basia 21st July 2014

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(doctor'S) office (AmE) / surgery (BrE)
a place where a doctor or dentist gives treatment
godziny przyjmowania petentów przez parlamentarzystów
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surgery (BrE) / office hours (AmE)
Surgery is from 9am - 1pm on weekdays.
sala operacyjna
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surgery (AmE) / operating room (AmE) / theatre BrE
the place where operations are done in a hospital
Dr. Hanson is in surgery. Marilyn is still in theatre.
przejść operację
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to have/undergo surgery (U) / to have / undergo an operation
He underwent surgery to remove a blood clot. She was in surgery for two hours Thursday. She underwent a minor operation on her elbow in the summer.
skrzep krwi
začněte se učit
blood clot
operacja czegoś
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surgery ON sth / operation ON sth
She required surgery on her right knee. She's going to need an operation on her ankle.
operacja w trybie nagłym
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emergency surgery / emergency operation
operacja ratująca życie
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life-saving operation
jestem u lekarza
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I'm at the doctor's (office / surgery)
jak się pan dzisiaj czuje?
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how are you feeling today?
straszny ból głowy
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a terrible/splitting/pounding headache
! Do not say that you 'have headache'. Say that you have a headache.
zmierzę twoją temperaturę
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let me take your temperature
The nurse took (=measured) my temperature.
mieć temperaturę
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have a temperature, be running a temperature/ a fever
She's running a fever (=has a fever).
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(the) flu, influenza
Steven's still in bed with flu. She's got the flu. I couldn't go because I had flu.
wirus grypy
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a flu virus/bug
kontrola u lekarza
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check up / check-up
It's important to have regular checkups.
a general medical examination that a doctor or dentist gives you to make sure you are healthy
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a referral TO
w twoim rejonie
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in your area
The doctor will give you a referral to a specialist in your area.
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(a high/low/slight) fever/temperature
The usual symptoms are a pink rash with a slight fever.
Chcesz się założyć?
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You wanna bet?
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wiele czegoś, dziesiątki czegoś
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scores of sth
said to mean that you will do whatever you have to do, even if it is difficult or dangerous
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A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
forma pytająca
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a way of saying 'I don't know'. Some people think that this use is not correct English:
začněte se učit
(I) dunno
zaimek względny
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relative pronoun
a pronoun such as 'who', 'which', or 'that' by which a relative clause is connected to the rest of the sentence
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na słońcu
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in the sun
w czwartek popołudniu
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on Thursday afternoon
w piątek wieczorem
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ON Friday night
pójść na skróty
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to take a shortcut
kąpać się na golasa
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to go skinny-dipping
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sled (AmE) / sledge (BrE)
skakać ze spadochronem
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to parachute / to go sky-diving
nurkować z akwalungiem
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scuba diving
pójść na narty
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to go skiing
zmęczyć się
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to get tired
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to put your feet up = to rest
operacja w trybie planowym
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Elective surgery or elective procedure
is surgery that is scheduled in advance because it does not involve a medical emergency.

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