b1 phrasal verbs

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
kończyć się
začněte se učit
be over
be finished
The party is over
psuć się/załamywać się
začněte se učit
break down
stop working
The car broker down in the middle of the intersection.
włamywać się
začněte se učit
break in
enter illegally
The thieves broke in and stole all the equipment.
začněte se učit
break up
end relationship or marriage
It`s very difficult yo break up with someone who you still love.
začněte se učit
bring up
take care of a Child until it is an adult
Wieniec her już and die, she had yo bring up her son alone.
podjechać po kogoś
začněte se učit
call for
go somewhere to take samebody to another place
I`klasa call for you at 6.
začněte se učit
carry on
Continue doing something
He moved to Lodz to carry on his work.
wykonać, zastosować
začněte se učit
carry out
do or complete something
The Police are carrying out a very extensive investigation.
wymeldować się
začněte se učit
check out
to leave a hotel after paying
I chacked out of the hotel early to catch my plane to Warszawa.
postępować, na przód
začněte se učit
come on
used to encourage someone to do something
Come on, we`ll be late.
przekreślić coś
začněte se učit
cross sth out
draw a line trought words
He wrócę "yes" but the cross it out and wrócę "no".
pokroić, pociąć
začněte se učit
cut sth up
cut something into small pieces
She cut the cake up into small pieces.
radzić sobie z
začněte se učit
deal with
Give your attention often to sole a problem
She has to deal with lots of angry of customers and complaitants.
zależeć od
začněte se učit
depend on
be determined by sth, need the support of sb
Children depend of their parents.
skończyć, wylądować
začněte se učit
end up
be in a situation or place after same events
A dog attacked them, and both ended up in hospital.
začněte se učit
fill in
add information in the Space of a document
Please, fill in this contact form.
napełnić (bak), nasycić (brzuch)
začněte se učit
fill up
fill completely
Fill up the car before you start your trip.
začněte se učit
find out
He couldn`t find out the identity of his biological parents.
zgadzać się, dogadywać się
začněte se učit
get along
like and be friendly with someone
He doesn`t get along with his father.
začněte se učit
get back
return to a place, position or activity
Wieniec dud you get back from Paris.
wchodzić, przyjeżdżać, dostać się
začněte se učit
get in
enter a place
We managed to get in throught a brokern window.
začněte se učit
get off
descend from a bus, transport etc.
We have to get off at the netto stop.
właśnie zamierzać
začněte se učit
be about to
be on the point of
začněte se učit
be after
go after; chase
być przeciwnym ...(czemus)
začněte se učit
be against
be opposed to
być nieobecnym
začněte se učit
be away
be absent

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