Business law

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unlawful making or altering any writing
Obtaining goods by false pretenses
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when the acquisition results from intentional misrepresenting of a past or existing fact
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anyone unlawfully takes property of another person
začněte se učit
trusted white collar unlawfully takes property of another person
Mail/wire fraud
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any fraudulent scheme to intentionally deprive another of property or honest services via mail or wire communication
začněte se učit
he act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for some kind of influence or action in return, that the recipient would otherwise not alter
Industrial espionage
začněte se učit
theft of trade secrets
Bankruptcy fraud
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a dishonest act before, or in connection with, a bankruptcy filing
Insider trading
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Insider trading is the trading of a public company's stock or other securities by individuals with access to nonpublic information about the company
Criminal forfeiture
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property that is subject to criminal forfeiture is confiscated from its owner without any compensation being made because of its use in illegal conduct
Action item
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needs to be done
Reality check
začněte se učit
process to prevent you from being too optimistic
Wake-up call
začněte se učit
warning to rethink things
Red flag
začněte se učit
indicated real trouble ahead
Alarm bells
začněte se učit
urgent warning
Do homework
začněte se učit
be prepared
Go back to the drawing board
začněte se učit
redo something
Leave a paper trail
začněte se učit
write everything down
Put everything in round file
začněte se učit
throw away
Read the small print
začněte se učit
go through every detail
Dead wood
začněte se učit
bad employees
začněte se učit
non-salary benefit
začněte se učit
a reduction in costs of staff to rescue a company
začněte se učit
a security required by bank before it makes a loan
Earning guidance
začněte se učit
info released by company about its profits
Connect dots
začněte se učit
think logically
Do a 180
začněte se učit
change strategy
Go fishing
začněte se učit
find out information without knowing exactly what one is doing
Pull a fast one
začněte se učit
use unfair tricks
Think outside the box
začněte se učit
be creative
začněte se učit
sth easy
Off the charts
začněte se učit
poza skalą
Save the day
začněte se učit
provide solution
Close the deal
začněte se učit
seal a deal
Drop the ball
začněte se učit
do sth incorrectly
Jump the gun
začněte se učit
do sth too fast
Rock the boat
začněte se učit
cause trouble
začněte se učit
unique selecting position
začněte se učit
carbon copy
Impulse buy
začněte se učit
buy sth without planning
Bulk discount
začněte se učit
reduced price on a very large order
Cold call
začněte se učit
call from an unannounced seller
Hard sell
začněte se učit
aggressive sales technique
Sales rep
začněte se učit
salesperson who visits clients
Run a company
začněte se učit
Run a company
Be groomed for
začněte se učit
Be groomed for
Be in charge of
začněte se učit
Be in charge of
Report to X - być w drużynie X
začněte se učit
Report to X - be on the X team
Golden handshake
začněte se učit
last salary to a manager leaving the company
Be in the black
začněte se učit
make profit
Be in the red
začněte se učit
lose money
Red tape
začněte se učit
Rosy scenario
začněte se učit
very optimistic one
Balance of payments
začněte se učit
money going in and out of a country
Gross domestic product
začněte se učit
the size of country’s economy PKB
Bait and switch
seller advertises low cost and then pressures to buy the more expensive one
začněte se učit
deceptive advertising
Balloon payment
začněte se učit
large payment due at the end of contract term
začněte se učit
repurchase of shares at a premium to ensure silence from a shareholder critical of management
začněte se učit
advertising misleading the customer
začněte se učit
unfair labor practice; employer pays off work not performed
začněte se učit
majority of shareholders prevent a minority from participating in decision-making process
začněte se učit
a sub. corp. dominated by parent to have no legally separable existence
Colling of laws
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3/14 days to rethink purchase for a customer
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confirmation of bankruptcy
Fruit of a poison tree
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evidence acquired as a result of sth illegal
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law that requires manufacturers to fix defective products
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when someone registers the domain name and acts to worsen the situation of an well-known entity acting under this domain
začněte se učit
business defamation
začněte se učit
physical or psychological coercion that deprives person of a free will to contract
Crown jewel
začněte se učit
management makes the company less attractive by selling most valuable asset
Golden parachute
začněte se učit
company establishes special termination or retirement rights just before a takeover, to benefit top managers
začněte se učit
defense in which the target corp. attempts to takeover the acquiring corporation
Poison pill
začněte se učit
target corp. issues certain rights to shareholders so the company looks undesirable
White knight
začněte se učit
target corp. solicits a merger with a 3rd party, which makes a better tender offer
Action item
začněte se učit
needs to be done
Reality check
začněte se učit
process to prevent you from being too optimistic
Wake-up call
začněte se učit
warning to rethink things
Red flag
začněte se učit
indicated real trouble ahead
Alarm bells
začněte se učit
urgent warning
Do homework
začněte se učit
be prepared
Go back to the drawing board
začněte se učit
redo something
Leave a paper trail
začněte se učit
write everything down
Put everything in round file
začněte se učit
throw away
Read the small print
začněte se učit
go through every detail
Dead wood
začněte se učit
bad employees
začněte se učit
non-salary benefit
začněte se učit
