Business english

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
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rozterka, dylemt
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żyrant, gwarant
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spruć sie, rozpaść na kawałki
bail out
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wyciągnąć z tarapatów, dofinansować
to prop up
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to cut sb off
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odciąć komuś finansowanie, wydziedziczyć kogoś
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wynik resultat
European Commission
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Komisja Europejska
to be under no illusions under
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nie mieć złudzeń co do czegoś
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waga, znaczenie
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a five o'clock shadow: is a kind of beard or moustache (but not a full beard or moustache) that a man gets if he doesn't shave for a day or two
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jednodnionwy lub dwudniowy zarost
member state
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państwo członkowskie
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członek komisji, komisarz
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to represent
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reprezentować, przedstawić
neither nor Neither Kate nor Sue will go on holidays this year. Neither the Jones nor the Smiths received credit. She neither plays tennis nor swims. I like neither red nor yellow. They’ll fire neither me nor you
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ani ani
either or I’ll spend my holidays either in the mountains or by the seaside. In her free time Jessica either goes swimming or plays tennis. I can’t decide which jumper I should take. I’ll take either blue or green. They haven’t decided who they’re going to fire. It’ll be either me or you.
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albo albo
both and Both Kate and John are students. Both the Jones and the Smiths received credit. She plays both tennis and swims. I like both white and black. I like both him and her.
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zarówno jak i

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