Direct TV commercial

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
začněte se učit
Now that we have cable, we get a much better picture. (NiV)
This channel is only available on cable. (NiV)
zawieszać się (o obrazie na ekranie tv lub komputera)
začněte se učit
to freeze
to freeze - froze - frozen
when you have cable and your picture freezes.
irytować się
začněte se učit
to get irritable
"Don't disturb me again," she said in an irritable (= angry) voice.
začněte se učit
to suffer
When you get irritable, you work suffers.
uznawać za winnego
začněte se učit
to convict sb
She was convicted of her husband's murder. (NiV)
When your work suffers, the wrong man is convicted.
mieć czas, żeby pomyśleć
začněte se učit
to have time to think
myśleć o kimś/ czymś
začněte se učit
to think about sb / sth
When he has time to think, he thinks about you.
začněte se učit
to explode
When he thinks about you a lot, your house explodes.
pozbywać się czegoś
začněte se učit
to get rid of sth
Get rid of cable.
podnosić standard usługi
začněte se učit
to upgrade (to sth)
customers who want to upgrade from version 4.2 to version 4.5 (NiV)
It's a beta version, but I found the upgrade. (NiV)

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