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otázka odpověď
cut corners
The family had to cut corners in order to put food on the table.
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ograniczyć wydatki
foot the bill
I'll foot the bill and pay for everyone's meal at the restaurant.
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zapłacić za coś
lion's share
You took the lion's share of the money. All I got was a couple pennies.
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lwia część
live from hand to mouth
During the depression, we had to live from hand to mouth.
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żyć z dnia na dzień
nest egg
She has a huge nest egg, so she doesn't have to work anymore.
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zaoszczędzone pieniądze
pay a king's ransom
The team had to pay a king's ransom for the superstar.
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zapłacić dużo pieniędzy
penny pincher
Victor is such a penny pincher. He never buys anything for anyone.
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pour money down the drain
Betting on an injured horse is like pouring money down the drain.
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pompują pieniądze w błoto
put in my two cents
Can I put in my two cents? I have something important to say.
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wygłosić swoją opinię
put your money where your mouth is
You should put your money where your mouth is and start your new business idea.
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przestać mówić, zacząć działać
from rags to riches
Jack went from rags to riches after he won the lottery.
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od pucybuta do milionera
save for a rainy day
Kate is saving for a rainy day, she's afraid of being sacked.
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odkładać na czarną godzinę
Kasia oszczędza na czarną godzinę, boi się, że zwolnią ją z pracy.
break into a market
He'd like to break into the advertising market.
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wejść na rynek
an escape hatch
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play havoc with
The acid rain plays havoc with marine life.
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niszczyć, powodować trudności
There's not a speck of dust/dirt in their house.
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punkcik, pyłek
break the mould
Their approach to sports teaching broke the mould.
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być nowym i innym
The nuclear waste is encased in concrete before being sent for storage in disused mines.
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in equal measure
I was angry and embarrassed in equal measure.
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w równym stopniu
Attach the nozzle to the garden hose before turning on the water.
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out of the question
A pay rise is out of the question.
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coś na pewno się nie stanie
a precious gift
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In the sentence "She is a single unmarried woman", the word "unmarried" is redundant.
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She recorded her first CD at the precocious age of twelve.
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przedwczesny (szczególnie rozwój, np. u dziecka)
dip into your savings
She admitted that she had been forced to dip into her own pocket/savings to make up a funding shortfall.
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wydać kasę
buy stocks and shares
He is a shareholder, so he frequently has to buy stocks and shares.
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kupować akcje i udziały
beat someone down
He's always trying to beat us down.
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spowodować, że ktoś obniży cenę
pay in full
It's always better to pay in full for everything, loans kill a home budget.
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spłacać w pełni
Zawsze lepiej jest spłacać wszystko w pełni, kredyty zabijają domowy budżet.
scrape by
Even with both of us working, we earn just enough to scrape by.
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mieć pieniądze tylko na podstawowe produkty
live beyond your means
To avoid slipping into debt, don't live beyond your means.
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wydawać więcej niż się zarabia
a spendthrift/a saver
Are you a spendthrift or a saver?
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rozrzutnik / oszczędna osoba
on impulse
I bought those new shoes on impulse, I wasn't looking for them.
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pod wpływem impulsu
just goes to show
This just goes to show that getting good grades in school doesn't mean you're clever.
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kiedy jakieś doświadczenie ilustruje jakieś nasze przekonanie
Your shoe laces are undone.
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A top-rated football player, he combines speed and agility.
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Thanks to the runaway success of the band I'm in, I've been able to indulge my passion.
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pozwolić sobie na, folgować
runaway success
Her first novel's runaway success came as a great surprise.
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nagły, niespodziewany sukces
actively involved
He's very actively involved in the local party.
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mocno zaangażowany
break into (a run, a jog)
He only occasionally breaks into a lethargic jog.
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zacząć coś (np. bieg)
I couldn't have managed at college if I hadn't had an allowance from my parents./ The luggage allowance for most flights is 20 kilos.
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zasiłek, bonifikata/ limit, dozwolona ilość
much to our horror
Much to my horror, I could see smoke coming out of the bedroom windows.
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ku naszemu przerażeniu
Any deviation from the party philosophy is seen as betrayal.
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against the grain
These days it goes against the grain to show too much respect for authority.
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pod prąd
a military facility, shopping facilities/ His facility for languages is astonishing.
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obiekt, budynek/ zdolność, umiejętność
Since the hotel was full, we had to make other arrangements.
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przygotowanie, plan, ustalenie
reminiscent of
This song is so reminiscent of my adolescence.
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przypominający coś
przypomina o czymś
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stojak, kozioł, kobyłka
We've had to build some cupboards to give us more storage space.
