ESKK lekcja 6 c.

 0    30 kartičky    thomasch818
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My sister is a nice girl.
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I don't want to eat this fish.
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Tomorrow we are going to her garden.
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Do you want to ask him this question?
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I haven't money.
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Their suits are green.
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That woman has nice hands.
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Have you animals at home.
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The way to this town is long.
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My father has two sister.
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Her money is on the table.
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Our mother and father are walking in the garden now.
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Who is asking him a question now?
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I want to give them these suits.
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We are eating a fish at the moment.
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In a week we are taking our animals to the garden.
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Your brother has my book in his hand.
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I'm going this way.
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I'm in our garden now.
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Your sister likes to eat fish.
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He has money in his hand.
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Your. suit is nice
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I don't understand your question?
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Which way do you usually go to work?
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I love big animals.
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I usually go to work by bus, but today I'm going by car.
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We usually eat at home, but this week we are eating at the restaurant.
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This month I'm writing letters to my sister.
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He usually reads book in the evenings, but today he is going for a walk.
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3,6,9,5,1,0,3,7,4,2,3,9,5,3,4,2,1,8,4,6,2,9,5,7,4,1,3,2,8,9,6,5,4,6,7,4,5,3,2,2,5,3,6,2,7,3,4,2, 3,
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