong board that you jump on and use to help you jump high in diving and gymnastics Also: something that helps you start an activity, especially by giving you ideas: The document provided a springboard for a lot of useful discussion. The show aims to give new young talent a springboard to success.
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rebuke (or reprimand) - the act of speaking in a severe or agressive way (severely) to somebody because they have done something wrong: He was silenced by her stinging rebuke.
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to lay in to somebody, to lecture somebody/ to give someone a lecture My boss laid in to me for my bad performance in the project.
wydobyć coś, uwydatnić, uwidocznić coś začněte se učit
to bring out something - make something easy to see or understand That dress really brings out the colour of your eyes. Also: to publish or release: The band have just brought out their second album. The renowned worldwide writer has just brought out another bestseller.
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The recyclability of waste materials depends on its ability to reacquire the properties it had in its original state.
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The Santa-Fe Trail was a 19th-century transportation route through central North America that connected Franklin, Missouri with Santa Fe, New Mexico.
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ripeness (e.g. of a fruit)
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The biggest solar flare ever recorded happened on Monday, April 2, 2001.
przedsięwzięcie – projekt lub działalność biznesowa, zwłaszcza wiążąca się z podejmowaniem ryzyka začněte se učit
venture - a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risk A disastrous business venture lost him thousands of dollars. The directors of the company declined to undertake such a risky venture. "Sesame Ventures" is a fund that invests in education. The synonym for 'venture' is 'undertaking'.
Wysłane i sprzedane przez X začněte se učit
Dispatched from and sold by X
przereklamowany (przeciwnie: niedoceniany) začněte se učit
overrated (opposite: underrated)
słownik wyrazów bliskoznacznych začněte se učit
prawdziwy, istny, autentyczny začněte se učit
veritable - used to emphasize that somebody/something can be compared to somebody or something else that is more exciting, more impressive, etc. The meal that followed was a veritable banquet. The carnival provided a veritable feast of sights and sounds. That music was a feast for my ears.
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inquiry - an official process to find out the cause of something or to find out information about something, like a murder inquiry You can launch and then conduct an inquiry or investigation into an affair.
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We received about 300 inquiries about the job from prospective employees. Prospective students requested information about courses.
osoba pracująca w niepełnym wymiarze godzin Nauczyciele zazwyczaj pracują na pół etatu i są adiunktami. začněte se učit
Teachers are typically part-timers and adjunct faculty
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powołanie do wydziału, nominacja na wydział Miałem szczęście otrzymać nominacje do wydziału w Ohio State začněte se učit
I was fortunate to receive a faculty appointment at Ohio State
Stopień bezpieczeństwa pracy začněte se učit
Dowolna z fizycznych lub umysłowych zdolności, z którymi dana osoba się rodzi začněte se učit
A faculty - any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with You posess the faculty of sight. The ability to think and understand are your mental faculties: She retained her mental faculties until the day she died. When you are in full posession of your faculties, you're able to see, speak, understand, etc.
dbać o aktualność ewidencji, aktualizować dokumentację On zawsze jest skrupulatny w aktualizowaniu dokumentacji. začněte se učit
to keep the records up to date He's always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.
zachować (zdolności umysłowe) začněte se učit
to retain (one's mental faculties) She retained her mental faculties until the day she died. She remained in full possession of her mental faculties until the day she died.
lampy uliczne z kutego żelaza začněte se učit
wrought-iron street lights The Eiffel Tower is a wrought-iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower.
Ona jest żywiołową i delikatną studentką, która marzy o pracy w agencji reklamowej začněte se učit
She is a vivacious and fragile student who dreams of working for an advertising agency.
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vivacious - lively, having a lively, attractive personality I have three pretty, vivacious daughters. She appeared to be her old vivacious self again.
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By accident, they end up living together as roommates.
niechlujny - brudny i/lub nieporządny začněte se učit
messy - dirty and/or untidy The house was always messy (The house was always a mess). Tell me how did the place get so messy? Sorry it's a bit messy in here. On his desk was a messy pile of notes and drawings. While he likes order, She is messy.
zrównoważony, opanowany, spokojny začněte se učit
He likes order while she is messy. He is always calm and level-headed while her reactions are deeply emotional.
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a messy situation - a situation that is unpleasant, confused or difficult to deal with. The divorce appeared to be painful and messy. The whole situation got rather messy.
Sam zobacz, sam sie przekonaj začněte se učit
Will they be able to live together as roommates under the same roof? See for yourself.
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lektor, aktor podkładający głos začněte se učit
To begin with, the reserved and conceited violin maker and a tiny aspiring voice artist can't stand each other, let alone like one another.
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The plural form of "axis" is "axes": Don't worry about remembering all the details about the main and cross axes! We'll get plenty of practise in the following chapters.
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perpendicular (e.g. of an axis) Flexbox containers also have a cross axis, which is an imaginary line perpendicular to the main axis
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przesłonić coś (np. regułę) začněte se učit
to override something (e.g. a rule) Now let's use the class to override the parent element's color property and set the color to orange.
Na miejsca, gotowi do startu, start! začněte se učit
On your marks, get set, go!
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The list of all attendees: Mark, Lee and Obi.