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magazynowanie, przechowywanie
a mountain hut
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We landed at a tiny airstrip in the middle of the jungle.
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pas startowy
Michael's invariable reaction was anger and a reluctance to try anything new.
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live up to expectations
The concert was brilliant - it lived up to all our expectations.
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dorastać do oczekiwań, spełniać oczekiwania
She has a lovely serene face.
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The south of the country enjoys an equable climate./ Graham has a fairly equable temperament - I haven't often seen him really angry.
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zrównoważony (balanced) /łagodny, spokojny (calm)
steady rise
The prices of petrol has been rising steadily during the last year.
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stały wzrost
Some argue that money has debased football.
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obniżyć jakość, wartość
The rise in the value of the dollar has depressed the company's profits this year., This drug helps depress high hormone levels.
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obniżyć wartość (np. pieniędzy), poziom czegoś
If we continue to deplete the earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment.
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wyczerpywać w ilości, rozmiarze (zapasy energii, pieniędzy)
open up
The internet has opened up new opportunities for cost-effective brand building.
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zapewniać możliwości
She was a witch, so her charmful appearance didn't surprise us at all.
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używający amuletów, związany z magią
fashion item
Department stores offer a wide variety of fashion items.
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Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.
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on the part of sb/on sb's part
Quick action on the part of the police prevented a fight between rival groups developing.
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ze strony kogoś
Szybka interwencja ze strony policji zapobiegła rozwojowi bójki między rywalizującymi grupami.
Karol and his business partner Laurent met because of a shared leisure interest.
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wolny czas
a zealous supporter of the government's policies
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As more rainfall is expected over the next few days, they will probably open the dam.
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Jako że ciągu najbliższych dni spodziewane jest więcej opadów, prawdopodobnie otworzą zaporę.
the Korean Peninsula
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The area is one of the world's five major ocean gyres - huge systems of rotating currents.
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wir wodny
Hawaii's cost of living is estimated at about 20 percent to 30 percent higher than most mainland communities.
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stały ląd, część kontynentalna
off the coast
The accident happened three miles off the coast.
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od brzegu
In fact, sharks are less dangerous than jellyfish!
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inland from sth
The Black Sea is a large inland from the ocean sea.
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w głębi lądu od czegoś
Monkeys are very agile climbers.
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nesting area
The salmon's nesting area is different than its habitat area.
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teren lęgowy
Make sure that all equipment is clean and free of contaminants.
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The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians.
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It's good soil - full of nutrients.
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substancja odżywcza
a rubbish tip
We need to take this old carpet to the rubbish tip.
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wysypisko śmieci
the vastness of the universe
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I keep these rags for cleaning the car.
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The children were wearing dirty, ragged clothes.
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obdarty/ brudny
She was a studious child, happiest when reading.
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dużo czasu poświęcający na naukę
a reversible raincoat/ The surgery is not reversible.
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Please enclose 15 $, plus 2 $ for postage.
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opłata za wysyłkę
A separate report on Thursday showed that job postings on the internet stayed strong in July.
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wpis internetowy
a blood donor/ Thanks to a large gift from an anonymous donor, the charity was able to continue its work.
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dawca (organów, pieniędzy)
pitch in
If we all pitch in together, it shouldn't take too long.
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zakasać rękawy/przyjść komuś z pomocą
He was granted asylum., They granted her an entry visa.
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udzielać, nadać
I don't think it's love so much as lust.
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like a bull in a china shop
The pilot flew around the space station like a bull in a china shop.
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jak słoń w składzie porcelany
like a red rag to a bull
What Tom said to me was like a red rag to a bull.
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jak płachta na byka
like a dog with a bone
In arguments, are you the type of person who won't let things drop (who is like a dog with a bone)?
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uporczywy/ nieodpuszczający, aż nie osiągnie celu
like water off a duck's back
I told them off, but it was like water off a duck's back.
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spływa jak woda po kaczce
an exploratory expedition to Antarctica
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If atmospheric conditions are right, it may be possible to see this group of stars tonight.
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many moons ago
Many moons ago, when I was young, I used to be a dancer.
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dawno dawno temu
feel spaced out
Sorry I forgot - I've just got back from South America and still feel spaced out.
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nie wiedzieć co się dzieje wokół
be living on another planet
She doesn't seem to worry about money. It's as if she is living on another planet.
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być innym od innych
rocket science
Come on, concentrate. I'm sure we can do it - it's not rocket science.
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coś trudnego do zrozumienia
rocket (verb)
Prices of oil are sure to rocket if there is unrest in the area.
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szybko wzrosnąć
I only caught a fleeting glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I am sure I would recognise him again. /We glimpsed the ruined abbey from the windows of the train.
