Business Handbook - unit 3 - corporate structures and strategy

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strategic planning
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is concerned with longer term and "the big picture". done by top and middle menagers
operational planning
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translating the general, long-term goals into more specific, concrete objecitves. done by middle and supervisory menagers
SWOT analysis
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internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats
company structure
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by function, product, customer type, geographical area
management hierarchy
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chain of command
top manager
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senior menager
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Chief executive officer
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chief operating officer
top management
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set a direction of the organization and aim to inspire employees with their vision for the company's future
middle management
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are in charge of department, division, branch etc. they develop detailed plans and procedures based on the firm's overall strategy
supervisory (first-line) management
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supervisor, team leader, section chief
first-line management
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are responsible for assigning non-managerial employees to specific jobs and evaluating their performance.
large custormers
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key accounts
the grassroots
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the ordinary people in an organization
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people supervise by supervisor
core business
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the main activity of the company that generates most of its profits
shareholder value
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financial benefits for the owners of the company
product portfolio
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the whole range of products that the company sells
brand loyalty
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when consumers are faithfull to a particular product
cost centre
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a business unit that spends money but does not generate revenue
earnings growth
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a continuing increase in profit
mission statement
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senior management's vision for the company
distribution channel
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how a product gets from the manufacturer to the end-user
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organise people so that they work together effectively
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give someone a job to do
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carry out
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make certain that something happens
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change something to fit a new situation
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watch and measure sth carefully for a period of time to see how things changes
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think about or test sth before deciding its value, suitability or effectiveness
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control what sth will be; officially decide sth; find out
state-of-the-art products
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cutting edge products
tailor-made products
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customized products
one-stop shop
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all services provided in one place
a lack of managerial depth
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a lack of amount of knowledge and experience
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old fashioned
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progress of work done
direct costs
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production costs
indirect costs
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overhead costs
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a situation when you don't have enough of sth
over- reliance
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depending too much on sth
sales staff
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when everyone who wants a product already has it
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specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, time-specific

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