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to overthrow (a government or regime) It was seen as the only way to overthrow a corrupt regime
zdroworozsądkowe podejście začněte se učit
Common sense is the ability to think about things in a practical way and make good decision: For goodness' sake, just use your common sense. It's common sense to keep medicines away from children. I'd like to get at a common-sense approach to the problem.
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zwyciężać, przeważać nad czymś Mam tylko nadzieję, że zdrowy rozsądek zwycięży začněte se učit
I just hope that common sense will prevail.
Zespół oceniający będzie szukał przykładów praktycznego zdrowego rozsądku. začněte se učit
The assessment team will be looking for examples of practical common sense.
profesjonalny ocena sytuacji Twoja profesjonalna ocena sytuacji będzie opierać się na doświadczeniu i zdrowym rozsądku. začněte se učit
Your professional judgement will be based on experience and common sense.
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Jest człowiekiem powściągliwym, prawie milczącym. začněte se učit
reserved - slow to reveal emotion or opinions He is a reserved, almost taciturn man.
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taciturn (of a person) - reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little After such gatherings she would be rather taciturn.
Podlegać, ulegać czemuś, być poddanym czemuś začněte se učit
To be subject to something This offer is subject to change without any prior notice.
przesłanie, zgłoszenie (np. zdjęć) začněte se učit
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Can you hurt a rock's feelinigs? Read on to find out more.
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If the flex-direction property is set to "row", how do you flip the start and end of the main axis without changing the orientation? The answer is: change "row" to "row-reverse".
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I have a few rationals behind being afraid that both the footballer's form and physical condition may to diverge from what was expected a few months ago.
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The two roads diverged in a wood.
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Around 1 billion people around the world are still mired in extreme poverty.
w bagno - w trudną sytuację začněte se učit
into the mire - into a tricky or difficult situation If there is some kind of political scandal, then we can say that the politician is mired in a scandal because they have done something bad.
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Radzić sobie z bardzo trudną sytuacją, w której nawet mały błąd może doprowadzić do katastrofy. začněte se učit
to walk a tight rope - to deal with a very difficult situation in which even a little mistake can lead to disaster Dealing with inflation can be really difficult to do successfully because there is risk and danger on either side involved. Such a risky and dangerous situation is called a tight rope.
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niechęty do zrobienia czegoś začněte se učit
loath to do something - not willing to do something He was loath to admit his mistakes. They were obviously loath to let her leave.
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a spectre of something (AmE specter) - something unpleasant that people are afraid might happen in the future The country is haunted by the spectre of civil war. These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine. The terrible spectre of civil war hung over the country once again.
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out of the frying pan and into the fire - used to describe negative situations that become more negative When a sports team is loosing, things are bad, but when they conceed another goal or continue to loose points, things come from bad to worse.
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The delidding process is often considered unnecessary, because these CPUs are already soldered to the heat spreaders
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chwycić się czegoś, złapać coś začněte se učit
to seize hold of something He seized hold of the gun. She seized hold of my hand. The wrestlers try to seize hold of each other. He seized hold of the book and started reading. Earlier he seized the book from her hand.
Przejąć kontrolę nad czymś začněte se učit
to seize something - take control of something, often in a sudden and violent way They seized control of the airport in a surprise attack. The army has seized control of the country. He seized power in a military coup.
złapać, przechwycić lub aresztować kogoś začněte se učit
to seize someone - to arrest or capture someone The men were seized as they left the building. Terrorists have seized five hostages. He was immediately seized and thrown into prison. We have the legal right to seize him.
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to seize somebody (about an emotion) - to affect somebody suddenly and deeply Panic seized her. He was seized by curiosity.
kontekstualizować - rozważać coś w odniesieniu do sytuacji, w której to się dzieje lub istnieje začněte se učit
to contextualize - to consider something in relation to the situation in which it happens or exists As important as the photograph is a caption to contextualize the image.
menedżer ds. kontaktów z klientami začněte se učit
a customer liason manager She works as a customer liason manager. She is responsible for liason with customers who visit our shop.
utrzymywać z kimś kontakty začněte se učit
to maintain a liason with somebody We maintain a close liason with the trade union. She is responsible for liason with researchers at other universities. Good liason between management and staff is very important.
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knajpka, mała restauracja začněte se učit
Welcome to D-Luxe Burger, a ranch-inspired eatery serving up gourmet burgers.
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Ciągnie swój do swego (przysłowie) začněte se učit
Birds of a feather flock together (proverb)
Natura ciągnie wilka do lasu. začněte se učit
A leopard never changes its spots.
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The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Tonący brzytwy się chwyta. začněte se učit
A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
W porządku, nie szkodzi (wybaczenie). začněte se učit
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We can use conditions that select items having a property less than a threshold value, like chocolate items with a price of less than 2$.
Specjalizować się (o studencie/pracowniku) začněte se učit
Sometimes we'll need to use more complex filters, like filtering for students who major in Biology, and are also in their first year.
związać coś, połączyć w łańcuch začněte se učit
We use the keyword AND to chain two or more conditions within a WHERE clause. We can chain as many conditions as we want. With AND we can chain any kind of conditions.
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The South Pole, also known as the Geographic South Pole or Terrestrial South Pole, is one of the two points where Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface.
przecinać (o powierzchni) začněte se učit
When lines, roads, etc. meet or cross each other, they intersect: The lines intersect at right angles. A road can intersect with something else: The path intersected with a busy road.
