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Aussie who calls himself “the coriander of comedy” is back with the follow-up
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it should see Simmons return to the outright cod-surrealist madcappery
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pełny, pełnoprawny, kategoryczny, zdecydowany, absolutny
it should see Simmons return to the outright cod-surrealist madcappery
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udawany, prześmiewczy
it should see Simmons return to the outright cod-surrealist madcappery
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wariactwo, ekscentryczność
on the eve of a court hearing
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court hearing which threatened to expose details of their tumultuous relationship to public glare.
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burzliwy (np. okres), gromki (o oklaskach), hałaśliwy (np. tłum)
expose to public glare
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wystawić na widok publiczny
to draw a line
Both actors issued a joint statement drawing a line under a saga
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zakończyć, osiągnąć punkt zwrotny
to appall
Both actors issued a joint statement drawing a line under a saga which has appalled, titillated and divided the film industry and fans.
začněte se učit
przerażać, przerazić, zatrwożyć
Both actors issued a joint statement drawing a line under a saga which has appalled, titillated and divided the film industry and fans.
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“Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love,”
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nieprzewidywalny, zmienny
high-priced lawyers to battle over lurid claims of jealous paranoia, drunken rages, manipulative greed and a severed fingertip.
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jaskrawy, straszny
manipulative greed
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a severed fingertip
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ucinać (nogę, rękę), przecinać (linę), odcinać (coś od czegoś)
a violent row in Australia which disrupted filming of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.
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awantura, pyskówka
a violent row in Australia which disrupted filming of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.
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the comedy veteran has said he is delighted with the accolade.
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wyróżnienie, pochwała, przychylna opinia, uznanie
Mayor Lionnel Luca made his municipality the third to outlaw the garment as a “provocation”
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miasto, władze samorządowe
hey see as absurdity in adding the new category of “religious offences” to their usual roster of “promiscuity offences”
začněte se učit
lista, spis, grafik
hey see as absurdity in adding the new category of “religious offences” to their usual roster of “promiscuity offences”
začněte se učit
lubieżność, swoboda seksualna, rozwiązłość
throw down the gauntlet
mayor Christian Estrosi has thrown down a gauntlet to the Socialist prime minister, Manuel Valls.
začněte se učit
rzucać rękawicę
“does the government intend to take to fight these phenomena which you yourself denounce?”
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potępiać, piętnować
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odpowiedzialność, zobowiązanie, obowiązek
But there is no liberty to subjugate women.”
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ujarzmiać, zniewalać
it has become yet another flame in the murderous tinderbox of Islamism in France,
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beczka prochu
our words “laity” and “secularism” fail to express the depth of allergy to all things theocratic, which is endemic to French societal fabric since the revolution.
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the Islamist onslaught against France
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szturm, atak, najazd
brace for something
Most French people wonder how much more they can take – but brace themselves for more
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przygotować się na coś, przygotowywać się na coś
inflammatory language about “infidels” and “unbelievers”.
začněte se učit
podburzający, podżegający
burkinis are “part of an encroachment by Islamist extremism in this area
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the last straw
When his doctor told him that his lack of eyelids was destroying his sight, that was the last straw.
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kropla przepełniająca czarę goryczy
no one had successfully transplanted as much face and scalp tissue before
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skalp / skóra na głowie
go down the drain
All my efforts have gone down the drain because the contest won't take place.
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pójdą na marne
Wszystkie moje wysiłki poszły na marne, bo konkurs się nie odbędzie.
abide by
Mrs May says her government will abide by the results of the vote and intends to open exit negotiations with EU colleagues next year.
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a feud between the ministers in charge of the main Brexit departments
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spór, sprzeczka, waśń, konflikt
Theresa May is clearly running scared from parliamentary scrutiny of her Brexit negotiations.
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szczegółowe badanie (np. dokumentu), analiza (czegoś), obserwacja, badanie
The apparent reluctance of Vogue to engage with genuinely disabled models offers a snapshot of society’s problem
začněte se učit
niechęć (do zrobienia czegoś), opór (przed czymś), ociąganie się
Bolivian authorities accused the president of a mining federation and two of his top officials of the killing of deputy interior minister Rodolfo Illanes amid a bitter strike
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z powodu
Bolivian authorities accused the president of a mining federation and two of his top officials of the killing of deputy interior minister Rodolfo Illanes amid a bitter strike
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zacięty, zawzięty, zaciekły (np. o walce, dyskusji, wrogu)
this social network has in fact made the lives of billions of people more open and transparent, and made segments thereof more exposed to the public
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tego, jego, o tym (o czymś wcześniej wymienionym)
raw material
subjects of labour (natural resources and raw materials)
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Profile information can quite often contain misleading or faulty information.
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wadliwy, błędny, wybrakowany
the top 50 websites in Serbia that we use there are in 46% of the cases some of the Facebook cookies embed.
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osadzać, wstawić, wbudować
he stoked tensions with Mexico over the issue of immigration
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dokładać (do pieca), dorzucać (do ognia), podsypywać
his aggressive but muddled language on immigration
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zagmatwany, zmieszany, otumaniony
He also told the crowd that he would introduce "extreme vetting" of immigrants.
