El arte de vivir bajo la lluvia

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He chose me out of six puppies
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Me escogió de entre seis cachorros
a puppy; a baby animal
He chose me out of six puppies
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el cachorro
Me escogió de entre seis cachorros
a tremendous mess of paws and tails
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un tremendo revoltijo de patas y colas
a mess; a jumble
a tremendous mess of paws and tails
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el revoltijo
un tremendo revoltijo de patas y colas
a tail
a tremendous mess of paws and tails
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la cola
un tremendo revoltijo de patas y colas
a paw
a tremendous mess of paws and tails
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la pata
un tremendo revoltijo de patas y colas
Call it fate or call it luck
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el azar
Llámalo azar o llámalo suerte
a race
In the races, the car goes where the eyes go
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la carrera
En las carreras el coche va donde van los ojos
to be human
He's more of a human than a dog
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ser humano
Es más humano que perro
shine; gleam; sparkle
Danny was dying for the shine of his fur
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el brillo
Danny se moría por el brillo de su pelaje
the fur
Danny was dying for the shine of his fur
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el pelaje
Danny se moría por el brillo de su pelaje
Does he always look so fixedly?
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¿Siempre mira tan fijamente?
a driver
Good drivers are not obsessed with the future or the past
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el piloto
A los buenos pilotos no les obsesiona el futuro o el pasado
to throw at
Nobody knows what turns will life throw at us
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Nadie sabe qué curvas nos deparará la vida
to get behind the wheel
If a driver gets behing the steering wheel of this own destiny, the rain is only rain
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ponerse al volante
Si un piloto se pone al volante de su propio destino, la lluvia solo es lluvia
go for a walk; go for a ride
At this point, I just want to go for one more ride
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dar una vuelta
En este momento solo quiero dar una vuelta más
to speed up
Speed up, Danny, speed up!
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Acelera, Danny, acelera!
it must be
It must be incredible
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debe de ser
Debe de ser increíble
a creature; a child; a little child
It must be incredible to have a body that can carry a child inside
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la criatura
Debe de ser increíble tener un cuerpo que puede llevar dentro una criatura

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