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otázka odpověď
oklaski, brawa
začněte se učit
a round of applause
Let's give her a round of applause ladies and gentlemen.
być nie związanym (z czymś), być nie na temat, nie mieć nic do rzeczy
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be beside the point
Your argument is just beside the point.
z zapartym tchem
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with bated breath
We have waited with bated breath for over a decade for the sixth installment of the writer's book series.
przejść do historii
začněte se učit
go down in history
to be widely remembered
And the fact is we want to go down in history as the team of the 90's.
okazać się wartym szumowi medialnemu
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live up to the hype
szum medialny- hype. a lot of advertising or promotional information about something showing it in a very good light
They hyped their product so much they might be sorry for that. The Long awaited book adaptation didn't live up to the hype that had been revolving around it's premiere.
bez cienia wątpliwości
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beyond a shadow of a doubt
nadchodzić, zbliżać się
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roll around
Christmas is rolling around and I can't wait for the Christmas tree. The animals collect food before winter rolls around.
gryźć ziemię, zakończyć się fiaskiem
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bite the dust
His career bit the dust when he lost his job.
zjeść zęby na czymś
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cut teeth on
She cut her teeth on television.
wydusić to z siebie
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spit it out
to get it out of you
nic nie mów
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hold your tongue
"w dużych ilościach "
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in spades
in large amounts or to a very great degree
that we have in spades. My dog has personality in spades.
wstrząsnąć tobą do szpiku kości
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shake you to the core
wyjść na jaw
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come to light
ruszyć do działania
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spring into action
zaskoczyć wyskoczyć na kogoś
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spring something on somebody
to suddenly tell or ask someone something when they do not expect it:
hope he's not going to spring any nasty surprises on us at the meeting this morning.
wygadać się
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to spill the guts
So who spilled the beans about her affair with David?
kłamać w żywe oczy
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to lie through one's teeth
to tell someone something that you know is completely false:
He asked me how old I was and, lying through my teeth, I said "29".
na serio, na poważnie
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in earnest
to be speaking honestly. When something begins in earnest, it has already started but is now being done in a serious and complete way:
I thought he was joking - I didn't realize he was in earnest. The election campaign has begun in earnest.
niewymownie, nie do wyrażenia
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beyond words
I am thankful beyond words.
robić z igły widły (kretowisko)
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to make a mountain out of a molehill
kto pierwszy ten lepszy
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first come, first served
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a person who comes from the same country
It's been extremely difficult for him to come alone with the society of compatriots abroad in Argentina.
nabyty (prawo do czegoś), prawnie ustalony
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vested shares, pension plans, etc. can be kept by an employee who has worked the necessary number of years for a particular company:
The president is vested with the executive power. He chose to receive his vested benefits in a single lump-sum payment.
pęk, zwitek (banknotów), sformować masę czegoś, zwijając bądź składając czegoś
začněte se učit
a number of usually flat and/or small objects pressed tightly together: to fold or press together something to form a mass:
a wad of banknotes a wad of gum She used a wad (= a mass) of tissues to wipe away the blood. He wadded his towel into a ball.
naprawić błąd
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fix a mistake
naprawić krzywdę
rectify a misdeed. to right a wrong
podejmować się trudnego zadania
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fight an uphill battle
stukać się kieliszkami
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clink glasses
The "clinking" of glasses originated in the medieval days when wine was often spiked with poison as the sediment concealed it quite well.
zamarznąć ze strachu
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freeze in fear
We froze in fear as a bear appeard in front of us while eating sandwiches during the picnic.
szukać w czymś dziury, doszukiwać się słabych punktów
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poke holes in something
pick holes in something - szukać dziury w całym
wybryk fantazji
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flight of fancy
The flights of fancy the director does take are vivid, plausible, juicy in it's flowing with blood, and at the same time their gloriously cinematical violence appear not as flat as we have got used to with similar movies of that genre.
prostacki, chamski (np. osoba, zachowanie), paskudny, poniżej czyjejś godności
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boorish. stupid and without considering how other people might feel: crass being beneath someone's dignity. pejorative intensifier
a crass error of judgment He made crass comments about her worn-out clothes. crass concerns of daily life. t
do dzisiaj, do teraz
začněte se učit
to date
The ancient city ruins stand there to date
rodzaj, tego pokroju
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a particular type(mainly disapproving)
The worst of her criticism was reserved for journalists, photographers, and others of their ilk. They do not give children chicken nuggets, potato smiley faces, or processed foods of that ilk.
