climate of scares 3

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An _____is a series of mathematical steps, especially in a computer program, which will give you the answer to a particular kind of problem or question.
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having lost one's reputation;
Pol. zdyskredytowany
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any terrible force, esp one that destroys or that demands complete self
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sacrifice; a very large lorry for transporting goods by road;
If you describe something as _____, you mean that you do not consider it to be completely honest, safe, or reliable;
Pol. wątpliwy
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Pol. wysoce wątpliwy układ (porozumienie)
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highly dubious deal
Pol. nastawiony na walkę ze zmianami klimatu
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geared to fighting climate change
a formal or solemn promise or agreement, esp to do or refrain from doing sth great excitement or wild behaviour that often results from losing control of your feelings;
Pol. szał, gorączka
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Pol. to opiera się na założeniu
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it rests on the assumption
If one thing happens or is done _____ another thing, the two things happen at the same time
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in tandem with
Pol. okrutna (surowa) rzeczywistość
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the harsh reality
Pol. wymowna chwila
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a telling moment
If you describe sb as your _____, you mean that they help and support you, especially when other people are opposing you;
Pol. sojusznik, sprzymierzeniec
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If you _____ something, you admit, often unwillingly, that it is true or correct; Pol. uznać, przyznać się do
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If you say that people are ______ to do or have something, you mean that a lot of them want the opportunity to do it or have it;
Pol. pchają się (aby coś zrobić)
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queuing up
constant changes; instability;
Pol. wahania
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Pol. korelować z czymś
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correlate with sth
Pol. zgodnie z czymś
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consistently with sth
If something _____ a situation or event, it is considered to be a warning or sign of what is about to happen;
Pol. zapowiadać (coś)
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Pol. ucieczka od rzeczywistości
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flight from reality
Pol. niszczycielska siła, wielka ciężarówka
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