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do wszystkich zainteresowanych
začněte se učit
to whom it may concern
a standard formal phrase used to open a letter when the reader is entirely unknown
pozdrowienie, pozdrowienia (używane na początku listu
začněte se učit
a salutation
the wording used at the beginning of a letter to address the person who receives the letter
A salutation that means the crossing of a threshold.
bezpłatny, pochlebny
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free of charge praising or expressing admiration for someone:
on a complimentary basis. The reviews of his latest film have been highly complimentary. She wasn't very complimentary about your performance, was she? As theater employees, we get complimentary tickets.
začněte se učit
a small amount of money for someone who has provided you with a service, in addition to the official amount and for their personal use:
The guides sometimes receive gratuities from the tourists, which supplement their salaries.
dochód, zysk
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All the proceeds will be donated to the charity that is chosen by people. Sell the house and divide the proceeds.
popiersie, klapa!, rozwalić, zapuszkować
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a bust
complete failure
Get down from there before you bust your head. She says he's a spy and wants us to bust him. Something was hidden in that bust. what a bust!
bez rozróżnienia, bezmyślnie, bez zastanowienia,
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in a way that does not show careful choice or planning, usually with harmful results:
They fired indiscriminately into the crowd.
začněte se učit
intentionally choosing some things and not others:
As a teacher she was very selective, accepting only a small number of exceptionally gifted pupils.
dziura, zadupie
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podunk, the woods
I want to get out of the woods and move to the city.
świetni, wielcy
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Her greatness as a writer is beyond question.
cuchnący, ordynarny, szereg, skończona (głupota), zarośnięty
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sth extreme. used to describe plants that grow too fast or too thickly, or an area covered by these
The front rank of the riot squad raised their shields. It was rank stupidity to drive so fast on an icy road. The abandoned garden was rank with weeds. His clothes were rank with sweat.
nastanie, pojawienie się, (adv.
začněte se učit
the advent
The process has been accelerated by the advent of social media and advanced technology.
byc oprawione
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be framed
to be expressed in a certain way
the same story might be framed in any number of different ways.
odnośnik, związany z czymś
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the person, thing, or idea that a word, phrase, or object refers to:
The obvious textual referent in this movie is Shakespeare's "Hamlet".
niedopatrzenie, przeoczenie
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The CEO showed her displeasure at the oversight by her staff, which had delayed the project by several weeks
smoła, oczerniać czyjeś imię
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a black substance, sticky when hot, used especially for making roads
First you need to tar the surface. The rock itself was black, as if covered with tar
teściowie (nieformalnie)
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I want to thank my future in-laws for making a great party
być mniej więcej taki sam
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be roughly the same
There's been some culture shock, but many aspects of daily life here are roughly the same as back home.
frekwencja (na wyborach np.), liczba osób (obecnych na przyjęciu, wystawie, itp.)
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the number of people who are present at an event, especially the number who go to vote at an election:
Good weather on polling day should ensure a good turnout. Turnout signifies how many voters vote on the day of an election or referendum. The high turnout on both election days was particularly encouraging.
badanie opinii publicznej
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opinion poll
voters are asked how they are going to vote before the election
According to the pollinion the vast majority of polish political parties is going to be outshone by the ruling party.
ogromny, lanie, czasownik oznacza walnąć kogos, grzmotnac
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A whopping great majority decided against changing the electoral system
sam, sama (np. rozmiar, waga czegoś), zwykły najzwyklejszy, PIONOWO I WPROST
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used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except: extremely steep; almost vertical. to change direction suddenly:
The suggestion is sheer nonsense. His success was due to sheer willpower/determination. a sheer mountain side. I thought the boats were going to collide, but one sheered off/away at the last second. The sheer size of this building stuns people.
gwałtowny spadek
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a sharp decrease
bardzo głośna mniejszość
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very vocal minority
despite being a minority, they have received lots of attention
A very vocal minority have been complaining about the lack of choices in the current two-party system we have.
lepki, przyczepny, klej
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a sticky substance that is used for joining things together, usually permanently
You'll need a strong adhesive to mend that chair. Fill in the gaps with clear silicone adhesive. The labels are easy to apply and very adhesive.
muł, szlam na dnie rzeki
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sand or soil that is carried along by flowing water and then dropped, especially at a bend in a river or at a river's opening
istnienie(duszy), egzystencja, przetrwanie
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the state of having what you need in order to stay alive, but no more:
The money is intended to provide a basic subsistence and should not be paid to someone who receives other income. The family was living at subsistence level. Art satisfies a need beyond mere subsistence.
Hodowla zwierząt
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Animal husbandry
Animal husbandry has been around for a very long time.
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the abbreviation for the member of Parliament. deputowany
przenośnik taśmowy
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conveyer belt
a continuous moving strip or surface that is used to transport objects from one place to another
All of the conveyer belts will be fully functional at its full capacity so bear with us.
na pełnych obrotach
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at full capacity
efekt domina
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knock -on effect
something (such as a process, action, or event) that causes other things to happen: ripple effect
The drought is likely to have a knock-on effect throughout the whole economy.
towar niesprzedany
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dead stock
maintaining product flow, and in particular, managing dead stock
na czas
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in a timely manner
Can that be done in a timely manner?
wygadać się
začněte se učit
to spill the beans/tea
to tell the latest gossip
mieć romans
začněte se učit
have a fling

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