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začněte se učit
the part of a business you own because you have invested money in it.
parcela, teren, nieruchomości začněte se učit
the buildings or land that a business or organization uses.
začněte se učit
a very short presentation of a company or a new business idea to potential investors.
začněte se učit
the chances of something happening
začněte se učit
a legal agreement in which you borrow money from a bank in order to buy a house.
ciągnąć się (np. o sprawie) začněte se učit
to continue for longer than you want or think is necessary
začněte se učit
to take some money from an amount you have saved
začněte se učit
the most basic fact or issue in a situation
wypuszczać akcje, utworzyć spółkę začněte se učit
to start to sell a company's shares on the stock market
osiągnięcia; historia firmy začněte se učit
your reputation, based on things you have done or not done
začněte se učit
substances such as coal or iron that are in their natural state before being processed or made into sth
začněte se učit
a job or action that is outstanding hasn't been completed yet or dealt with
začněte se učit
something such as money or property that a person or company owns.
začněte se učit
difficult to deal with and embarassing
začněte se učit
to deliberately give a false idea to someone about what you intend to do or about the facts of a situation, especially a difficult one
začněte se učit
to describe what has already been done or decided without repeating the details
przytaknięcie, potwierdzenie začněte se učit
move your head up and down to answer 'yes' to a question or to show that you agree, approve or understand
szum medialny, krzykliwa reklama začněte se učit
the use of a lot of advertisements and other publicity to influence or interest people
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
to interest someone and make them feel enthusiastic
napisać do kogoś kilka słów začněte se učit
to contact somebody by writing to them or phoning them
začněte se učit
adjective used to describe behaviour in which people use their intelligence to get what they want, especially by tricking or cheating people
začněte se učit
the process or cost of keeping a building or piece of land in good condition
nienaruszający równowagi ekologicznej začněte se učit
adjective using methods that not harm the environment
podstawowy, najważniejszy začněte se učit
most important or most basic
začněte se učit
deal with something such as a question or a telephone call, especially a difficult one
začněte se učit
adjective used for describing methods of farming and food production that don't use artificial chemicals