slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

zastępca v angličtině:

1. deputy

He attended the meeting as deputy president.
He will be my deputy while I am away.
Daryl is deputy head of the history department.
He had his business ran by a deputy while he was gone.
He appointed John to act as his deputy.
deputy director (head)
I was deputy assistant editor...
He has been deputy commander for five years.
I'm just a deputy.
In other words, they left their deputy to do the work.
deputy chairman
The commission shall appoint the deputy chairmen from among its members.
hi is my deputy
He's the deputy ambassador to Sweden.

Angličtina slovo „zastępca„(deputy) se zobrazí v sadách:

Talking about the news - Watching a news report on TV
Iwka 13th Nov 2015 (2 hours)
Izabela 30th Jan 2015 (6)
My english 43
Słowa na D-4

2. a substitute

Angličtina slovo „zastępca„(a substitute) se zobrazí v sadách:

Egzamin przykładowy 1