CAE (Use of English – Gapped Sentences)

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otázka odpověď
to be ahead of one's time
začněte se učit
wyprzedzić epokę
round of applause
začněte se učit
a period of time when an audience reacts by clapping their hands
to draw the curtains
začněte se učit
zasuwać/rozsuwać zasłony
to draw the conclusion
začněte se učit
wyciągnąć wnioski
to draw out money
začněte se učit
wyciągnąć pieniądze
to be on the go
Like most working mothers, she is always on the go.
začněte se učit
busy and active all the time
to have a go
And UNICEF, God bless them, they said, "Okay, we'll have a go."
začněte se učit
spróbować, skrytykować, zaatakować
to stand up to sb
"giving workers the confidence to stand up to their employers"
začněte se učit
make a spirited defence against
to disperse
začněte se učit
rozpraszać się (o tłumie)
united act of defiance
začněte se učit
zjednoczony akt oporu
to be hard of hearing
začněte se učit
[of someone] unable to hear well or partially deaf
be hard on somebody
začněte se učit
a) to criticize someone in a way that is unfair, or to be too strict with them; b) to have a bad effect on someone
Perhaps I’m too hard on her. Divorce can be very hard on children.
it's safe safe to assume that
začněte se učit
można bezpiecznie założyć, że
to tell apart
Katherine and her sister look so alike that I simply can't _________ them apart.
začněte se učit
to tell sb off
I expect the boss is going to _________ me off for not getting my work done on time again.
začněte se učit
besztać kogoś
to tell the time
I bought my niece a toy clock because she's just learning to _________ the time.
začněte se učit
to know what time it is when you look at a clock or a watch
The children are learning to tell the time.
let someone down
začněte se učit
zawieść kogoś; fail to support or help someone as they had hoped
mental picture
začněte se učit
let sth pass
začněte se učit
"puścić mimo uszu"; choose not to react to an action or remark
go into the lead
Newcastle have gone into the _________ with 30 points, and it looks as if they will win the tournament.
začněte se učit
wyjść na prowadzenie
at the scene of the crime
začněte se učit
na miejscu zbrodni
deal in
začněte se učit
to buy and sell something
a small company that deals in rare books The police said she was dealing in stolen goods.
fair distance
začněte se učit
uczciwa odległość;-) duża w sensie że
Keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth
začněte se učit
Trzymaj uważnie oko / zegarek na sb / sth
If you keep a close eye on someone or something or keep a close watch on them, you observe them carefully to make sure they are progressing as you want them to. The President's foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events.

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