łatwy do powiązania, wykazujący możliwość związku (z czymś), bliższy czemuś lub komuś (o osobie)
začněte se učit
related, or able to be related to something else:
The market value of your property investment is directly relatable to the amount of work, effort and expertise you put into it. One of the reasons for her success is that the characters in her books are so relatable.
nadęty, wzdęty (brzuch), nalany (twarz)
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swollen and rounded because of containing too much air, liquid, or food:
bloated with pride. a bloated (= uncomfortably full) feeling
zdrów jak ryba
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as right as rain
My grandpa is in his eighties, but he's as right as rain
bułka z masłem
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as easy as pie
I'm not that sure I'll pass the exam. It was not as easy as pie as you used to tell me countless times.
stary jak świat
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as old as the hills
These trees are as old as the hills
płacić z góry
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advance, pay up front
You have to advance 100 dollars if you want to stay at our hotel. We need to pay up front for the hotel.
spaść komuś z nieba
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fall into one's lap
Can you believe that it almost fell into his lap? Success and economic prosperity don´t just fall into your lap.
zdać się na los, zaryzykować, zaufać szczęściu, liczyć na łut szczęścia
začněte se učit
take pot luck
Before farmers had to take pot luck over whether their ewes were pregnant. He wasn't certain that his team was to be victorious so he had to take put lock and hope that victory would not elude him.
Kuj żelazo póki gorące
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make hay while the sun shines
to make good use of an opportunity while it lasts
uparty jak osioł
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as stubborn as a mule
stchórzyć, dostawać pietra
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to get cold feet
Right before signing the deal, the investor got cold feet. My friend wants me to try paragliding but I get cold feet.
podekscytowany do granic możliwości
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be thrilled to bits
nie pozorować czegoś
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make no pretence to sth
The government made even no pretence to conducting democratic elections.
mocny protestu, protestować (wyć)
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howls of protest
After howls of protest, he retreated to his earlier stand. I can already see irritated people howling in protest at this resolution
Świat stoi przed Tobą otworem
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the world is your oyster
You can do anything you want - the world is your oyster.
zajść komuś pod skórę
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to get under someone's skin
I don't like him, he got under my skin a while ago. Don't get under your teacher's skin!
to trzeba uczcić
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this calls for a celebration
to wymaga świętowania
tak trzymać!
začněte se učit
way to go!
I got 5 at school. Great son. way to go!
nie dorastać komuś do pięt
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can't hold a candle to somebody
It is thought modern music is crap and can't hold a candle to classical hits of 80's and 90's.
nie widzieć niczego poza czubkiem twojego nosa
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can't see beyond the end of your nose
oczko w głowie
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the apple of one's eye
My sister's only son is the apple of her eye
oddać własne życie, ochłapy byle komuś pomóc
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someone would give someone the shirt off his back
to do anything to help (someone)
She'd give me the shirt off her back if I ever needed help.
środek nocy
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the dead of night
The forest isn't a place where you want to be in the dead of night.
opłacać, pokrywać (koszty, wydatki)
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to defray
(especially of an organization) to pay the cost of something
The company will defray all your expenses, including car rental.
cośkolwiek do jedzenia, los, szczęście (gdy ktoś zdaje się na los)
začněte se učit
anything that is available or is found by chance, rather than something chosen, planned, or prepared: an informal meal where guests bring a different dish that is then shared with the other guests:
a pot luck dinner We're having a pot luck on Saturday. Mary's welcome to stay for dinner if she doesn't mind taking pot luck (= having whatever is available).
być w potrzebie
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be in want/need
zawrzeć umowę/,
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conclude an agreement/enter into a contract
są gusta i guściki. o gustach się nie dyskutuje
nie ma wytłumaczenia
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there is no accounting for taste
kompletnie nie mam humoru
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I'm down in the dumps.
zepsuć czyjeś plany, powodować kłopot (np. zmieniając czyjeś plany
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to upset the applecart
All you need is a couple little things to upset the apple cart."
skupić uwagę na czymś(potocznie) w pełni
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to zero in on
to focus on. to direct all of one's attention to (someone or something)
The gunner zeroed in on the target. Scientists are hoping to zero in on a cure
z powrotem w punkcie wyjścia
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back to square one
We were so close to the end of that but now we're back to square one. We got some new evidence and now we're back to square one.
jeden na milion (o szansach). jedyny w swoim rodzaju
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one in a million
Katie's one in a million.
założę się, że, bardzo prawdopodobne
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ten to one
very likely
Ten to one, the woman will give the show away. Ten to one we find out he wrote that police report himself.