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przelotne spojrzenie/ dojrzeć
know someone by sight
I know Mr Brown by sight but we have never spoken.
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znać kogoś z widzenia
That was an unacceptable oversight.
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To było niedopuszczalne przeoczenie.
awash (in/with)
The Vettel family wasn't awash in cash - quite the contrary. / The city is awash with drugs and the police is powerless to do anything about it.
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mieć pod dostatkiem
By the time I discovered the problem, the floor was awash.
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He recorded the fastest lap in the weekend's Hungarian Grand Prix.
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nail someone down
We've been trying to nail them down on the specific points of the agreement for the past six months.
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zmusić kogoś do podania informacji/podjęcia decyzji
It's a refreshing change to see a losing team shaking hands and still smiling after a match.
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odmienny, pozytywnie zaskakujący
She's totally unflappable - you have to be when working in such a high-pressure environment.
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odporny na stres, wysiłek, zmęczenie
The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.
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ładowność, obciążenie
Because of their achievements they were held in high esteem.
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szacunek, estyma
make a commitment
Players must make a commitment to play for a full season.
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zobowiązać się
Soldiers have to swear allegiance to the King.
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caught up in
The ambulance will probably be caught up in a traffic jam somewhere.
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znajdujący się w trudnej sytuacji
be held up
Sorry I'm late, but my train was held up., She got held up at work.
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być opóźnionym przez, "utknąć" gdzieś
He told them a spine-chilling ghost story.
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mrożąca krew w żyłach
slow on the uptake
He's a little slow on the uptake, so you may have to repeat the instructions a few times.
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powolny w pojmowaniu
He's quick-witted, so he might be able to solve this puzzle.
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He's very knowledgeable about German literature.
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posiadający sporą wiedzę
have a good head on one's shoulders
Joe has a good head on his shoulders, so I highly doubt he would go to Vegas and gamble all his money away.
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być inteligentnym i podejmować dobre decyzje
at sea
I'm completely at sea with the new computer system.
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at a loss
I was so embarrassed that I was at a loss for words./ Brian was at a loss to explain how the stolen computer got into the boot of his car.
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nie wiedzieć co zrobić
able to think on one's feet
I'd never heard about the company before, so I had to think on my feet.
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podejmować szybko, sprawnie decyzje
Half of the team is dim.
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Połowa drużyny jest głupia.
There are some really dense people in our class.
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be too clever by half
She was too clever by half - always correcting the teacher.
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być zbyt pewnym własnej inteligencji, zarozumiałym
run through sb's head/mind
I've had that tune running through my head all day.
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nie móc przestać myśleć o czymś
sleep on sth
Don't give me an answer now - sleep on it and then make a decision.
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"przespać się z czymś"
jog one's memory
When you have a mind like a sieve as I have, you need something to jog the memory.
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przypomnieć coś komuś
I have many pleasant recollections of the time we spent together.
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ring a bell (idiom)
No, I'm sorry, that description doesn't ring any bells with me.
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brzmieć znajomo
A church service was held in remembrance of the victims.
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wspomnienie, pamięć o
fairly reasonable
You might think that new regulations are fairly reasonable, but it's deceptive.
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dość rozsądne
without the benefit of
The band had to perform without benefit of rehearsal.
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bez korzyści
put paid to
A knee injury has put paid to her chances of getting into the final.
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zniszczyć, zniweczyć, skończyć coś
let alone sth
Some people never even read a newspaper, let alone a book. / Davina can't even boil an egg, let alone cook a whole meat.
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nie mówiąc już o
He's the kind of person who watches a movie and then dissects it for hours.
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analizować wnikliwie
The presenter gave a polished speech at the conference.
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The plot of the film is just a hackneyed boy-meets-girl scenario.
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She was of slim build with short, dark hair.
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budowa ciała (figura+rozmiar)
skate around a subject
Julia skated around the subject of her marriage, obviously trying to avoid talking about it.
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nie wymienić, pominąć
sail through sth
Tim sailed through his exam as effortlessly as ever.
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poradzić sobie z czymś z łatwością
rein in
I had to rein in her spending - it was getting out of control.
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take the wind out of one's sails
It took the wind out of her sails when I admitted straightaway what I'd done.
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coś kogoś zszkowało, "zamurowało"
be on the ball
Carly is very much on the ball at work and knows exactly what's going on.
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zdolna do szybkiego analizowania sytuacji
move the goalposts
I thought I was right to leave at five, but they'd moved the goalposts - we were expected to work until six.
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zmienić zasady
accepted wisdom
It is a commonly accepted wisdom that the Earth is not flat.
