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call back
začněte se učit
wezwać z powrotem; communicate the need to return to the previous situation or location
Management called the laid-off workers back.
call back
začněte se učit
oddzwonić; telephone to a person who has called previously
Jane tried to contact you. She asked you to call her back immediately.
call down
začněte se učit
dać naganę; reprimand
The teacher called me down for disobedience.
call for
začněte se učit
wymagać (działania); need
The situation calls for immediate action.
call in
začněte se učit
wpaść z wizytą, odwiedzić; visit briefly
She called in last Monday to see our new house.
call in
začněte se učit
telefonować do kogoś; communicate with another person by telephone
Has the boss called in today?
call off
začněte se učit
odwołać; cancel something that has been scheduled
We don't have school today. The mayor called classes off because of the snow.
call on
začněte se učit
pytać (na lekcji); ask someone for an answer in class
I don't know why the teacher never calls on you. You always know the answer.
call on
začněte se učit
odwiedzić; visit sb (formally)
Our representative will call on your company next Tuesday.
call out
začněte se učit
wezwać, wywołać; order to come to help sb
All firefighters were called out to save the burning building.
call up
začněte se učit
powołać do wojska, rekrutować; order to join the army
Thousands of young men were called up during World War I.
call up
začněte se učit
przypomnieć; cause one to remember; bring to mind
Johnny tells the story that call up old times.

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