E.F. beginner 10A Is there really a monster?

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10 A Is there really a monster?
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10 A Czy tu naprawdę jest potwór?
some people
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niektórzy ludzie, kilka osób
there is a great view of Sniezka
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jest wspaniały widok na Śnieżkę
There's a gym in the hotel.
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W hotelu jest siłownia.
There's a chair over there.
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Tam jest krzesło.
Is there wi-fi here?
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Czy jest tutaj wi-fi?
Let's see
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Is there a lift?
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Czy jest winda?
Come with me.
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Proszę za mną.
There isn't a bath in the bathroom
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Nie ma wanny w łazience.
There are some pubs in the village
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Jest kilka pubów w wiosce.
Are there any lakes near here?
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Czy są tu w pobliżu jakieś jeziora?
Some people say there is and some people say there isn't
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Niektórzy mówią że jest, inni że nie ma.
The airport is over there.
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Lotnisko jest tam.
a remote control
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pilot np. do telewizora
the remote control for the tv is under the table
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pilot do telewizora jest pod stołem
There are some towels in the bathroom.
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W łazience jest kilka ręczników.
Is there a gift shop near here?
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Czy jest tu gdzieś jakiś sklep z pamiątkami?
There aren't any shops here.
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Nie ma tu żadnych sklepów.
Enjoy your stay.
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Miłego pobytu.
Enjoy your stay.
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Życzę miłego pobytu.

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