Civil Procedure [Definitions]

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właściwość rzeczowa
začněte se učit
subject-matter jurisdiction
jurisdiction over the nature of the case and the type of relief sought
właściwość miejscowa
začněte se učit
territorial jurisdiction
jurisdiction over cases arising in or involving persons residing within a defined territory
właściwość wyłączna
začněte se učit
exclusive jurisdiction
s court's power to adjudicate an action or class of actions to the exclusion of all other courts
połączenie spraw w celu łącznego rozpoznania
začněte se učit
consolidation; cumulation
the court-ordered unification of two or more actions, involving the same parties and issues, into a single action resulting in a single judgement or, sometimes, in a separate judgements
strona postępowania
začněte se učit
a party to a lawsuit
postępowanie sądowe
začněte se učit
(1) the process of carrying on a lawsuit; (2) a lawsuit itself
skład sądu
začněte se učit
a set of judges selected from a complete court to decide a specific case
začněte se učit
lay judge
a judge who is not a lawyer
začněte se učit
an agreement ending a dispute or lawsuit
začněte se učit
the quality or state of being allowed to be entered into evidence in a hearing, trial or other official proceeding
začněte se učit
intervener; intervenor
one who voluntarily enters a pending lawsuit because of a personal stake in it
začněte se učit
the entry into a lawsuit by a third party who. despite not being named a party to the action, has personal state in the outcome
začněte se učit
a schedule of pending cases
akta sprawy
začněte se učit
a court's complete and official record of the case
začněte se učit
(1) a document, record or other tangible object formally introduced as evidence in the court, (2) a document attached to and made part of a pleading, motion, contract or other instrument
skarga pauliańska
začněte se učit
Paulian action / actio Pauliana
an action to rescind a transaction (such as alienation of property) that an insolvent debtor made to deceive the debtor's creditors
zawrzeć ugodę
začněte se učit
to reach a settlement
wydać wyrok
začněte se učit
to render a judgement; give a judgement; issue a judgement
rozpoznawać sprawę
začněte se učit
to hear a case; adjudicate a case
powołać dowód / dowody
začněte se učit
to adduce evidence
wytoczyć powództwo
začněte se učit
to bring an action

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