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ogólnie przyjęty pogląd
acute angle
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kąt ostry
The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas. / acute abdominal pain/ a woman of acute intelligence
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dotkliwy/nagły (ból) /bystry
hold out against something
She has been holding out against his persuasion to change her job for a long time.
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opierać się czemuś
Długo opierała się jego namowom, żeby zmienić pracę.
out of sync
I don't know the exact time. All the clocks in the office are out of sync.
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We were served by a very surly waiter.
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Her television work typecasts her as a helpless victim. / Democrats have made a decision to typecast Donald Trump as a fascist.
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dawać aktorowi zawsze podobne role/ stereotypizować
come to terms with
It's difficult to come to terms with the death of a close relative.
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pogodzić się z czymś
Trudno pogodzić się ze śmiercią bliskiego krewnego.
(7 seconds/10 minutes) flat
I was dressed in five minutes flat.
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dokładnie w 7 sekund/10 minut - bardzo szybko
She was looking very glamorous.
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czarujący, atrakcyjny
He's lived in Norwich for 40 years, or thereabouts.
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The two cultures were so utterly disparate that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other.
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I've got to go to the dentist again - what a drag!
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go off at/on a tangent
It's hard to get a firm decision out of him - he's always going off on a tangent.
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zmienić nagle temat
This decision has caused resentment among some teachers.
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żal, uraza
let (one's) hair down
Oh let your hair down for a once!
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folgować sobie, wyluzować się
stick with
You'll never learn how to play the piano if you're not going to stick with it. / He said that he was going to stick with the traditions established by his grandfather.
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kontynuować coś (z uporem), starać się z uporem coś zrobić
maintain balance
Try to maintain balance and not to fall.
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utrzymać równowagę
have the effect of
This combination of measures has the effect of reducing swelling and bruising.
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powodować, że
Salmon swim upstream against very strong currents to reach their breeding areas.
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w górę rzeki
go ahead with sth
We've received the permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents.
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zacząć coś
You can rely on the thoroughness of his research.
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He was tall and had a quirky, off-beat sense of humour.
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dziwny, dziwaczny, ekscentryczny
an irrevocable decision
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seize the moment
I've tried to get the most out of life by always seizing the moment.
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korzystać z okazji, potencjału
settle on something
Have you settled on a name for the baby?
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podjąć decyzję / wybrać coś
attend to something
I always have so many things to attend to when I come into the office after a trip abroad.
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zabrać się za coś (deal with sth)
get someone down
It's such a small problem that you shouldn't let it get you down.
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powodować złe samopoczucie, smutek
make a recovery
He is reported to be making a recovery in hospital now.
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wracać do zdrowia
cause a lot of confusion
What is it that's causing you a lot of confusion?
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powodować wiele zamieszania
take sth seriously
Laura doesn't take her work seriously according to her teacher.
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brać coś na poważnie
the front parlour
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salon (starodawnie)
He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them.
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porwać, pochwycić
reflect on
She reflected on her country's role in history.
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zastanowić się nad
an exhilarating walk in the mountains
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sprawiający radość
Uncle George tells stories and exhilarates everybody with his good humour.
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lash out
I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out at me and hit me in the face.
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rzucić się na
The dog cowered in the corner, realizing she had done something wrong.
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kulić się, skulić się
It was sheer lunacy spending all the money.
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obłęd, głupota
I could hear my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize.
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walić, uderzać
pound out
Everyone sang as Mother pounded out the family favourites on the piano.
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grać głośno na instrumencie, szczególnie uderzając
Mash the potatoes and then mix in the butter and herbs. / They ate a mash of 2 potatoes, 2 carrots and cabbage.
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rozgniatać, tłuc/ miazga, mieszanka
feed off
She fed off the crowd's enthusiasm.
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czerpać siłę, moc, wsparcie z
a powerhouse rock band
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coś, co ma dużo enegii, wpływów/ elektrownia
whip up
She criticized the organization for trying to whip up anti-immigrant prejudice.
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wzbudzać, podsycać
There was a flurry of excitement as the president walked in.
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She slipped on the ice and twisted her knee., She twisted her head round so she could see what was happening.
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skręcić, kręcić,
She showed us a sample of her needlework.
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robótki ręczne, szydełkowanie (szczególnie dekoracyjne)
The old part of the town was a maze of narrow passages.
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A mist drifted in from the marshes.
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The poor wretches had no chance to survive.
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nędznik, nieszczęśnik
I've been waiting eons for my new computer.
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She died of tuberculosis at a sanitarium in Saranac Lake.
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They arrived at the house to find the door locked and barred.
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zablokowany, zabarykadowany
He was scarred as a result of the fire.