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a lounge - a public room, as in a hotel, theater, or club, in which to sit and relax.
informacyjny, dostarczający informacji začněte se učit
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The ID, on the other hand, may be exclusive to certain SKUs which helps in tracking specific devices.
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Now we'll look for articles with either a #food or #science tag, which are at most two days old. We'll then order them by recency.
Musimy śledzić nowe marki wchodzące na rynek. začněte se učit
We need to keep track of new brands entering the market. Keeping track of tasks can be a hassle. That's where filtering by priority or days left until the deadline might come in handy.
Po prostu zróbmy to szybko i skutecznie. začněte se učit
Let's just do it quickly and efficiently.
sporządzić artykuł / umowę začněte se učit
to draft an article / to draft a contract
aktywność na wodzie, związana z wodą, np. pływanie začněte se učit
Swimming is an example of a water-based activity.
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Let's plan a trip to Rome and around! We'll use this table of nearby attractions to select some destinations for a day trip.
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zerknięcie, rzut oka na coś začněte se učit
Here's a peek at the completed code. Now we'll use two variables to tell if the day is a weekend.
depozyt gotówkowy, wpłata gotówkowa začněte se učit
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(kolumna) o tej samej nazwie co inna začněte se učit
To get rid of same-name columns, we renamed "ID" in "enrolled" to "student_ID". We can also join on differently-named columns, as long as their values are comparable.
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curator - a person who is in charge of the things in a museum, zoo, etc.
zapytanie obejmujące wiele tabel začněte se učit
dopracować, udoskonalić coś začněte se učit
In order to further refine the results table, we can select specific columns.
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Lilium 'Stargazer' is a hybrid lily of the Oriental group'. They have a fast growth rate and should be planted in full sun in well-drained loamy and sandy soil.
dobrze przepuszczalna gleba začněte se učit
rozbić, wysoko pokonać (przeciwnika) začněte se učit
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Nie oddawaj jeszcze całego samochodu na złomowisko. Może uda nam się uratować z niego jakieś części. začněte se učit
Don't take the whole car to the wrecker's yard. We might be able to salvage some parts from it. The salvage team failed to refloat that crippled vessel.
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być poza domem, np. w innym mieście začněte se učit
to be out and around / to be out and about (in a city) I was out and about in Leeds last weekend, although I live in Manchester.
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Nasz wieczór kawalerski nie był w połowie tak zwariowany jak ich wieczór panieński. začněte se učit
Our stag do wasn't half as crazy as their hen party.
Robi wszystko, cokolwiek ona mu rozkaże. Prawdziwy z niego pantoflarz. začněte se učit
He does everything she tells him, he is a real hen-pecked husband.
Nagła zmiana rządu, która jest nielegalna i często gwałtowna začněte se učit
a coup, also: coup d'état - a sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent He seized power in a military coup in 2008. He was sentenced to death for his part in the attempted coup. The palace coup against the president was immediately put down and the plotters were shot.
Nagła zmiana władzy wśród menedżerów wyższego szczebla w firmie začněte se učit
a boardroom coup - a sudden change of power among senior managers in a company She lost her position in a boardroom coup. Months of unrest in the company led to a boardroom coup that saw four directors voted out.
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Four senior managers have been voted out after months of unrest in the company.
Fakt osiągnięcia czegoś, co było trudne do zrobienia začněte se učit
A coup - the fact of achieving something that was difficult to do Getting this contract has been quite a coup for me. Winning that contract was her greatest coup.
przewrót dyplomatyczny, zamach dyplomatyczny Udało mu się pokonać poważnego przewrotu dyplomatycznego. začněte se učit
He managed to pull off a major diplomatic coup. He pulled off a major diplomatic coup by winning agreement from all the warring factions on a permanent ceasefire.
Frakcja - mała zorganizowana grupa dysydencka w ramach większej, zwłaszcza w polityce. A oto lewicowa frakcja tej partii. začněte se učit
A faction - a small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics. And this is the left-wing faction of the party.
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Despite having influential parents, she has been determined to make it to the top under her own steam. Let's take a short walk along the path she has forged.
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bucolic - connected with the countryside or country life A stream was winding through stately parks and bucolic meadows.
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rezygnować np. ze studiów Nie podobały mi się te zajęcia, więc zrezygnowałem. začněte se učit
I didn't like my course so I dropped out.
dążyć do czegoś; uprawiać coś, np. jakieś zajęcie, poświęcić się czemuś začněte se učit
She studied journalism at the University of Southern California, but dropped out to pursue acting and modelling.
Pomimo jej amerykańskiego wychowania, ona na wskroś twierdzi, że jest Brytyjką. začněte se učit
Despite her American upbringing, she claims to be a Brit through and through.
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Despite her American upbringing, she claims to be a Brit with her penchant for the Royal Family, Merry Berry's cooking and Marmite on toast.
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wstąpić w związek małżeński Ich rodzice byli zachwyceni, że zdecydowali się wstąpić w związek małżeński. začněte se učit
Their parents were delighted that they had decided to tie the knot.
uderzające, łudzące podobieństwo (zwracające uwagę swoim podobieństwem do czegoś) začněte se učit
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Wybierz obiekt, na który weźmiesz namiar. začněte se učit
Choose an object to take a bearing to.
uderzająco podobny do czegoś lub kogoś začněte se učit
bearing a striking resemblance to something or someone Bearing a striking resemblance to Audrey Hepburn, she has attracted attention from such brands as...
