Definicje słówek str. 34-35

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To achieve a goal is to attain it successfully
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To allocate resources is to designate them for a particular function or purpose
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To analyze is to study something extensively in an effort to describe or comprehend it
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To apply a process, rule, or technique is to use it
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If someone is approachable, he or she is easy to talk to and not intimidating
Arrive at
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To arrive at a decision is to come to a conclusion about a particular issue, usually after some discussion
Assembly line
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An assembly line is a system of putting a product together in which the item passes through different stages. Each stage has a specific task and adds or completes some aspect of the product
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To assess something is to look at it carefully and make a judgment on it
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An assessment is an evaluation used to identify strengths as well as places where improvements are needed
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An asset is any item of value owned by a person or entity
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If someone is authoritarian, he or she values strict obedience to authority and does not value personal freedom
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An avenue is a course of action that is undertaken to accomplish something
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To balance an account is to reconcile debit and credit amounts
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Benchmarking is the process of determining the standards for one’s business practices. This is done by examining the standards set by other companies within and outside of one’s industry
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Benefits are payments made to employees in addition to wages, such as health insurance and paid vacation days
Best practice
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A best practice is a system that is successful more often than any other method of doing something
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A billboard is a large board found in cities and along roads. Companies use them to advertise
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A boss is someone who is in charge of other people
Bottom-up communication
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If communication is bottom-up, it is directed from lower-level employees toward their supervisors
Branch out
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To branch out is to expand into other areas not previously explored
Breathe down (someone’s) neck
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To breathe down someone’s neck is to constantly remind someone of an obligation in a harassing or rude manner
Cash-basis accounting
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Cash-basis accounting is a method of accounting that records income and expense based on cash payments only, expected payments, or expenses that are not recognized
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When one earns a certification, one has a formal qualification in accordance with set standards
Collective bargaining unit
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A collective bargaining unit is a group of employees with shared interests who are represented by a labor union in dealings with management regarding pay, benefits, and other significant issues
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To communicate is to exchange information verbally or in writing with another person or group of people
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To compare two or more things is to look at them and find their similarities and differences
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A comparison is a statement that describes how two items are similar to and different from each other
Competitive benchmark
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A competitive benchmark is a standard set by comparing a business’ practices to those of a competitor
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A competitor is a rival in the same field
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Compliance is the act of conforming to a demand or proposal
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A concept is an idea, often associated with a plan
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Confidence is a feeling of trust in a person or a system
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A consensus is a mutually agreed upon decision
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To consider something is to give it close thought
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To consult is to confer with another person or group of people for advice
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A consumer is a person who buys and uses products sold by someone else
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To contract is to become smaller or less numerous
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To contribute is to bring or give something
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To control something is to make and implement decisions that will make it exactly as needed
Cost accounting
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Cost accounting is a method of accounting that records and analyzes all costs incurred through production and related activities
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A credit is a recorded listing of an amount paid to an account
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A criteria is a rule, standard, or test used in evaluation and decision making
Deal with
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To deal with something is to take care of or handle it
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To debate something is to exchange viewpoints about it with each side trying to convince the others of its validity
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A debit is a recorded listing of an amount owed by an amount
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A deduction is an amount you take away from a figure
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A defect is an imperfection or problem with something that makes it less effective or useful
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A delay is something that postpones an event or occurrence
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If someone is demanding, he or she has high expectations of others and insists that things get done a certain way
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If a manager is democratic, he or she emphasizes everyone’s role in decision making and allows all employees to have a voice before a final consensus is reached
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Depreciation is the loss of something’s value over time
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Distribution is the delivery of goods for sale to a store or individual customer
Distribution channel
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A distribution channel is the way you make your product available to customers
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To dominate something is to be in control of it or to be the most important part of it
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Earnings is the money made through a company’s profits
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Efficiency is the ability to do a task well, using the minimum amount of time, resources, or effort
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Elasticity is a measure of how changes in one economic variable will influence other variables
Employment law
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Employment law is the field of law dealing with government regulation establishing workers’ rights, including pay, hours, age restrictions, and treatment of workers. This field is sometimes called labor law
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To empower someone is to give them the ability to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their own action
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Equity is the value of a property or holding beyond mortgage or liability amounts
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To estimate an amount is to find the amount through guessing or calculation
Existing levels
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If someone refers to existing levels, they are currently at the point at which they are described
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To expect an event is to think that it will happen
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Your expenditure is the amount of money you spend
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An expense is money paid in order to accomplish a goal
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A factor is an element that influences how something happens

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