czasowniki frazowe z dopełnieniem

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blow (sth) up
The terrorist wanted to blow up the hotel.
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bring about sth
What you did can bring serious consequences about.
začněte se učit
doprowadzić do czegoś, powodować
bring sb up
Monica brings up her children alone.
začněte se učit
Call sth up
It was raining so they called off the match.
začněte se učit
Carry sth out
Doctor Jones is carrying out the operation.
začněte se učit
przeprowadzać, wykonwyać
cover sth up/hide the truth about
The White House wanted to cover up the scandal.
začněte se učit
zakryć coś / ukryć prawdę
figure sth out
I can't figure out the rules of this game.
začněte se učit
get sth across
They found it difficult to get across the message.
začněte se učit
przekazać, wytłumaczyć
give sth away
Jim will probably give away his old furniture.
začněte se učit
give sth away
My best friend gave away all my secrets.
začněte se učit
zdradzić (np. sekret)
give sth up (She gave up her job because she couldn't stand her boss)
začněte se učit
(porzuciła pracę, bo nie mogła znieść szefowi)
hand sth in
Ralph has just decided to hand his resignation in.
začněte se učit
Hold sth back (emotions) / The movie was so emotional that I was unable to hold
začněte se učit
powstrzymywać (emocje) / Film był tak emocjonalny, że nie mogłem go utrzymać
lay sb off
Our boss was forced to lay off some employees
začněte se učit
zwolnić z pracy
look sth up
Juan usually looks up new English words in a dictionary.
začněte se učit
mess sth up
Please don't mess up my plans!
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pay sth off
We are still paying off the loan.
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put sth aside
I put aside $10 for a new bike every month.
začněte se učit
odkładać pieniądze na jakiś cel
Put sth forward
Roger is going to put forward his plan during the meeting.
začněte se učit
Put sth off
They've put off the meeting until tomorrow.
začněte se učit
odkładać coś w czasie
Put sth together
I'm trying to put together my computer after I took it apart
začněte se učit
złożyć, zamontować
set sth up
In 1976 he set up his own company.
začněte se učit
zakładać np. biznes
sort sth out
It won't be easy to sort out all my problems.
začněte se učit
rozwiązać np. problem
take sth apart
Can you take apart this gadget?
začněte se učit
rozłożyć, rozebrać na części
take sth in
Is it difficult to take in all this information?
začněte se učit
pojąć, przyswajać
take sb on/hire sb
They are going to take on new staff.
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take sth up
I have decided to take up yoga
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zając się czymś, zainteresować się czymś
turn (sb/sth) down
John turned down our invitation.
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work sth out
I have not worked out the plan yet.
začněte se učit
obmyślać, opracowywać

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