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Despite having influential parents, she has been determined to make it to the top under her own steam.
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złomowisko (np. samochodów) začněte se učit
szarpnąć coś w górę (podważyć) začněte se učit
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podkreślenie (podłoga "_") začněte se učit
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wyemitować coś (np. odcinek serialu) začněte se učit
to air something (e.g. a series episode)
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a constituent of something Wimp is a hypothetical subatomic particle of large mass which only weakly interacts with ordinary matter, postulated as a constituent of the dark matter of the universe.
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She is an American marketing executive who takes up a post in Paris.
dyrektor do spraw marketingu začněte se učit
Niejednoznaczny - możliwy do zrozumienia na więcej niż jeden sposób, mający więcej niż jedno znaczenie začněte se učit
Ambiguous - able to be understood in more than one way, having more than one meaning We were confused by the ambiguous wording of the message. He looked at her with an ambiguous smile. Due to the ambiguous nature of the question, it was difficult to choose the right answer.
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The header element represents introductory content for its nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root element.
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spekulacyjny - obejmujący, oparty lub stanowiący spekulację intelektualną; (wiedzy) teoretycznej raczej niż do udowodnienia začněte se učit
speculative - involving, based on, or constituting intellectual speculation; (of knowledge) theoretical rather that demonstrable The adverb form is: speculatively. His conclusions are highly speculative. The writer has a speculative mind. Crypto investments are purely speculative in nature. Synonyms are: suppositional, theoretical and hypothetical. Antonyms are: factual, real.
niezmienny - niezdolny lub niepodatny na zmiany; Niezmienny w czasie (stały) i mało prawdopodobny, aby się zmienił Jowisz i grawitacja słoneczna połączyły się, aby zamknąć trojany w tej stałej orbicie. začněte se učit
immutable - not capable or not susceptible to change; Unchanging over time and unlikely to change It's an immutable fact that cats and dogs are sworn enemies. Jupiter and the sun's gravity have combined to lock the Trojans into this immutable orbit.
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pręgowaty, bury (kot); zaprawa murarska začněte se učit
tabby - (of a cat) gray or brownish in color and streaked with dark stripes Over the years our golden retriever has grown both fond and protective of her tabby housemate. A tabby is also a type of concrete made of lime, gravel, shells and stones, which dries very hard.
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Rój pszczół urządził sobie gniazdo obok opuszczonego domu. Dwa roje dziwnych, różnorodnych skał kosmicznych - zwanych asteroidami trojańskimi - nieustannie podróżują wokół Słońca začněte se učit
A swarm of bees has nested next to an abandoned house. Two swarms of curious, diverse space rocks—called Trojan asteroids—continuously journey around the sun
zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego začněte se učit
Nie mamy żadnych próbek tych odległych, wciąż w dużej mierze tajemniczych obiektów. začněte se učit
We don't have any samples of these distant, still largely mysterious objects.
zmienny, niestały, podatny na zmianę lub mutację Ostatecznie jest to być może badanie samego pojęcia spuścizny, tego, co żyje po śmierci człowieka, śliskich i zmiennych szczegółów, które mogą kształtować jego pamięć. začněte se učit
mutable - capable of change or capable of being changed; capable of change or liable to mutation, like a mutable gene Ultimately, this is perhaps an exploration of the very notion of legacy, of what lives on after a person’s death, of the slippery and mutable details that might shape their memory.
zdrobnienie (językowe), forma zdrobniała (wyrazu) začněte se učit
diminutive (linguistic), diminutive form (of expression)
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BBC radio 2 is aimed at 30-35 year olds and has a wide variety of shows. During the day it plays oldies, rhythmic adult contemporary hits.
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The night-time shows feature specialist music genres, including jazz, folk, blues, country, reggae, classic rock and show tunes.
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wychowankowie - osoba, pomysł lub przedmiot wychowany lub pochodzący z Twojej okolicy. začněte se učit
a homegrown - a person, idea or item raised in or coming from your local area; grown or made at home or in your local area. The music festival will feature some homegrown talent this year. The family sells their homegrown vegetables at the local market.
mocno - w dużym stopniu; bardzo začněte se učit
heavily - to a great degree; very much These artists borrow heavily from Picasso. He relies heavily on his wife for advice. These foods are heavily salted. The country involves heavily forested areas. She drank and smoked heavily for years. BBC radio 3 heavily features classical music.
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rozgałęziać się, rozszerzać działalność začněte se učit
to branch out - to begin to do more different kinds of activities or work In the beginning the company was highly specialized, but it has since branched out. Up to 85% of the radio's schedule is classical, and now it is trying to branch out, however, with shows featuring jazz, opera, choral and world music.
radiotelefon - takie radio, które nie ma muzyki. začněte se učit
a talk-radio - one that has no music. BBC radio 4 is talk-radio. Anything and everything can be discussed. It has some of the most popular radio shows of all time.
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The elections received extensive coverage in the media. Around 35% of BBC Radio 5 Live's broadcast is commentary and coverage of live sports (including football and cricket).
poszerzyć zakres lub wachlarz czegoś začněte se učit
to widen the range of something
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English language is one of the foundational skills to help employees excel in their current role.
