slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

przenocować kogoś v angličtině:

1. put sb up put sb up

Angličtina slovo „przenocować kogoś„(put sb up) se zobrazí v sadách:

Would you walk your dog around the world?
pearson czasowniki złożone 329 str część druga
The most common phrasal verbs
Listening, reading&writing(2)
longman matura rozszerzona III

2. put somebody up put somebody up

put somebody up = to allow someone to stay in your home. When he came for the Olympics, I put him up for two weeks.

Angličtina slovo „przenocować kogoś„(put somebody up) se zobrazí v sadách:

Word formation 4 + open transofmrations
Phrasal verbs with UP 3.1 - 3.3
03 English Phrases 4 56
unit 5 intermediate insight
02 Complete English

3. put up put up

I need to drill a hole in the wall to put up shelves.
They've put up a statue at the square.
The room looked nicer when we put up some pictures.
apartment blocks wete put up in the 60s
My ego put up even bigger blocks
I can put up with hot weather better than cold weather.
Have you ever put up a friend?
Because of a shortage of oil and gas, energy companies have put up their prices.
The WWF has put up posters all round the city.
It was easy to put up the shelves because they came with instructions on how to assemble them.
Several of the banks have decided to put up their interest rates.
A local businessman has put up the £500 000 needed to save the club.
I can't put up with my neighbour's noise any longer; it's driving me mad
One of his friends says he'll put up the money
put up

Angličtina slovo „przenocować kogoś„(put up) se zobrazí v sadách:

phrasal verbs - obowiązkowe z + z CAE
angielski p antoni use of english
module 7 słownictwo

4. put up for the night put up for the night

Angličtina slovo „przenocować kogoś„(put up for the night) se zobrazí v sadách:

podróże i turystyka
rozszerzenie temat 8

5. put somebody up for a night put somebody up for a night

Angličtina slovo „przenocować kogoś„(put somebody up for a night) se zobrazí v sadách:

repetytorium 10 podróżowanie
pobyt np na wakacjach
sprawdzian 2
travel the world

6. put sb up for a night put sb up for a night

Angličtina slovo „przenocować kogoś„(put sb up for a night) se zobrazí v sadách:

Reasonable faith #1
kartkówka frazale

7. put someone up put someone up

Angličtina slovo „przenocować kogoś„(put someone up) se zobrazí v sadách:

Would you walk your dog around the world?
Open World B2 First - Unit 8
E Dla Średnio Zaawansowanych 2 B1-B2

8. put sb up for the night put sb up for the night

Angličtina slovo „przenocować kogoś„(put sb up for the night) se zobrazí v sadách:

Travelling&Tourism-matura rozszerzona
Translate #11

9. put sb out