"wielka filozofia"
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rocket science
It's not rocket science, everyone can do it
w mgnieniu oka, błyskawicznie
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in a heartbeat
no sooner than we noticed we were pickpocketed in a heartbeat, the thief had already taken off
żyli długo i szczęśliwie
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happy ever after
świt, brzask
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the break of day
naciągnąć łuk
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to draw a bow
na koniec świata i jeszcze dalej
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to infinity and beyond
chcieć zjeść więcej niż to możliwe
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eyes bigger than one's belly
I can't finish my meal, I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach.
chcieć jak najlepiej (dla kogoś)
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come from a good place
He's a real genuine guy, and he comes from a good place in his heart.
dobra decyzja, wybór
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good call
Good call, dr. Johnson!
być w dobrym nastroju
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be in good spirits
When they arrived, they were in high spirits.
diabeł wcielony
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someone who causes a lot of trouble:
She could be a hellion in bed, he just knew it. Some children are very cute and sweet as infants but turn into hellions once they become toddlers.
gościć kogoś, podejmować kogoś wystawnie
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wine and dine
Our company spent a fortune wining and dining potential clients, unfortunately, all for nothing.
poza domem (o spędzaniu czasu); tu i tam
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out and about
I wish I could go out and about more often.
zmęczony, znużony, mieć dosyć wszystkiego
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sick and tired
I am sick and tired of what everyone else is saying.
płodny (artysta), bujny (roślinność), płodny (koralik)
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producing a great number or amount of something:
He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation. Rabbits and other rodents are prolific
ostatni krzyk mody
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all the rage
to be very popular at a particular time:
Long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s.
nieszczęścia chodzą parami
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it never rains but it pours
It never rains but it pours with our injuries
pokrzyżować czyjeś plany i zepsuć zabawę
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rain on someone’s parade
to hinder someone's enjoyment; upset someone's plans.
It's irritating that he could rain on my parade by stealing the record before me.
grzecznie odmówić
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take a rain check
to refuse an offer or invitation politely, or say that you would like to accept it, but at a different time
She says she'd like to take a rain check on it and do it in May.
łamać sobie głowę, główkować
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rack one's brain
They're racking their brains to think up a new slogan. I've been racking my brain all day but I can't remember his name.
nie mieć grosza przy duszy
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not have to pennies to rub together
zrozpaczony, zdesperowany,
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She said nothing, but went about her work with a most despairing face.
przechylać szalę,
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tip the scales
tip the balance
this information can virtually tip the scales of the war
być kwita
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be even, quits, square
From now on they were quits and he could leave. If I had the world to give you, we would never be quits." I wanted to be square with him before my leave.
wejść w czyjeś buty
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step into someone's shoes
he was expected to step into his father's shoes and start running the company handling with multiannual projects.
w pogotowiu, w gotowości, w gotowości do użycia
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at the ready
on call
He stood by the phone, pencil at the ready. Elsewhere, groups of soldiers waited at the ready. Tonight I'm watching the episode in which her brother dies so it'll be tissues at the ready.
no stąd, ni zowąd, z nikąd
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out of thin air
It seemed to come out of thin air not three feet from him.
doprowadzić kogoś do porządku; sprawić, żeby ktoś zaczął się zachowywać
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bring somebody to the heel
It's still not clear how the president will use his power to bring the republics to heel.
od deski do deski 📔
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from cover to cover
I read my favourite book from cover to cover twice
ustalone, ustalony na stałe, pewny
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set in stone
At a minimum, it is clear that internal boundaries in West-Central Yugoslavia have not been carved in stone.
daj komuś palec, a weźmie całą rękę
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give somebody an inch and they'll take a mile
żuć, przeżuwać
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to chew (= crush with the teeth) food
Try to masticate slowly
, wziąć się w garść, przeboleć coś
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suck it up
It's not that bad, you need to suck it up.
być gejem, być homoseksualistą
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bat for the other side
"I'm sorry to break the news to you ladies but I think he may bat for the other team"
na golasa
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in the buff
naked: not wearing any clothes
They sunbathe in the buff. Besides, being in the buff can be good for one’s self esteem and body image, a study at the University of London found
czy zechciałbyś filiżankę kawy?
začněte se učit
would you care for a cup of coffe
I care for Italian food
po zastanowieniu / po namyśle
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on balance
as an afterthought. after considering the power or influence of both sides of a question:
This job offer had some advantages, but on balance he thought he was better off where he
po zastanowieniu / po namyśle
začněte se učit
on balance
as an afterthought. after considering the power or influence of both sides of a question:
This job offer had some advantages, but on balance he thought he was better off where he. The job offer had some advantages, but on balance he thought he was better off where he was.
czyny znaczą więcej niż słowa
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actions speak louder than words
Kto rano wstaje temu Pan Bóg daje, morgenstund har gull i munn
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the early bird catches the worm
na wyciągnięcie ręki
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at one's fingertips
When the whole of the future was at one's fingertips, one had to keep watch on the big picture.
łeb w łeb;
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neck and neck, dead even
The competitors are neck and neck. What an amazing race! The runners are dead even.
zadowolić się czymś, przystać na coś
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settle for
Why should I settle for something that doesn't make me happy? She is not very ambitious - she settles for a minimum wage.
świetny przykład, wzorcowy przykład, przykład godny naśladowania
začněte se učit
shining example
Your daughter is a shining example of a good student.

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