Bridges translation

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to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support
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to cause something that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound
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to become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult
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someone who regularly travels between work and home
scope (of)
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the range of matters considered or dealt with
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an illness
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very bad; sad and without hope
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used to say that someone is strong, brave, determined, and difficult to defeat or frighten
beam bridge
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a horizontal member resting on two supports
girder bridge
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a built-up beam with parts joined to form web and flanges
truss bridge
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a framed combination of members (the usual arrangement employs the triangle as the basic figure resisting distortion)
arch bridge
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vertical loading produces a horizontal thrust against the abutments
suspension bridge
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a bridge which carries its deck and stiffening girder with many tension members attached to cables draped over towers
simple bridge
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the spanning superstructure extends from one vertical support, abutment or pier, to another, without crossing over an intermediate support or creating a cantilever
cantilever bridge
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an end projecting beyond a support; the span from which projects is an anchor span; two cantilever arms from opposite banks or piers, with a connecting span bridging the reduced gap, form a cantilever span; the shorter connecting span is a suspended span,
continuous bridge
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beam, girder, or truss extending uninterruptedly over more than two supports without intermediate hinges,
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a web-like assembly of smaller usually triangular members
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a force caused by one part of a structure pushing outward against another
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part of a structure supporting the end of a span or accepting the thrust of an arch
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a larger beam supporting vertical loads by resisting bending, made of multiple metal plates; structure that bears the weight of a bridge or an arch
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a metal fastener with a large head on one end, used to connect metal plates; a large beam used to support a bridge
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the topmost part of an arch
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the space between the arch rib and the horizontal roadway

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