English with ewa

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seriously! no scam!
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no cap
it's not joke. I'm serious
brisk, dashing, full of enthusiasm
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full of beans
ardous, impetuous, impatient to do sth
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to understand
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to get the picture
It's all right, don't say any more - I get the picture.
slowly and carefully, doing just a little at a time:
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one step at a time
stopniowo, krok po kroku
He wanted to rush through the job, but I encouraged him to take it one step at a time.
something that makes a good situation even better
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the icing on the cake
I was just content to see my daughter in such a stable relationship but a grandchild, that really was the icing on the cake. I love my job and getting public recognition is merely the icing on the cake.
either accept something without any change or refuse it:
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take or leave it
I'll give you $40 for the bike - take it or leave it. Such opportunity you will never come across again. It's take or leave it affair. Choose with your brain.
to demand something repeatedly, or to take strong action to try to make it happen
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push for
to demand something repeatedly, or to take strong action to try to make it happen
Local residents are pushing for the road to be made safer. The opposition is pushing for a raise in the minimum wage which meets with the President's disapproval
a toy consisting of a box containing a figure on a spring which pops up when the lid is opened.
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like a jack-in-the-box
He's like a jack-in-the-box, he keeps appearing when I least expect it!
to astonish
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to astound
astound. Those epithets came from every window where eyes peered in astoundment. But he's not the only one in his family who can astound.
causing you to feel great respect or admiration:
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Niagara Falls really is an awe-inspiring sight. Her knowledge of computers is quite awe-inspiring.
thirlling, giving you a sudden very strong feeling of fear:
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For a heart-stopping moment, she thought the man was going to kill her.
sth extremely easy for anyone (informally)
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something such as a decision that is very easy or obvious:
The decision was a complete no-brainer.
spend lots of money informally
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shell out
to pay or give money for something, usually unwillingly:
Having shelled out €150 for the tickets, I wasn't going to miss the show.
extremely surprising, because of being great in amount: causing tears to form in your eyes:
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The oil giants' profits are eye-watering. Despite taking an eyewatering pay cut, he has no regrets about his career change. The smoke was eye-watering and acrid. Wasabi is the eyewatering, hot Japanese horseradish that is usually served on sushi.
to be unable to decide about something
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be in two minds
I was in two minds whether or not to come this morning.

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