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szkolenie w miejscu pracy začněte se učit
Our mission is to provide education and job training to help employees find a new job at Amazing or elsewhere.
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Tree data structures are commonly used in programming to represent data and relationships in a hierarchical way
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A classified is a small advertisement that is grouped with others that are like it in a special section of a newspaper or magazine or on a Web site: I've been looking through classifieds for a car I can afford.
tajne - utrzymywane w tajemnicy začněte se učit
classified - kept secret from all but a few people in the government The part of the report that includes classified information was removed before the report was made public.
foyer (np. hol recepcyjny) - otwarta przestrzeń w budynku użyteczności publicznej (takim jak teatr czy hotel) w pobliżu wejścia, np. hol lub hol recepcyjny začněte se učit
foyer (e.g. reception hall) - an open area in a public building (such as a theater or hotel) near the entrance, like a lobby or reception hall In the US a foyer is an open area near the entrance in someone's house: Someone left their dirty boots in the foyer.
Nie bądź dla siebie surowy Relacja rodzic-dziecko może stanowić wyzwanie. Nie bądź dla siebie surowy. začněte se učit
Don't be hard on yourself Parent-child relationship can be challenging. Don't be hard on yourself.
potomek - ktoś, kto jest spokrewniony z osobą lub grupą osób żyjących w przeszłości; začněte se učit
a descendant - someone who is related to a person or group of people who lived in the past Many people in this area are descendants of German immigrants. One of the famous investor's descendants is also an investor. Also something that developed from another thing that was made or existed a long ago
potomek (zwierzęcia lub rośliny) - roślina lub zwierzę spokrewnione z konkretną rośliną lub zwierzęciem żyjącym dawno temu začněte se učit
a descendant (of an animal or plant) - a plant or animal that is related to a particular plant or animal that lived long ago Recent evidence supports the theory that birds are the modern descendants of dinosaurs. Also a descendant is something that developed from another thing that was made or existed long ago: The Italian language is one of Latin's descendants.
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apothecary - a person who prepared and sold medicines in past times
konserwowane (owoce) (w puszkach) začněte se učit
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carrousel - a machine or device with a moving belt or parts that carries things around in a circle There might be a luggage carrousel at the airport or a CD player with a six-disk carrousel.
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ornate - covered with decorations: covered with fancy patterns and shapes, like an ornate picture frame or ornate candlesticks She doesn't like ornate jewelry. The adverb form is: ornately: This is an ornately carved staircase. An ornate sentence is one that includes fancy words or phrases. As a writer, you can have an ornate writing style, or you can write ornate prose.
daszek, baldachim (osłona przed słońcem) začněte se učit
canopy - a piece of cloth that hangs over a bed, throne, etc., as a decoration or shelter A canopy bed is a bed that has a piece of cloth hanging above it like a roof. A canopy is the highest layer of branched in a forest or on a tree. You can spot a jungle's thick canopy over your head: The trees over my head form a thick canopy of branches.
baldachim, dach (dekoracyjny lub ochronny) začněte se učit
canopy (an extension of a theatre building; theatre canopy) A canopy is something that hangs or spreads out over an area: A crowd had gathered under the theatre canopy (the part of the theater building that extends over the sidewalk)
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zarezerwowany; powściągliwy začněte se učit
reserved - not openly expressing feelings or opinions She is a very reserved young woman. I think it's good to be reserved towards people you don't know.
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osad, fusy - materiały stałe, które opadają na dno pojemnika pełnego cieczy On wyrzucił fusy ze swojej kawy. začněte se učit
dregs - solid materials that fall to the bottom of a container full of liquid He discarded the dregs off his coffee.
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People who smoke, drink alcoholes and cause overall harm to their society are regarded as the dregs of society. Here, dregs means the worst and most useless part of something.
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paternal - of or relating to a father He did not neglect his paternal responsibilities after the divorce. He offered his children some paternal (or "fatherly") advice. New fathers feel their paternal instincts. The parents of your father are your paternal grandparents.
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profusion of something - a large amount of something The flowers grow in profusion. A profusion of flowers grow along the path.
alienować, zrazić do siebie - sprawić, by ktoś był nieprzyjazny začněte se učit
to alienate - to make someone unfriendly: cause someone to stop being friendly, helpful, etc., towards you Her position on this issue has alienated many former supporters. He alienated most of his colleagues with his bad temper.
alienacja - poczucie, że nie należysz już do określonej grupy, społeczeństwa itp. začněte se učit
alienation - a feeling that you no longer belong in a particular group, society, etc. His alienation from his parents stems from his drug problems. Her position on this issue has caused the alienation of many supporters. She has struggled with feelings of loneliness and alienation for much of her adult life.
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Alienated young people do not feel that they have a part in society. I used to feel very alienated from my parents, but now I don't.
zaspokoić twoje pragnienie začněte se učit
to slake your thirst - to cause you to stop being thirsty He slaked his thirst with cold water. The refreshing cold water slakes the woman's thirst.
