Business Partner Unit 1

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
online survey
začněte se učit
ankieta internetowa
focus group
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grupa fokusowa
customer satisfaction
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zadowolenie / satysfakcja klientów
primary research
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badania pierwotne
secondary research
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badania wtórne
in-depth interviews
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pogłębione wywiady
launch a product
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wypuścić produkt
target audience
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grupa docelowa
sample size
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wielkość próbki
what are your thoughts on this?
začněte se učit
jakie są Twoje przemyślenia na ten temat?
have you considered?
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czy rozważałeś?
how about?
začněte se učit
Co powiesz na?
would your staff be interested in?
začněte se učit
czy Twoi pracownicy byliby zainteresowani?
general impression
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ogólne wrażenie
this idea is appealing
začněte se učit
ten pomysł jest atrakcyjny
specific features
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określone cechy/funkcje
meet expectations
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spełnić oczekiwania
completely convinced
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całkowicie przekonany
answer honestly
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odpowiedz szczerze
company canteen
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stołówka firmowa
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measure how people feel about something or the effect that somthing is likely to have on them
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used to describe something that is realistic and therefore may succeed
product tester
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someone who tries out something new to determine how well it performs
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a person whose job is to study a particular subject to find out new things about it
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relating to the quality or standard of something rather than the quantity
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the effect or influence that an event, situation, etc. has on someone or something
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relating to research where the results can be shown in the form of numbers, percentages, etc.
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someone who answers a set of questions, especially in a survey
data analysis
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careful examination of something in order to understand it better
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collect or accumulate over a period of time

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