My english 43

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otázka odpověď
odbraczować, oddzielić się
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branch off
The key moment to branch off a new release branch from develop is when develop (almost) reflects the desired state of the new release. We drove down a narrow track that branched off from the main road.
despite the stated thing; although
aczkolwiek, chociaż, pomimo że
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Hotfix branches are very much like release branches in that they are also meant to prepare for a new production release, albeit unplanned. He tried, albeit without success.
more than enough
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but 5% of your production user base should give you ample feedback without overwhelming your development team
to avoid considering something, such as an embarrassing mistake, to make it seem not important, and to quickly continue talking about something else
prześliznąć się po prześlizgnąć się po prześlizgiwać się po, tuszować
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gloss over
too many developers tend to gloss over the documentation of GIT when they need to use it
in the process of being produced
also: very busy or active
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on the go
Did you know that she's got a new book on the go. Elise is always on the go
to tell the truth or say that you are responsible; confess
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fess up
Fess up - it was you who ate that last piece of cake, wasn't it?
make critical or mocking comments in an indirect or sarcastic way.
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no snarking
combine (two or more texts, ideas, etc.) into one
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Do not conflate technology with a result
zakład produkcji nawozów
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fertilizer plant
to depend on someone or something
opierać się na kimś (w sensie co on mówi lub robi)
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lean on sth/sb
The administration’s focus on Israel's data underscores the extent to which the U.S. is leaning on other countries’ experiences to forecast the next phase of the pandemic here
stopień, rozmiar, zasięg
degree, size, range
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Asked about the extent to which the Israeli data showed vaccine efficacy waning, Biden’s chief medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, said it was “enough that you would be impressed.”
niezwykle żadkie
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extremely/exceedingly rare
done with speed and efficiency.
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we thought we at least need to plan and be ready to give vaccination doses of a third boost to people in a way that is expeditious
INFORMAL a particular group, collection, or set of people or things
partia, grupa
numer partii
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a lot number
an item of additional material, typically omissions, added at the end of a book or other publication.
uzupełnienie, dodatek.
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jesteś pewny że najdziesz/na pewno znajdziesz
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you are bound to find what you need
give official approval or authorization to.
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Cancellation can occur before Copart has cleared a vehicle to be picked up. I cleared him to return to his squadron
A letter describing the contents and purpose of a transaction delivered with a security that is changing ownership
pismo przewodnie, "A letter of transmittal is a type of short cover letter or business letter that accompanies a document to explain the purpose or importance of it"
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Transmittal letter
In a bank, a ... is where money, jewelry, important documents, etc., are locked for protection.
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urwisko, przepaść
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The banks brought the economy to the edge of a precipice
białko jajka
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egg white
How to beat egg whites until stiff
ubijać np pianę
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to beat
to agree to what someone wants, especially because you are under pressure or under someone's control
zgodzić się, ulec naciskom, przejść nad czymś do porzadku dziennego.
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roll over
They're not going to just roll over and let him play because they're getting pressure from everybody.
to move something such as an amount of money from one place to another
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roll sth over
Money left over from last year has been rolled over to this year's tutoring budget
rozejm, zawieszenie broni
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jesteśmy kwita
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we're even
w​/​w trakcie​/​w trakcie czegoś
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in​/​during​/​over the course of something
The insurance covers you if you are injured in the course of your employment.
an act of moving back or withdrawing
wycofać się
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a speedy retreat
odporny, sprężysty
able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened:
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She's a resilient girl - she won't be unhappy for long
something that divides partners or friends:
przepaść między partnerami, kłutnia.
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also: a crack, split, or break in something
France cool on efforts by Australia to repair Aukus rift damage
the unpleasant results or effects of an action or event:
przykre następstwa, skutki, także opad atomowy.
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France has said any future talks between Emmanuel Macron and the Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, over the fallout from Canberra’s decision
If you ... an agreement, you refuse to accept it or be controlled by it any more
podrzeć, odrzucić umowę
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tear up
over the fallout from Canberra’s decision to tear up a €56bn (£48bn) submarine deal
brawura polityczna gra na przetrzymanie
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As the diplomatic brinkmanship continued, an Élysée official suggested Morrison’s office had made half-hearted efforts to inform Macron of its decision beforehand.
showing no enthusiasm or interest
bez przekonania, bez entuzjazmu
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half-hearted (attempt)
As the diplomatic brinkmanship continued, an Élysée official suggested Morrison’s office had made half-hearted efforts to inform Macron of its decision beforehand.
to express something choosing your words carefully:
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Our ambassador will return with, let’s say, a message from France that will frame our next exchanges with PM Morrison
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zadomowić się
to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new house, job, or school, and to feel comfortable and happy there:
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settle in
to visit a place for a short time, often when you are going somewhere else
wpaść gdzieś
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come by
I'll come by (the office/your house) one day this week and we can have a chat.
to obtain something
zdobyć coś, uzykać
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come by
It's unclear how he came by his wealth.
a horizontal passage leading into a mine for the purposes of access or drainage.
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I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy

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