otázka | odpověď | |||
Two services performing jobs automatically in the system?
at / cron
How to start at service?
systemctl start atd
How to list all at jobs?
How to schedule a job with at?
at 12:00am / 12:00pm / +5 minutes / +5 hours / +5 days ... etc + enter // then command
How to put your own logs into the system?
logger "The system current uptime is $(uptime)"
Where to put users not allowed to schedule logs with at?
Where to put users allowed to schedule logs with at?
Where to put users not allowed to schedule logs with cron?
Where to put users allowed to schedule logs with cron?
How to schedule a task with cron?
create a file in /etc/cron. d and put following * * * * * user-name command to be executed
How to schedule a task to perform something daily at 9
0 9 * * * root /root/del_old_rec/del_old_rec. sh
How to schedule a task which will perform something every 5 minutes?
*/5 * * * * root /root/del_old_rec/del_old_rec. sh
How to schedule a task which will perform something between 4th and 14th day every 5 minutes?
*/5 4-14 * * * root /root/del_old_rec/del_old_rec. sh
Command shows config files of installed application
rpm -qc <application>
Command to run all tasks in anacron
anacron -n
What is anacron for?
Anacron checks after PC launched if scripts included in /etc/anacron were performed on planned dates. If not, it performs it
How to schedule anacron jobs?
period delay job-identifier command // 7 15 test. daily /root/run. sh ---executes script once per 7 days, 15 mintues after system comes back
Where are symlinks for multi-user. target?
Where is kickstart script?
vi /root/anakonda.ks. cfg
How to install kickstart?
yum install system-config-kickstart
What server do you need to serve kickstart file to the client?