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zostawić znamię
pneumonia, lung inflammation
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zapalenie płuc
There were rumours of mutiny among the troops.
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live on
Elvis Presley's legend lives on.
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być nadal żywym
Legenda Elvisa Presleya jest wciąż żywa.
live off
They had learned to live off the land.
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żyć z czegoś
She molded the clay into little animals.
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kształtować formować
The old man clenched his fist and waved it angrily at us.
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By the age of 25 he had already earned his third stripe and become a seargant.
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naszywka (np. w wojsku wskazująca rangę)
He was, she concluded, a spineless individual.
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In the end the wicked witch gets killed.
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The police said that this was one of the most vicious attacks they had ever seen.
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nikczemny, zły, podły
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get someone going
Interacting with other people, that's what gets me going.
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gdy coś kogoś kręci, podnieca
an inbred sense of right and wrong
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wsobny, inherentny
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hit on/upon something
He hit on the idea of using the newly-invented railways for pleasure trips.
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znaleźć coś przypadkiem
Germany's Green Party was said to be the forerunner of environmental parties throughout Europe.
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zwiastun, poprzednik, prototyp, prekursor
headway (make headway)
I'm trying to learn to drive, but I'm not making much headway with it.
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postęp (poczynić postępy)
go back
Our house goes back to the 18th century.
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istnieć od
proposal for
The Senate rejected the proposal for a rise in Brazil's minimum wage.
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get someone interested in
It was Jake who got me interested in collecting pottery.
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zainteresować kogoś czymś
be desparate to do sth
He was desparate to give the interviewers a good impression.
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być zdesperowanym, aby coś zrobić
The homework assignment was to read Chapter 2 in our history book.
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UN troops were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital.
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a bespoke suit
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na miarę, zrobiony w konkretnym celu
The coins jingled in her pocket as she walked along.
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wydawać dźwięk dzwonienia, dzwonić
The doorway was so low that we had to stoop to go through it.
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nachylić się
The museum houses the biggest collection of antique toys in Europe.
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zapewniać mieszkanie, przestrzeń do życia
There is a great deal of indecision over how to tackle the problem.
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Changes to the tax system are long overdue.
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zaległy, opóźniony
I've got a huge backlog of work to do.
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relate to sb
Many parents find it hard to relate to their children when they are teenagers.
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rozumieć kogoś i utrzymywać przyjazne relacje
Students and pensioners are entitled to a discount.
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subject to sth
The bay is subject to heavy fog in summer.
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podatny na
achieve a price
There is an economic crisis right now, so it might be difficult to achieve the price you want.
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wytargować, uzyskać zakładaną cenę
do up a flat
We want to do up our flat before next winter.
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wyremontować mieszkanie
room for
You must ensure there is enough room for aunt Georgina in our house.
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miejsce na (mieszkanie, miejsce do życia)
put your stamp on
I want to put my own stamp on this house.
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zostawić swój ślad
the silent grandeur of the desert
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The evidence points to the inescapable conclusion that he is guilty of the crime.
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have a good/bad memory for
I have a really bad memory for people's names when I meet them.
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mieć dobrą pamięć do czegoś
on the grounds of
He lost his job on the grounds of his inefficiency.
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ze względu na
The plants need a shady, sheltered spot in the garden.
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bezpieczny, ochronny
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Aid workers were said to have been filled with dismay by the appalling conditions that the refugees were living in.
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przerażenie, konsternacja
boost popularity
The eye-catching red colour of the bridge also boosts its popularity.
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zwiększyć popularność
move off
Gil waved his hand and the car moved off.
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quite a challenge
There is a sidewalk (pavement) for pedestrians, but it's quite a challenge to walk across it.
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lada wyzwanie
The trees were swaying in the wind.
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kołysać (się)
The children had broken the bed by bouncing on it., The ball bounced off the goalpost and into the net.
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odbijać (się)
Don't wobble the table, please./ I gave the poles a slight wobbles and the whole tent collapsed.
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drgać, trząść/ chybotanie
In her speech, she paid a glowing tribute to her predecessor.
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It's described in the guide book as "an enchanting medieval city".
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When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.
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lose a record
It was a long time since the bridge lost its record of being the longest in the country.
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stracić przywództwo, prowadzenie
The building's instability makes it extremely dangerous.
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The condiment with a cult-like following will be available at all McDonald's locations in the U.S. while supplies last.
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deckchair, sunbed
It reminds me of a deckchair on Blackpool Beach. / Do you want to rent a sunbed?
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smart casual
That restaurant's dress code is smart casual.
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Flip-flops are forbidden to wear in dinner time.
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