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otázka odpověď
stationary treadmill
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cinta de correr estacionaria
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Ropa de deporte.
Sports shoes
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Zapatos de los deportes
Sports equipment.
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Equipo de deportes.
exercise weights
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pesas de ejercicio
cross country skis (biegówki)
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esquís de fondo
freediving and underwater fishing
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apnea y pesca submarina
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el voleibol / el balonvolea
table tennis
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el tenis de mesa
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la vela
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el ciclismo
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el esquí
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Functional training
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Entrenamiento funcional
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nordic walking
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marcha nórdica
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tiro con arco
wakeboarding and water skiing
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wakeboard y esquí acuatico
Yoga helps me feel calm and strong. Gives me a feeling of control over my body
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Yoga me ayuda a sentirme tranquilo y fuerte. Me da una sensación de control sobre mi cuerpo.
sport has always been in my life
začněte se učit
el deporte siempre ha estado en mi vida
Swimming goggles
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gafas de natación
Swimming fins
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aletas de natacion
horse riding
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exercise band
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banda de ejercicio
flip flops
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wetsuit / diving suit
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neopreno / traje de buceo
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la toalla
What are we going to do today?
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que vamos a hacer hoy?
warm up
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el calentamiento
let's stretch our legs
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vamos a estirar las piersnas
we roll to one side and then to the other
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damos vueltas hacia un lado y luego hacia el otro
We get behind our elbow and stretch
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Nos ponemos atrás de nuestro codo y estiramos
we are working on our mobility
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estamos trabajando nuestra movilidad
let's make circles with our arms
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vamos a hacer círculos con nuestros brazos
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let's stretch both arms
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vamos a estirar ambos brasos
we pull our fingers this way and go down
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halamos nuestros dedos de esta manera y bajamos
work out
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rutina de ejercicio
football pitch
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la cancha de fútbol
as far as we go.
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hasta donde lleguemos.
we take care not to bend our knees
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cuidamos de no doblar nuestras rodillas
We make a change of direction of our fingers
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Hacemos un cambio de dirección de nuestros dedos
then we change hands
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después cambiamos de mano
attempt to touch the ground
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intento de tocar del suelo
We go down as much as we can
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Bajamos lo más que podemos
do it as far as you can reach
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háganlo hasta donde ustedes lleguen
You have to warm up to avoid injuries
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Hay que calentar para evitar lesiones
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to jump
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skakać na skakance
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Saltar la cuerda
Do three sets of ten to fifteen repetitions each set.
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hacer tres sets (bloques) de diez a quince repeticiones cada set
Calisthenics is exercise where we use our own body weight.
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Calistenia es ejercicio donde utilizamos nuestro propio peso corporal.
Give me five squats.
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Dame cinco sentadillas.
to run
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ten abs
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diez abdominales
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plancha normal
side plank
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plancha lateral
ten push ups
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diez lagartijas
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el elfriamiento
Let's breathe and meditate.
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vamos a resiprar y meditar.
we put our back straight.
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ponemos la espalda recta.
deep breathing
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respiración profunda
inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth
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inhalando por la nariz y exhalando por la boca

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