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a) recuperate b) recover - to return to normal health or strength after being sick, injured, etc. She took a day off to recuperate. Dad is recuperating from knee surgery.
odzyskać (BrE) - odzyskać pieniądze, które zostały zainwestowane, wydane, utracone itp. začněte se učit
to recuperate (BrE) - get back money that has been invested, spent, lost, etc. The company is expected to recuperate (recover) its losses in the next two months.
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To make the process of creating objects less error-prone and more effective, we can use data structures called classes as templates.
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To discard means to throw something away because it is useless or unwanted: Please remove and discard the stems. I saw a big pile of discarded tires. He discarded the dregs off his coffee.
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Imagine we're making a zoo game. The animals in the zoo have a lot in common, but they're also different in many ways. That's when inheritance comes to play.
przypuszczenie, założenie - idea lub teoria, którą uważasz za prawdziwą, nawet jeśli nie masz dowodu. začněte se učit
1) supposition 2) assumption - an idea or theory that you believe is true even though you do not have proof. An assumption is like an idle supposition. It doesn't always need to be proven correct. Her decision was made on the supposition that we would all agree (When she made her decision, she assumed or supposed that we would all agree).
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The play is a satirical comedy. It contains humor that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, government, society, etc. His movies are known for their use of satire. The movie is a social and political satire. I appreciate her satiric wit.
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wiecznie, dozgonnie, do końca życia Jestem ci za to dozgonnie wdzięczny. začněte se učit
I'm eternally grateful to you for that. As simple as it sounds, your favorite blanket will eternally engender that snug, restful ambience that you need after a long day.
Zwiń się w kłębek z dobrą książką i odstresuj się. začněte se učit
Curl up with a good book and de-stress.
Rozpływać się w ustach (o posiłku) začněte se učit
To melt in one's mouth (about a meal) When it comes to food, remember that the end goal is enjoyment, so go for whatever melts in your mouth. You can, for example, indulge in dessert, or eat crusty bread.
wysokie okno (okno na wysokim piętrze) začněte se učit
This will remain one of the ultimate things worth waking up early or taking an afternoon break for. Pick the spot with the best view beforehand, wheather it is a rooftop or a high-rise window.
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wyrywać coś z ziemi - całkowicie wyrwać coś (roślinę i jej korzeń). začněte se učit
to uproot sth - to pull something (a plant and its root) completely out of the ground. Many trees were uprooted by the storm. To uproot also means to remove completely: Will we ever be able to uproot racial prejudice?
wykorzenić się (wyprowadzić) začněte se učit
to uproot (move out) - to make someone leave home and move to a different place. Hundreds of families were uprooted by war. Taking the job would mean uprooting my family.
rozterka – sytuacja, w której nie wiesz, co robić začněte se učit
quandary - a situation in which you are confused about what to do The unexpected results of the test have created a quandary for researchers. He was in a quandary about which candidate to choose. In a quandary means unsure or confused.
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an egotist - a person who has the feeling or belief that they are better, more important, more talented, etc., that other people. She's such a selfish egotist.
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an incentive - something that encourages people to do something or work harder. The rising cost of electricity provides a strong/powerful incentive to conserve energy. The government offers special tax incentives for entrepreneurs. The company offers a special low price as an added incentive for new customers.
punkt startowy, punkt początkowy začněte se učit
Here are some prompts to get you started. Think of the following questions and activities as jumping-off point for mindful consideration.
linia ekspresowa, autostrada (do osiągnięcia czegoś) začněte se učit
Talking to a therapist about lifestyle changes is a great start. Also, try to find a mentor. Having a mentor in your field of interest is the express lane to achieving your dreams.
Łódź tęskni za morzem, a jednak się boi. začněte se učit
to be longing for something A boat is longing for the sea and yet afraid.
izolować kogoś przed strachem začněte se učit
to insulate somebody against fear Having a purpose encourages you to take risks and to step out of the shadows. It also insulates you against fear, petty concerns, and insecurities while fueling you with vitality and energy.
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dividend - an advantage or benefit that you get because of something you have done — usually plural. Eating healthy and exercising yields big dividends. Our efforts are finally paying dividends - we are finally benefiting from our efforts. Also a dividend is a number that is being divided by another number.
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dziadkowie od strony ojca začněte se učit
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Checking a few quick things off your list can give you a sense of accomplishment and establish just enough momentum to help you get going.
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być kuszonym, żeby coś zrobić začněte se učit
to be tempted to do something When the finish line feels far off, you may be tempted to give up or just go back to checking off small tasks. When you turn toward more complex work, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the effort required.
Brakuje mu wiedzy w tej dziedzinie. začněte se učit
He lacks any expertise in this field. Whether you've got too much on your plate or need to pass off tasks that don't fit your expertise, involving others will help you stay productive now and in the future.
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hart ducha – odważne zachowanie, nie narzekanie na ból i problemy začněte se učit
fortitude - brave behaviour, and not complaining about pain or problems The road to becoming more productive is a long one, and it takes a lot of mental fortitude to stay the course. Along the way, you'll accomplish many things, both small and significant.
poklepać kogoś po plecach. začněte se učit
to give someone a pat on the back.
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Chuck Norris once threw a grenade which killed 50 people... then it exploded.
