slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

ulewny deszcz v angličtině:

1. torrential rain torrential rain

torrential rain = very heavy rain
In the Tropics there is usally torrential rain most days.

Angličtina slovo „ulewny deszcz„(torrential rain) se zobrazí v sadách:

The weather and climate / Pogoda i klimat
the weather - unit 13 pearson repetytorium rozszer...
Repetytorium - dział 13 - Świat przyrody
lista 1 semestr zimowy 19/20

2. heavy rain heavy rain

In the north of England it will be very cold, with strong winds and heavy rain.
Sandra didn’t hang the washing out because of the heavy rain.

Angličtina slovo „ulewny deszcz„(heavy rain) se zobrazí v sadách:

Unit 13 Przyroda Rozszerzenie
angielski słówka dział 13
pogoda i klimat
ang świat przyrody
Fausta 21st Aug

3. pouring rain pouring rain

I've been walking for ages in the pouring rain so my clothes are soking wet.
I've been walking for ages in the pouring rain so my clothes are soaking wet.

Angličtina slovo „ulewny deszcz„(pouring rain) se zobrazí v sadách:

3 Time off pages 22-3
Słówka ang-pol 1

4. torrential torrential

The rain was so torrential it caused drains to block and rivers to flood.

5. pouring with rain pouring with rain

Angličtina slovo „ulewny deszcz„(pouring with rain) se zobrazí v sadách:

Vocabulary IX - What things do
osuch angielski dział 2
6 min English

6. pouring pouring

It's been pouring here for the last few days.
They made little of the pouring rain.
It's pouring outside.
When we arrived in New York it was pouring with rain.
But by leaving the humidifier on all night in the morning condensation's pouring off the windows ...
It is with narrow-souled people as with narrow necked bottles: the less they have in them, the more noise they make in pouring it out.
It's really coming down! There are puddles all over the street, and water is pouring down from the rooftops.
For you to come out and say that kind of thing now would just be pouring oil on the fire.
I'm pouring some anti-inflammatory cream on my right knee.
A man who angers easily should learn to count to ten - it calms trouble like pouring oil on troubled waters.
It looks like it will start pouring any second now. Better take an umbrella.
Sweat was pouring from his brow.
Sleeping on a problem solves it as easily as pouring oil on troubled waters.

Angličtina slovo „ulewny deszcz„(pouring) se zobrazí v sadách:

sprawdzian 4a

7. heavy shower heavy shower

Angličtina slovo „ulewny deszcz„(heavy shower) se zobrazí v sadách:


8. rain heavy rain heavy