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otázka odpověď
nieuzasadniony, bezpodstawny
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Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded.
maniak, nerd
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martwić się
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Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room.
żywić urazę, mieć pretensje, nienawidzieć
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The children resented the new woman in their father’s life.
przyjaciel, kumpel
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an old school chum
rada, porada
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Listen to the counsel of your elders.
doradca, adwokat
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I went to see a debt counsellor and she agreed to come to the bank with me.
żalić się, wygadać się
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spill one's guts
rozpocząć rozmowę
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strike up a conversation
warty uwagi
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This year's award ceremony was filled with buzzworthy moments.
być przydatnym
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come in handy
The extra money came in very handy
użyteczny, przydatny
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a handy little tool, a handy-sized dictionary
kluczowe (najbardziej ważne), nadrzędne
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This matter is of paramount importance.
trzymać się z dala od
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keep/stay/steer clear (of somebody/something)
Steer clear of the centre of town at this time of the evening.
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inquisitive (syn. curious)
Don't be so inquisitive. It's none of your business!
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He has few close friends, but numerous acquaintances.
kość niezgody
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be a bone of contention
Money is a common bone of contention in many marriages.
być leniem
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be bone idle
He never does any exercise - he's bone idle.
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bone up on sth
She had boned up on the city's history before her visit
zredukować do absolutnego minimum
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cut to the bone
But a newspaper can’t play that role when its staff has been cut to the bone.
kłamiliwy, oszukańczy
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deceitful (syn. dishonest)
The government were accused of being hypocritical and deceitful.
zwodniczy, mylący
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deceptive (syn. misleading)
Appearances can often be deceptive (= things are not always what they seem to be).
bezinteresowny, bezstronny
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disinterested (syn. impartial, unbiased)
Her advice appeared to be disinterested.
mieć z kimś na pieńku
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have a bone to pick with sb
I have a bone to pick with you, Wallace; I heard how you criticized me at the meeting last night
Nie ukrywać czegoś
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make no bones about something
He made no bones about displaying his artistic temperament
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They've been best mates since school.

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