Superman wzoruje się na Chucku Norrisie. Obaj są nie do zatrzymania. začněte se učit
to be based off of somebody Superman is based off of Chuck Norris. They both are unstoppable.
rozgrzewka przed treningiem začněte se učit
obcy - nie stanowiący niezbędnej części czegoś; nieważne začněte se učit
extraneous - not forming a necessary part of something; not important You can remove extraneous packages manually or automatically. She sped up the process by eliminating all extraneous steps.
wybitny - ważny, łatwo zauważalny i dobrze znany začněte se učit
prominent - important, easily noticed and well-known One of the museum's most prominent features is the Department of Islamic Arts. The new policy is opposed by prominent (leading) members of the faculty. He soon became prominent in the music industry. He placed the award in a prominent position on his desk
łagodzić (cierpienie), uśmierzyć (ból) Gorąca kąpiel powinna nieco uśmierzyć ból. začněte se učit
Hot bath should soothe the pain a little.
Jedwab to bardzo gładka tkanina. začněte se učit
Silk is a very smooth fabric.
Jeżeli chcesz wygładzić skórę, użyj trochę peelingu do ciała. začněte se učit
If you want to smooth your skin, use some body scrub.
Nie możesz używać peelingu do ciała na twarz. Może podrażnić twoją skórę. začněte se učit
You can't use body scrub on your face. It can irritate your skin.
teczka (tekturowa na dokumenty), plik, akta; spiłować np. paznokcie Twoje paznokcie są za długie. Powinnaś je trochę spiłować. začněte se učit
Your nails are too long. You should file them a bit.
To naturalny krem do twarzy z wyciągiem roślinnym. začněte se učit
It's a natural face cream with some plant extract.
Zaprosiłem was tutaj z jakiegoś powodu. začněte se učit
I have invited you here for a reason.
na (jeden dzień, jeden tydzień, lato, zimę itp.) Jared zostaje tutaj na lato. začněte se učit
for (one day, one week, the summer, the winter, etc) Jared is staying here for the summer.
czek (na X) / rachunek (za prąd) To jest czek na sto dolarów. Muszę zapłacić rachunek za prąd. začněte se učit
a cheque (for X) / bill (for electricity) This is a cheque for $100. I have to pay a bill for electricity. My father gave me a cheque for two hundred dollars.
Większość nastolatków nie może znaleźć wspólnego języka z pokoleniem powojennym. začněte se učit
Most adolescents can't find common ground with the post-war generation.
wskaźnik urodzeń, liczba urodzeń Po drugiej wojnie światowej nastąpił zauważalny wzrost liczby urodzeń. začněte se učit
After the WWII, there was a noticeable surge in the birth rate.
Każda osoba należy do grupy pokoleniowej. začněte se učit
Everybody belongs to a generation group.
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Millenialsi to osoby, które osiągnęły pełnoletność na przełomie drugiego i trzeciego tysiąclecia. začněte se učit
Millennials are people who came of age at the turn of the second and third millennia.
konflikt pokoleń, różnica pokoleń Luka pokoleniowa może wystąpić między każdą grupą pokoleniową začněte se učit
Generation gap can occur between any generation group
przewodnictwo, prezydentura Jego prezydentura trwała 8 lat. začněte se učit
His presidency spanned 8 years.
Niektórzy z pokolenia Z wciąż jeszcze nie osiągnęli pełnoletności. začněte se učit
Some Gen Zers still haven't come of age.
Jeśli chcesz poczuć się lepiej, użyj trochę balsamu do ciała i owiń się w ciepły, miękki szlafrok. Czujesz się lepiej? začněte se učit
If you want to feel better, use some body lotion and wrap yourself in a warm, soft bathrobe. Are you feeling better?
Nakładając peeling na skórę, wygładzisz ją dzięki działaniu złuszczającemu. začněte se učit
By applying scrub to your skin, you will smooth it thanks to its exfoliating effects.
Nie jesteś w stanie pozwolić sobie na kosztowne drogeryjne kosmetyki? Nie martw się! Użyj naturalnej, domowej maseczki do twarzy. začněte se učit
Are you unable to afford pricey drugstore cosmetics? No need to worry! Use a natural, homemade face mask.
sztuczna kończyna, proteza kończyny Wielu ludzi żyje z protezami kończyn. začněte se učit
Many people live with artificial limbs.
Serce i żyły są częścią układu krwionośnego. začněte se učit
A heart and veins are a part of a blood circulatory system.
Płuca są częścią układu oddechowego. začněte se učit
Lungs are a part of a respiratory system.
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Żołądek i jelita są częścią układu pokarmowego. začněte se učit
A stomach and bowels are a part of a digestive system.
Ona nie jest w stanie sama się sobą zająć. začněte se učit
to be in a state to do something She's not in a state to take care of herself.
Wydaliśmy znaczne sumy na nowe systemy operacyjne. začněte se učit
We spent considerable amounts on the new operating systems. There's been a considerable improvement in her health state.
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Ludzie pierwotni, którzy mieszkali w jaskiniach, używali tych zębów do przeżuwania roślin. začněte se učit
primitive people / early people The early people who lived in caves used their wisdom teeth to chew plants.
Często konieczne jest usunięcie zębów mądrości, gdyż pozostawienie ich może spowodować dużo bólu. začněte se učit
It is often necessary to have your wisdom teeth extracted, since leaving them in can cause a lot of pain.
Infekcja pęcherza jest bolesnym stanem. začněte se učit
Bladder infection is a painful condition.
