english literature

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Alliteration definition
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repeating the same sound, usually a consonant, at the beginning of words or in accented syllables, gives this story a more poetic sound
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Double metaphor, Picture names that show the subject in a new light
kenning examples
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sea - sail road, salt-streams (prąd), swan-road
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device to make a work more interesting, entertaining, and dramatic
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figure of speech in which abstract ideas and principles are described in terms of characters, figures and events
pageant wagon
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a movable stage or wagon used to accomodate a mystery or miracle play cycles
petrarchan sonnet
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originated in Italy, 14 lines - 4, 4, 3, 3; Petrarcha established a sonnet as one of the major poetic forms: love poems, wrote Canzoniere
shakespearian sonnet
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poem consisting of 14 lines divided into 3 quatrains and one heroic couplet, written in iambic pentameter
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also called House, Individual mansions represented different locales in biblical stories and in scenes from the life of Christ as performed in churches
Spenserian stanza
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verse form that consists of eight iambic pentameter lines and one heroic couplet
Iambic pentametre
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The most common meter in English verse. It consists of a line ten syllables long that is accented on every second beat
Blank verse
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verse without rhyme, especially that which uses iambic pentameters. (William Shakespeare)
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- the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context
Anglo-Saxon period
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use of blank verses, caesura, kenning, alliteration
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novel describes the historical events based on facts during that time and also various images of the traditions of the Anglo Saxons, existence of the pagan and christian traditions
norman influence on versification
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the same length and fixed number of syllables was important rather than stresses in the line, end rhyme started to be used
a brief description of the Old English language
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it is West Germanic language and is closely related to Old Frisian and Old Saxon. It also experienced heavy influence from Old Norse
a brief description of the Middle English language
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spoken in England from about 1100 to 1500, Five major dialects: Northern, East Midlands, West Midlands, Southern, and Kentish
Characterize meadieval drama
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Heaven and hell were shown at opposite ends in a production, - Plays had a basic aim of enforcing the church's beliefs on the people, Mystery, Miracle and Morality plays
Mystery plays
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Biblical plays
Miracle plays
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saints’ lives
Morality plays
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Liturgical tropes (przenośnia)
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gospel dramatizations (adaptacja)
Interludes (interludium, krótki fragment orkiestrowy) and farces (humorystyczne dzieło teatralne)
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secular (świeckie) plays
Folk plays:
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pagan and folklore element
forms of plays
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Performances by itinerant entertainers, Liturgical tropes: gospel dramatizations, Mystery plays: Biblical plays, Miracle plays: saints’ lives, Morality plays: allegories, Interludes and farces: secular plays, Folk plays: pagan and folklore elements
the English Literary Renaissance
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4 subsets: the Elizabethan Age, the Jacobean Age, the Caroline Age, the Commonwealth Period
the Elizabethan Age
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great flourishing of literature, especially dramat and lyric poetry
lyric poetry
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sonnet; popular among the upper classes, often published, dominant form, support poets by aristocracy
Elizabethan Drama
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heroic themes (motyw), centering on a great personality who is destroyed by his own passion and ambition, satirized the fops and gallants of society
William Shakespeare life
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Shakespeare's life revolved around two locations: Stratford and London. He grew up, had a family, and bought property in Stratford, but he worked in London, the center of English theater.
William Shakespeare comedies
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17 comedies: The Merchant of Venice and Much Ado About Nothing.
William Shakespeare influence on the English language
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standardization of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary. Shakespeare introduced 1,700 original words into the language, many of which we still use (despite significant changes to the language since Shakespeare's time)
How to translate Shakespearian humour
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1. Mistaken Identity (błędna tożsamość) and/or Misconceptions.(nieporozumienie) 2. Reason versus Emotion 3. Fate and the Fantastical (fantastyczność, fatum) 4. Idyllic Settings (sielankowe) 5. Separation and Reconciliation (pogodzenie 6. Happy Endings
the characteristics of the Metaphysical Poetry
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-illustrate and develop ideas in a detailed and over-complex way, often with an effect of a shock or surprise -take unusual images from all fields of knowledge: history, geography, astronomy, alchemy, matehematics,
the characteristics of the Metaphysical Poetry
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love both as physical and platonic, -show a philosophical relationship among the creator, his creation and its surrounding.
Early and Mature Enlightenment, words of wisdom
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"Dare to know! Have courage to use your own reason!" - Immanuel Kant, „a chaos of clear ideas.”
the Enlightenment short summary
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European intellectual movement of the 17th–18th century, use and celebration of reason, a worldview that inspired revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics, devalues local 'prejudices' and customs
merchant of venice
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kupiec z Wenecji
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in a over complex way
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w nadmiernie złożony sposób
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different locales
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różne sceny
accented on every second beat
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akcentowane na drugie uderzenie
revolutionary development
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rewolucyjny rozwój
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obniżać wartość
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itinerant entertainers
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wędrowny artysta
Mistaken Identity
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błędna tożsamość
fops and gallants
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eleganciki i panowie
William Shakespeare history plays
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10 history plays are Henry V and Richard III
William Shakespeare tragedies
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Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth
William Shakespeare poems and sonnets
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4 poems, and a famous collection of Sonnets which was first published in 1609
the song of beowulf
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Scandinavian hero Beowulf, WHO vanquished the monster Grendel and grendel's mother, after killed a dragon. Belongs to Germanic heroic tradition, a distinct Christian influence
figure of speech
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