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otázka odpověď
zdumiony, zdumiewający
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amazed, amazing
I was amazed. The view from our hotel was amazing.
podstawowe zwroty
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basic phrase
Learn some basic phrase before you travel abroad.
znudzony, nudzący
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bored, boring
I am bored. Let's do something. The film was boring.
konsekwencja, rezultat
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Do you understand the consequence of your decision?
przygnębiony, przygnębiający
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depressed, depressing
Uważam, że zima jest przygnębiająca.
I was depressed. I find winter depressing.
wykręcić numer
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Can you dial the number for me?
rozczarowany, rozczarowujący
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disappointed, disappointing
My parents were dissapointed with my exam result. My exam result were a bit disappointing.
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I try to call you but the line was engaged.
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dowód, dowody
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The police gathered enough evidence to convict him.
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I was really excited on the first day of the course.
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The action film was really exciting.
wspaniały, baśniowy
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She looks fabulous in that dress.
przerażony, przerażający
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frightened, frightening
I was frightened when I heard that knocking noise. It is frightening to walk through the woods at night.
sfustrowany, fustrujący
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fustrated, fustrating
When I can't fix something, I am fustrated. Looking for a job can be very fustrating these days.
odkładać słuchawkę
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hang up
Don't hang up on me!
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instant messaging
I use instant messaging to chat to my friends.
bariera językowa
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language barrier
In the primary school I had a language barier.
zostaw wiadomość
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leave a message
Please leave a message after the beep.
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I have a strong personal link to Greece.
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Saying please and thank you is a good manners.
więcej wyjątków niż zasad
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more exceptions than rules
Wydaje się że jest...
There seem to be more exceptions than rules in Russian grammar.
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He is multilingual. He speaks eight languages.

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