slovník Němec - Angličtina

Deutsch - English

informatik v angličtině:

1. IT

It is raining.
If we can just make it through one more month, we'll be sitting pretty.
It already faced a strong fight against the European Allies.
How much is this handkerchief? "It is ninety-five cents."
Never choose a vocation just because it is popular or sounds interesting.
He soon grows tired of a thing regardless of how much he liked it to begin with.
If it had not been for antibiotics, medicine would not have made such remarkable progress.
The bill was passed by a majority, although the Socialist Party was strongly opposed to it.
Give me something to write with. "Will this do?" "Yes, it will do."
I don't mind lending you the money provided you pay it back within a month.
I think we'll make it in time if we don't get stuck in a traffic jam.
There was something written on the stone, and they tried to make out what it was.
The iPad would be a perfect solution for me if it could properly display web pages with Flash content.
It's not as difficult to find a native speaker to help you with your language studies as it used to be.
Even though my friend was a vegetarian, I didn't tell him that the soup had some meat in it.

2. computer

You can't easily put photos on an iPad from more than one computer. However, you can email photos to yourself from various computers and download these photos to your iPad.
International Business Machines Corporation, based in Armonk, New York, is the world's largest computer firm.
Even though computer programmers may use semicolons every day, nowadays most people only use semicolons for emoticons.
If it were not for the computer, how inconvenient our lives would be!
The computer broke.
As he sits in the dark, typing away at his computer, he hears the sound of morning birds chirping away and realizes he has been up all night - but the insomniac still refuses to sleep.
I have installed Microsoft Office on my personal computer, so please use its file format when you send me the attachment.
Hey! There's an American who speaks Uyghur here! Hurry up and get over here to inspect his computer!
I sit in front of a computer screen all day, so I get pretty heavily bombarded by electro-magnetic waves.
Computer technology is indispensable to access many pertinent items of data.
For this design house it was an appropriate strategy to introduce even more radical colors into computer production.
If you turned off your computer right now, you would contribute to the prevention of global warming.
He made a complete financial record on his computer, basing his calculations on countless receipts and bank records.
When I started using a computer I was taken in by Norton's CPU-hungry software and had a lot of trouble.
A display, aka monitor, is an appliance that displays video signal of still images and moving pictures produced by a computer or similar device.