Anonimowa osoba oddała swoją nerkę. začněte se učit
An anonymous person donated their kidney.
Ona ma wrodzoną zdolność uczenia się języków obcych. začněte se učit
She has an innate capacity for learning foreign languages.
Martwimy się, że twój wyrostek robaczkowy może pęknąć, więc zaraz zaczynamy operację. začněte se učit
We are worried your appendix might burst, so we're going into surgery now.
"Spójrzcie na to piękno", powiedziałem. Ale usłyszałem jedynie parsknięcie śmiechem. začněte se učit
"Look at all this beauty", I said. But all I heard was a snort of laughter.
Mieliśmy spać w schronisku górskim, ale najpierw musieliśmy wspiąć się na kilka wzniesień, żeby się tam dostać. začněte se učit
We were to sleep in a mountain chalet, but first we had to climb a few hills to get there.
Wszystko, co słyszałem za plecami, to były jęki i teatralne łapanie powietrza. začněte se učit
All that I was hearing behind my back was moaning and theatrical gasping for air.
doprowadzać kogoś do szału Czekaliśmy na posiłek tak długo, że wszyscy zaczęli stukać palcami w stoły. To doprowadzało mnie do szału. začněte se učit
We were waiting for the meal for so long that everyone started to tap their fingers on the tables. It was driving me crazy.
Wszyscy jedli tak szybko, że można było usłyszeć jedynie siorbanie. Co za koszmar! Ze złości zgrzytałem zębami. začněte se učit
Everyone was eating so fast that all you could hear was slurping. What a nightmare! I was grinding my teeth with anger.
Było tak zimno, że zamiast śpiewu słychać było jedynie szczękanie zębów. začněte se učit
It was so cold that instead of singing, all you could hear was the chattering of your teeth.
obejmujący robienie czegoś razem lub wspólną pracę z innymi dla osiągnięcia wspólnego celu. začněte se učit
cooperative - involving doing something together or working together with others towards a shared aim.
Przełknąłem ślinę i odwróciłem się. začněte se učit
I swallowed my saliva and turned away.
On ślinił się na myśl o milionie dolarów. začněte se učit
to salivate - to produce more saliva in your mouth than usual, especially when you see or smell food. He was salivating over the thought of the million dollars.
ślinić się, wypuszczać ślinę z ust Niemowlęta mocno się ślinią w okresie ząbkowania. začněte se učit
drool - to let saliva come out of your mouth Babies drool a lot when they are teething.
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defecate - to get rid of solid waste from your body through your bowels
Planujemy odnowić meble w naszym salonie. začněte se učit
We're planning to remake furniture in our living room.
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przerobić, przebudować dom začněte se učit
oddział intensywnej opieki medycznej začněte se učit
To jest normalna reakcja na sytuacje zagrażające życiu. začněte se učit
It's a normal reaction to life-threatening situations.
koc ratunkowy, folia termiczna, koc termoizolacyjny začněte se učit
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1) Caesarean birth 2) Caesarean section 3) Cesarean birth (AmE) 4) Cesarean Section (AmE) 5) C-section (AmE)
Pępek to pozostałość po pępowinie. začněte se učit
The bellybutton is the carry-over from the umbilical cord.
Jej mąż przeciął pępowinę. začněte se učit
1) umbilical cord 2) navel-string Her husband cut the umbilical cord.
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Zapłodnienie miało miejsce około 9 miesięcy temu, więc wkrótce powinien nastąpić poród. začněte se učit
The conception took place around 9 months ago so the delivery should take place soon.
Dwie położne przyjmą jej poród. začněte se učit
Two midwives are going to deliver her baby.
Moja córka jest w ciąży! Jesteśmy tym podekscytowani. začněte se učit
My daughter's expecting! We're thrilled about it.
mieć dziecko w drodze, być w ciąży začněte se učit
to have a baby on the way
aparat ortodontyczny (AmE) Muszę nosić aparat ortodontyczny, bo mam krzywe zęby. začněte se učit
1) retainer, 2) braces, 3) dental brace I need to wear braces because my teeth are crooked.
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She is having contractions.
On był embrionem z naszej puli dawców. začněte se učit
He was an embryo from our donor pool.
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Ból owulacyjny zazwyczaj mija po około 24 godzinach, więc leczenie specjalistyczne nie jest wymagane. začněte se učit
The pain of ovulation usually goes away within about 24 hours, so specific treatment is not required.
Problemy z owulacją stanowią większość przypadków niepłodności u kobiet. začněte se učit
Problems with ovulation account for most cases of infertility in women.
Jeśli przepona nie jest w stanie poruszać się tak, jak powinna, oddychanie może stać się trudne. začněte se učit
If the diaphragm is not able to move as it should, breathing may become difficult.
oddział intensywnej opieki medycznej Pacjenci, którzy są bardzo chorzy, zazwyczaj są leczeni na oddziale intensywnej opieki medycznej. začněte se učit
Patients who are very ill are usually treated in the intensive care unit.
1) respirator 2) resuscytator 3) urządzenie podtrzymujące życie Musieli podjąć decyzję, czy wyłączyć respirator. začněte se učit
1) respirator 2) resuscitator 3) life-support machine They had to make a decision about whether to turn off the respirator.