broadsheet, columnist, come out, look something up, put forward, surf the Internet, believe in, unannounced, unwritten rule

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In fact, the paper has cut its size in half from a ... to tabloid.
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broadsheet {ˈbrɔːdˌʃiːt/}
A newspaper printed on large sheets of paper. Broadsheets are generally believed to contain more serious news than tabloid newspapers, which are smaller
It also has many regular {felietonista/felietonistów} who cover current affairs, interviews, and a culture section.
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columnist(s) {ˈkɒləmnɪst} {felietonista}
If a book, record, film, etc. comes out, it becomes available for people to buy or see
When does their new album {ukaże się}?
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come out {ukazywać się}
If a book, record, film, etc. comes out, it becomes available for people to buy or see
I didn’t know what ‘loquacious’ meant and had to ... it up in a dictionary.
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look (something) up {szukać czegoś}
to try to find a piece of information by looking in a book or on a computer
The proposals that you have put ... deserve serious consideration.
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put forward {sugerować}
I ... the Internet two hours a day.
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hey don't believe ... living together before marriage.
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believe in
He had just arrived {niezapowiedziany} from South America.
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unannounced {ˌʌnəˈnaʊnst}
But he was also following an {niepisanej zasady}.
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unwritten rule

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