slovník Angličtina - Angličtina

English - English

carry v angličtině:

1. cart cart

Don't put the cart before the horse.
He carted the heavy crush all the way home.
He sells matches from a cart.
He began his career with a small vegetable cart which he took around from house to house.
Sometimes being overcautious in planning could upset the apple cart.
His untimely statement has not only let the cat out of the bag but also upset the apple cart for the peace move.
Jessie strolled along beside the cart.
Some lawn equipment is loaded into the jerry-built cart.
A shopping cart can be recycled into a nifty electrician's cart.
How did this bag of candy get into my shopping cart? My children must have put it there when I wasn’t looking.
(shopping cart) a metal basket on wheels used to hold groceries while you are shopping
The ancient Greek wall painting showed the goddess, Athena, on a horse pulling a cart.
A waiter with a cart is coming. Decide quickly what would you like to eat.
​vehicle with either two or four ​wheels, ​pulled by a ​horse and used for ​carrying ​goods: a ​horse and cart.
He used a cart to carry the goods to the grocery market.

2. hold hold

Hold it!
When my father went into the hospital, I had to put everything on hold.
Furthermore, even after the company information session, we sometimes hold company tours.
Businesses often have a list of 5-10 'mission statements' featured in their brochures, on their websites or hanging in their office detailing the values they hold as a form of communication to their employees, their clients and the public.
When suddenly faced with a dangerous situation, hold your horses - make sure of the proper action, then act.
Hold it, are you kidding me? Why'd we wanna go to such a remote location?
I will listen to your chest. Breathe deeply, please. Now hold your breath.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
The success of newly-developed applications and government-forced deregulation may hold the key to achieving this economic implementation.
The working group on data transfer, led by Ben Manny, will hold a meeting on Jan 14, 1999.
I always use the steps,'s scary how they I'd like you to hold them steady.
Mmmmn ... maybe I'll have a hair of the dog. "Whoa, hold up a mo! Here, I cooked roast fish for this morning. You ought to be able to eat this OK."
First hold crime-prevention firmly in mind! Before going out, lock the doors!
She tried to stifle a sneeze during the concert but she couldn't hold it back.
Some Shanghainese hold large banquets when they get married.

3. take take

Take care.
It is not necessary for you to take his advice if you don't want to.
We must take protective measures against floods.
Take one tablet a day until all of the medicine is gone.
Take lots of vitamin C to avoid catching cold.
Tom doesn't know whether he should take on the job or not.
Because I didn't take the bus, I'm still not home.
Taking a hot bath helps me take my mind off my worries.
You'll save yourself a lot of time if you take the car.
If you take a close look, you'll find that your friends and you have similar personalities.
Don't take it for granted that the nature is always there to help us.
Instead of cleaning the house today, I think I'll take a walk.
Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.
On weekends, I take my dogs out for a long walk in the park.
Although teachers give a lot of advice, students don't always take it.

Angličtina slovo „carry„(take) se zobrazí v sadách:

Smart Time 4 1a, 1b, 1c

4. port port

The ships reached port.
They used to go for a drive to Nagoya Port on weekends.
Statek wszedł do portu po miesiącach żeglowania.
How long does it take to get to your office from the port?
I always confuse which side is port and which starboard.
The Belgian port of Zeebrugge.
To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it— but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.
The fishing boat that had been missing returned to its port safely.
The country's foreign trade totally depends on this port.
A sailor frequently has no time to get his sea legs after leaving port before a battle starts.
A whistle blew, and the boat slowly began to pull out of port.
Extra special treatment is imperative to get the vessel through government red tape, so that she can leave port on time.
Hamburg is Germany's largest port and also the third-largest port in Europe.
a seaport
Any port in a storm.

5. carry carry

Wires carry electricity.
The good thing about this electronic dictionary is that it's easy to carry.
The work wasn't finished at 11:00 p.m. Friday, so they decided to carry it over to the following Monday.
We carry out treatments like whitening. We also do tobacco stain removal and other cleaning procedures.
If you can't lift your backpack, then you can't carry it!
I carry an umbrella everywhere. It rains a lot.
The spaceships will carry the first interstellar travellers to Alpha Centauri at a tenth the speed of light.
My aim is to learn enough English so I don't need to carry a dictionary with me when I travel.
I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum.
The "subject" is the person or object to carry out the action in the sentence. Transformed to Japanese it would be the part that end in "wa" or "ga".
Carry on working while I am away.
Let us go together. We can swim across the river, carry off the bear cubs, take them to the house on the mountain, and together find happiness.
Ships carry lifeboats so that the crew can escape.
Throat and nose membranes hurt by dry air allow cold viruses to enter more easily. It is important to carry out sensible counter plans against the cold with heaters and against the dryness with humidifiers.
His boosterism makes it sound wonderful but I wonder if he understands how hard it's going to be to actually carry out.