Ewa 6th Sept (45 min)

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otázka odpověď
opowiedzieć historię
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to tell a story
do NOT say: say a story / tell a history
He told a funny story.
Pozwól, że opowiem ci co się stało w weekend.
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Let me tell you what happened on the weekend.
źlę się czuć
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to feel unwell
I'm feeling unwell, I think should go home.
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to catch/get/have (the) flu
The whole family has flu.
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a cold
She caught a cold at school.
to catch/get/have a cold
Powiedziałam mu, żeby został w łóżku.
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I told him to stay in bed.
Myślę, że powinnaś odpocząć.
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I think you should have some rest.
Poszliśmy z synem do kina.
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My son and I went to the cinema.
Do not say: my son and I we...
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a brother-in-law
Myślę, że powinnaś włożyć sweter.
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I think you should put on the jumper. / I think you should put the jumper on.
jumper and sweater are synonyms
Wróciliśmy do domu o północy.
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We came back home at midnight.
Źle się czuję.
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I feel unwell/sick/terrible/bad. / I don’t feel (very) well.
Ona źle się czuje z tym, że go zostawiła.
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She feels pretty bad about leaving him.
Mam katar.
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I have a runny nose.
Mój mąż obudził się o szóstej.
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My husband woke up at 6.
Ewa, please remember woke and walk are not homonyms.
Myślę, że mam gorączkę.
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I think I have a a fever.
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a son
Son and sun are homonyms.
W zeszłym tygodniu pracowałam z domu.
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I worked from home last week.
Pozwól, że opowiem ci ciekawą historię.
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Let me tell you an interesting story.
Czyja to walizka?
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a suitcase
Whose suitcase is it?
Źle się czuję. / Coś mnie łapie.
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to be / feel under the weather
I'm feeling (a bit) under the weather - I think I'm getting a cold.
I'm under the weather.
boli mnie gardło.
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I have a sore throat.
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a computer
do not stress the first syllable in computer
błędy ortograficzne
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spelling mistakes
do not say: do mistakes
You made three spelling mistakes.
Pozwól, że spojrzę.
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Let me have a look.
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to stay - stayed - stayed
vowel + y + -ed
uczyć się / studiować
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to study - studied - studied
consonant + y = ied
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y jak yeti
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y for yeti
do not say: y like yeti
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to come - came - come
tak szybko, jak to możliwe
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as soon as possible
Please get back to me ASAP.
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to inherit
She inherited a lot of money.
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He works in accountancy.
w tygodniu
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in the week
Let's meet in the week.
w weekendy
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on weekends
Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia.
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Get well soon.

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