a reduction in costs of staff to rescue a company
začněte se učit
a security required by bank before it makes a loan
Earning guidance
začněte se učit
info released by company about its profits
Connect dots
začněte se učit
think logically
Do a 180
začněte se učit
change strategy
Go fishing
začněte se učit
find out information without knowing exactly what one is doing
Pull a fast one
začněte se učit
use unfair tricks
Think outside the box
začněte se učit
be creative
začněte se učit
sth easy
Off the charts
začněte se učit
poza skalą
Save the day
začněte se učit
provide solution
Close the deal
začněte se učit
seal a deal
Drop the ball
začněte se učit
do sth incorrectly
Jump the gun
začněte se učit
do sth too fast
Rock the boat
začněte se učit
cause trouble
začněte se učit
unique selecting position
začněte se učit
carbon copy
Impulse buy
začněte se učit
buy sth without planning
Bulk discount
začněte se učit
reduced price on a very large order
Cold call
začněte se učit
call from an unannounced seller
Hard sell
začněte se učit
aggressive sales technique
Sales rep
začněte se učit
salesperson who visits clients
Run a company
začněte se učit
Run a company
Be groomed for
začněte se učit
Be groomed for
Be in charge of
začněte se učit
Be in charge of
Report to X - być w drużynie X
začněte se učit
Report to X - be on the X team
Golden handshake
začněte se učit
last salary to a manager leaving the company
Be in the black
začněte se učit
make profit
Be in the red
začněte se učit
lose money
Red tape
začněte se učit
Rosy scenario
začněte se učit
very optimistic one
Balance of payments
začněte se učit
money going in and out of a country
Gross domestic product
začněte se učit
the size of country’s economy PKB
Bait and switch
seller advertises low cost and then pressures to buy the more expensive one
začněte se učit
deceptive advertising
Balloon payment
začněte se učit
large payment due at the end of contract term
začněte se učit
repurchase of shares at a premium to ensure silence from a shareholder critical of management
začněte se učit
advertising misleading the customer
začněte se učit
unfair labor practice; employer pays off work not performed
začněte se učit
majority of shareholders prevent a minority from participating in decision-making process
začněte se učit
a sub. corp. dominated by parent to have no legally separable existence
Colling of laws
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3/14 days to rethink purchase for a customer
začněte se učit
confirmation of bankruptcy
Fruit of a poison tree
začněte se učit
evidence acquired as a result of sth illegal
začněte se učit
law that requires manufacturers to fix defective products
začněte se učit
when someone registers the domain name and acts to worsen the situation of an well-known entity acting under this domain
začněte se učit
business defamation
začněte se učit
physical or psychological coercion that deprives person of a free will to contract
Crown jewel
začněte se učit
management makes the company less attractive by selling most valuable asset
Golden parachute
začněte se učit
company establishes special termination or retirement rights just before a takeover, to benefit top managers
začněte se učit
defense in which the target corp. attempts to takeover the acquiring corporation
Poison pill
začněte se učit
target corp. issues certain rights to shareholders so the company looks undesirable
White knight
začněte se učit
target corp. solicits a merger with a 3rd party, which makes a better tender offer
začněte se učit
unlawful making or altering any writing
Obtaining goods by false pretenses
začněte se učit
when the acquisition results from intentional misrepresenting of a past or existing fact
začněte se učit
anyone unlawfully takes property of another person
začněte se učit
trusted white collar unlawfully takes property of another person
Mail/wire fraud
začněte se učit
any fraudulent scheme to intentionally deprive another of property or honest services via mail or wire communication
začněte se učit
he act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for some kind of influence or action in return, that the recipient would otherwise not alter
Industrial espionage
začněte se učit
theft of trade secrets
Bankruptcy fraud
začněte se učit
a dishonest act before, or in connection with, a bankruptcy filing
Insider trading
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Insider trading is the trading of a public company's stock or other securities by individuals with access to nonpublic information about the company.
Criminal forfeiture
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property that is subject to criminal forfeiture is confiscated from its owner without any compensation being made because of its use in illegal conduct
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relation in which one person acts for or represents another
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source of authority or right
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regulations and rules adopted by a corp., UK: articles of association
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the company's profits when they are declared or set apart by the company director
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an inactive but legal corporation which could be operatng, but is not
S corp
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a company in which capital is divided into shares held by owners of the company and which is authorized by law to pay its profits to stockholders in form of dividends
C corp
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a company which pays 2 tax, filed federal income tax, most opular in the US
controlling interest
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when 1 shareholder controls a majority of the shares in a corporation
close held corporation
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when single shareholder or a close kit of shareholders hold shares
collapsible corporation
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corp formed for one specific venture, ceases to exist after venture is finished
brother/sister corporation
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when two or more corps are owed and controlled by one entity
membership corporation
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non stock, non profit company

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