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sprawdzenie, weryfikacja, lustracja
Mexico will not pay for the wall the New York tycoon wants to build.
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potentat, magnat
His policy stances could represent a huge threat to Mexico, and I am not prepared to keep my arms crossed and do nothing
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stanowisko (np. stanowisko polityka odnośnie pewnej sprawy)
“Donald Trump has made his outlandish policy of forcing Mexico to pay for his giant wall the centrepiece of his campaign,”
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dziwaczny, cudaczny
drop in
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wpadać do kogoś
a loose cannon
You don’t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon.
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osoba nieobliczana, osoba szalona
to treat
On our first date, I treated her to the finest ice cream Baskin-Robbins had to offer.
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fundować, stawiać
to court
This is how Barack Obama remembers courting Michelle Robinson in 1989.
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zalecać się
against the backdrop
against the backdrop of southside Chicago in the late 1980s.
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na tle
Some critics have praised the film and others have been lukewarm.
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letni, obojętny, słaby, oziębły
a foe
Obama’s conservative foes are likely to dismiss the film as propaganda
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nieprzyjaciel, przeciwnik, wróg
It comes at a wistful moment for the president’s admirers.
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tęskny, smutny, melancholijny
the final stretch
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finisz, zakonczenie
The contrast with his predecessor, George W Bush – whose final year in the White House was greeted by Oliver Stone’s scathing biopic, W – could not be starker.
začněte se učit
zjadliwy, cięty
The contrast with his predecessor, George W Bush – whose final year in the White House was greeted by Oliver Stone’s scathing biopic, W – could not be starker.
začněte se učit
nagi, czysty, surowy, prosty
Bush was seen boozing, going to war on a flimsy premise and threatening the family legacy.
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słaby, marny
At the end of the Bush years, we get a denigration
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oczernienie, uwałaczanie
Another film is imminent
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nadciągający, bliski, nieuchronny
to lionise
Obama is far from the first president to be lionised – or demonised – by Hollywood.
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ubóstwiać jako bohatera, traktować jak znakomitość
the rule of thumb
I think the rule of thumb is to wait for 10 years.
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eguła oparta na doświadczeniu, zasada oparta na praktyce
Not every politician, however, reads and watches coverage of themselves as assiduously as Trump does.
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a retort
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The remarkable story of Phiona Mutesi, the chess prodigy from one of Kampala’s poorest slums who has inspired a major new Hollywood movie
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wyjątkowy talent, geniusz
a stoop
I first met Phiona Mutesi in September 2010 sitting on the mud stoop of her family’s shack
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weranda, ganek
I first met Phiona Mutesi in September 2010 sitting on the mud stoop of her family’s shack
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buda, szopa, chałupa
to drop out
at the age of nine she could neither read nor write and had dropped out of school
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rzucić szkołę, uczelnię, studia
they’d been robbed of all their meagre possessions
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skromny, ubogi, cienki
a room with no windows and a tin roof
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cynowy, blaszany
a tin roof so dilapidated that every rainstorm flooded the shack
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zdezelowany, podupadły, walący się, zniszczony
a tiny charcoal stove,
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two musty mattresses for the entire family to sleep on
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Katwe in the south of Uganda’s sprawling, smoggy capital city of Kampala,
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rozciagnięty, rozwlekły
an artisan
Kampala, emerged in the mid-20th century as a place for poor artisans
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a sewage
during the rainy season is regularly flooded with raw sewage
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a saucepan
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he was an illegitimate child
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to embark
His mother died when he was around eight and he embarked on an odyssey of despair.
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wchodzić na pokład
to scrounge
he lived much of his childhood on the run, scrounging for food
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trial and error
Within a year of learning the game, mostly through trial and error, it became evident that Phiona had a special gift
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metoda prób i błędów
During her earliest games, she played recklessly
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to ascend
when her plane ascended through a cloud bank into the sun and blue sky
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wznosić się w powietrze, iść w górę
a bank
when her plane ascended through a cloud bank into the sun and blue sky
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obłok, tuman (np. chmur, mgły)
to field
They also fielded some odd questions: did you stay indoors or in the bush?
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odpowiadać (na pytanie), wypełniać
a grandmaster
Coach, I will be a grandmaster some day.
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arcymistrz, wielki mistrz szachowy
It was a trip both triumphant and sobering.
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She is still unfailingly humble
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niezawodnie, niesłabnąco
She spends holidays at her mother’s newly constructed house in a lush valley several kilometres outside Kampala
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drogi, luksusowy, bogaty
to upend
benefiting only a select few and upending society.
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przewracać do góry nogami
the employment of machinery is frequently detrimental to their interests”.
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szkodliwy, krzywdzący
with a vengeance
Today the machinery question is back with a vengeance, in a new guise
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z podwójną siłą
a guise
Today the machinery question is back with a vengeance, in a new guise
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to rail against
Thomas Carlyle, writing in 1839, railed against the “demon of mechanism”
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uskarżać się na coś
to overset
“oversetting whole multitudes of workmen”.
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wywracać, obalać, przewracać
a deployment
$2 trillion in efficiency gains from the deployment of self-driving cars and drones.
začněte se učit
wdrożenie, zastosowanie

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