Clever claws, Hm 13

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a small amount of food that is eaten between main meals or instead of a meal
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to disappear or stop existing completely
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to die out
a plant such as wheat, rice, or fruit that is grown by farmers and used as food
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a set of television or radio programmes that have the same characters or deal with the same type of subject, and are usually broadcast every week or several times a week,
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an animal, bird etc that is hunted and eaten by another animal
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to include or show something as a special o r important part of something, or to be included as an important part
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to feature
the final result of a meeting, discussion, war etc used especially when no one knows what it will be until it actually happens
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an outcome
changes in climate
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climate shifts
to think that someone is probably guil ty of a crime
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to notice someone or something, especially when they are difficult to see or recognize
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to spot
to send out radio or television programmes
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to broadcast
to experience something, especially problems or opposition
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to encounter
someone who goes into houses, shops etc to steal things
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to move a small light boat through water, using one or more paddles (wiosło)
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to paddle
pol. Labirynt
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very skillful
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sosomeone who makes and repairs locks
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to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation
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to adapt
something that makes it difficult to achieve something
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your ability to see
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to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situatio
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,to cope with
to open something that is tied, fastened or wrapped
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to undo
someone or something that is in competition with other people or things
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a contender
to move or d o sth suddenly and quickl
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,to leap
a large container for storing liquid
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a place where one road, track etc joins another
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a junction
To start to like sth or sb
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take to
Continue doing sth
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get on (with)
To finish in a particular way
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end up
To become faster
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speed up
To make (yourself) do sth difficult or unpleasant
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Put (yourself) through (sth)
To hand sth to each of a group of people
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to hand out

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