Book - The Mystery of People Who Speak Dozens of L...

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la proeza
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the prowess
el umbral aceptado es once
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the accepted threshold is eleven
con solo diez idiomas
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with a mere ten languages
Es un peruano de veintisiete años con cabello oscuro y puntiagudo.
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He is a twenty-seven-year-old Peruvian with spiky dark hair
En el aparato fonatorio de humanos y focas
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In the phonatory apparati of humans and seals
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lenguas en peligro de extinción
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endangered languages
Puedes mejorar tu español de secundaria
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You can crank up your high-school Spanish
Tenía un libro de gramática considerable
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He had a hefty grammar book
Refiriéndose a su trabajo de campo como lingüista
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Referring to his fieldwork as a linguist

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