bbc learning english video stories

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haven of tranquility
A Russian village - a haven of tranquillity.
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no spring chicken
There are no spring chickens in this band.
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They still have plenty of stamina.
prace w gospodarstwie domowym
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household chores
Their household chores don't leave much time for it.
próbować np sztukę
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They've been rehearsing their song in the village hall.
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The Perito Moreno glacier in Southern Argentina.
gwałtownie spaść do
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crash into
Huge sections of a massive ice wall have crashed into Lake Argentina.
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Periodically the glacier forms a dam separating the lake into two.
formować tamę
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form a dam
Periodically the glacier forms a dam separating the lake into two.
kawały lodu
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chunks of ice
Eventually pressure builds up and enormous chunks of ice fall into the lake.
spektakularne pęknięcie/zerwanie lodu
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spectacular ice rupture
Tourists visiting the national park enjoyed watching this spectacular ice rupture.
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It comes from beans taken from the droppings of these cat-like animals called civets.
nawet jeśli przełkniesz fakt że
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even if you can stomach the fact that
Even if you can stomach the fact it's been through an animal, the price may put you off.
cena może cię zniechęcić
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price may put you off
Even if you can stomach the fact it's been through an animal, the price may put you off.

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