buzz jako brzęczeć, szumieć, Spring up, buzz of traffic, fancy, it all runs very smoothly, choke on the fumes, mitigate, trace of, littering (śmiecenie), grind to a halt, gentrification, settle down, derelict, crammed (wypchany, zatłoczony), dingy,

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The streetlights {brzęczały} quietly in the empty alley.
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Buzzed, Buzz
Small shops continue to {wyrastać, pojawić się jak grzyby po deszczu} across the city, even in the most unexpected places.
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Spring up
The constant {szum ruchu ulicznego} from the traffic made it hard to concentrate.
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Buzz of traffic
Despite the challenges, {wszystko działa bardzo płynnie} in the new system.
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It all runs very smoothly
The pedestrians {dusili się od spalin} near the busy intersection.
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Choked on the fumes, Choke on the fumes
The new policies are designed to {złagodzić} the effects of climate change.
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Mitigate {ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt}
There was no {śladu} the old building after the renovation.
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Trace of
{Śmiecenie} in public places can result in hefty fines.
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The traffic {zatrzymał się} after the major accident on the highway.
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Grind to a halt
The old neighborhood is undergoing {gentryfikację}, bringing in new businesses and residents.
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After years of traveling, they decided to {osiąść na stałe} in the countryside.
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Settle down
The {opuszczony, zdewastowany} building has become a haven for stray animals.
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Derelict {ˈdɛrɪlɪkt}
The bus was {zatłoczony} with passengers during rush hour.
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The {obskurn, brudny} room made her feel uneasy.
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Dingy {ˈdɪnʤi}
Littering in this area can result in {wysokie grzywny}.
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Hefty fines
Do you {masz ochotę} going out for ice cream tonight?
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