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come across
začněte se učit
znaleźć coś przypadkowo; find (unexpectedly)
I've lost my extra car keys. If you come across them while your're cleaning the room, please put them in a safe place.
come back
začněte se učit
wracać (gdzieś, po coś); return
What time did Monica come back home yesterday?
come by
začněte se učit
znaleźć coś, natknąć się; to find
I came by this painting when I was looking around an antique shop on holiday.
come by
začněte se učit
zdobyć, uzyskać; obtain
Everybody wonders how he came by so much money.
come down to
začněte se učit
zmienić właściciela z powodu śmierci tegoż; be passed on to sb by inheritance
This house came down to me after my aunt died.
come down with
začněte se učit
zachorować; become ill with
George won't be at the office today. He came down with the flu over the weekend.
come into
začněte se učit
dostać w spadku, odziedziczyć; inherit
He came into a large sum of money after his grandfather died.
come off
začněte se učit
udać się; succeed
Despite all his planning the deal didn't come off.
come out
začněte se učit
kwitnąć, rozkwitać; begin to blossom
Roses come out in summer.
come out
začněte se učit
opublikować; be published
When does her new book come out?
come out
začněte se učit
zniknąć (plama), wybawić (plamę); be able to be removed
This wine stain will come out if you let it soak in warm water.
come round
začněte se učit
wpaść z wizytą, odwiedzić; visit casually
Come round any time for coffee.
come round
začněte se učit
dojść do siebie, odzyskać przytomność; recover consciousness
To the doctors' surprise the patient came round quickly.
come to
začněte se učit
opiewać na sumę, wynosić (kosztować); total
Your charges come to $124.38. Will you pay by check, in cash, or with a credit card?
come to
začněte se učit
dojść do siebie, odzyskać przytomność; regain consciousness
When I told Gina that she'd won a million dollars, she fainted. When she came to, I told her it was a joke and she almost hit me!
come up
začněte se učit
pojawić się, być wspomnianym; be mentioned
Your name came up in the conversation.
come up
začněte se učit
zdarzyć się; arise; occur
Such an opportunity comes up once in a lifetime.
come up to
začněte se učit
zbliżyć się, podejść; approach
A strange man came up to me and asked me for money.
come up to
začněte se učit
sprostać (wymaganiom); equal; be up to (expectations)
He failed to come up to his parents' expectations.
come up with
začněte se učit
wyjść (z pomysłem), przedstawić (rozwiązanie); find (an answer, solution etc)
He came up with a brilliant plan to save the compan

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