flowerpot-doniczka, vase-wazon

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to fly or move quickly and lightly. to make an irregular series of quick, sudden movements
you flit about like tornado, wreacking havoc. bargain hunters at the flea market flitted from table to table like hummingbirds in a garden
siać spustoszenie
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wreak havoc
sleczec nad czyms
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pore over something
he has been idle the whole day, excluding poring over old books
zarysować, zadrapać, podrapac, zadrapanie
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to cut or damage a surface or your skin slightly with or on something sharp or rough:
We scratched the wall trying to get the bed into Martha's room. Be careful not to scratch yourself on the roses.
pamiątka, upominek
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a small present, usually not expensive, that is given to you by someone so that you will remember that person
najlepiej jak możesz
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to the best of your ability
Just do the job to the best of your ability.
akcje, zapas, surowiec
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bez szwanku
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unscathered, without a scratch
Emerge-to come to the end of a difficult period or experience
The Prince emerged unscathed from the scandal.
maczać we wszystkim palce
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to have a finger in every pie
to be involved in and have influence over many different activities, often in a way that other people do not approve of
You can't make a decision on any kind of funding without consulting him - he has a finger in every pie.
praktyczna zasada
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rule of thumb
a useful principle having wide application but not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable in every situation
An example of a rule of thumb is the general guideline that you don't wear white after Labor Day.
pralka, zmywarka
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washing machine, dishwasher
W związku z tą sytuacją
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Due to this situation, in view of the situation
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in a voluntary way (= done, made, or given willingly
If you don't leave voluntarily then we will send you away. We decided to voluntarily withdraw the drug from the market.
rynna, chlusnąc, tryskać, odpływ
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to speak a lot, in a way that is boring or annoying for other people, a tube-shaped opening that allows liquids to be poured out of a container
A spout of water shot out of the geyser. The gash was spouting blood. He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him!
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prosecutor, accuser
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trying to appear or sound more important or smarter than you are, especially in matters of art and literature:
The novel deals with grand themes, but is never heavy or pretentious.
czuć odrazę, nienawidzić
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From an early age the brothers have loathed each other.
obrót handlowy
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the amount of business that a company does in a period of time:
Large supermarkets have high turnovers (= their goods sell very quickly). The business has an annual turnover of £50,000.
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odkręcić korek
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unscrew the cap, uncorck
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martwa natura
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still life
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Let's look at the next conductor, Richard Strauss.
sad owocowy
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niepozorny, nieokazały
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not easily or quickly noticed or seen, or not attracting attention:
This type of bird is very inconspicuous because of its dull feathers.
sfałszowane wybory
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rigged elections
najemnik, najem(dzierżawa)
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mercenary, tenancy
the right to use land or live in a building in exchange for rent
Tenants are complaining that vital repairs are not being done
wałek do ciasta
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rolling pin
zszywka, podstawowy produkt (o stałym, dużym zapotrzebowaniu)
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a short, thin piece of wire used to fasten sheets of paper together. It has sharp ends that are pushed through the paper and then bent flat by a special device. a main product or part of something(basic)
Romantic fiction and reference books are a staple of many public libraries.
przeczucie, garb. magefølelse
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an idea that is based on feeling and for which there is no proof
Sometimes you have to be prepared to act on/follow a hunch. We can't just drill into our patient's brain on a hunch.
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(trunk) boot
the situation in which your job is taken away from you, usually because you have done something wrong or badly, a metal device attached to the wheel of an illegally parked car that will only be removed when the owner pays an amount of money, to kick
She got the boot for stealing money from the cash register He gave the ball a good boot. I always keep a blanket and a toolkit in the boot for emergencies
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being one only; single:
He lent down and struck a match on the sole of his boot She has sole responsibility for the project.
zestaw narzędzi
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A set of stools
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first aid kit
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steering wheel
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inflow, surge
a sudden and great increase
A tidal surge caused severe flooding in coastal areas. An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash. This challenge today is the surge of refugees.
znaczny, godny uwagi
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noteworthy, notable
important and deserving attention, because of being very good or interesting:
a notable collection of rare plants
zawód, okupacja
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an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money
He went on a five day drinking binge, learning binge
zachwycający, rozkoszny
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very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable
Thank you for a delightful evening
arkusz papieru
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paper sheet
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skrzynia biegów
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gearbox, transmission
I learned how to drive on a manual transmission, so driving an automatic is easy for me.
plewy i ziarno
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chaff and grain
the outer layer that is separated from grains such as wheat before they are used as food
dried grass and stems when used to feed cattle
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obstacle, hindrance
wkrótce, anonimowy
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spłukac toalete, wywołać rumieniec
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flush the toilet
I tend to flush old medicines down the toilet. The champagne had caused his face to flush.
tablica rejestracyjna
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wypłukać, przemyć
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to use water to clean the soap or dirt from something
First apply shampoo to hair and then rinse thoroughly.
unosić się w powietrzu
hauken stuper (seg) rett ned på byttet
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to stand somewhere, especially near another person, eagerly or nervously waiting for their attention
A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its prey. A waiter hovered at the table, ready to take our order.
przestrzeń, rozległość
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a large, open area of land, water, or sky
vast expanses of sand and pine
stosować sankcje dyscyplinarne
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crack down
to start dealing with bad or illegal behavior in a more severe way:
The library is cracking down on people who lose their books for instance by imposing additional sanctions on them
koło zapasowe
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spare wheel
wykorzystać, wyzyskać, wyczyn
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to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage, to use something in a way that helps you:
We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible, Laws exist to stop companies exploiting their employees
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gumka do mazania
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Eraser, rubber
a small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil:
If you draw or write in pencil you can always rub out your mistakes with an eraser.
wstawiennictwo, orędownictwo
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dotykasz je w sposób, że szeleszcza
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you touch them in a rustling manner
przejście dla pieszych
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zebra crossing
znekształcać, przekształcać
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to change the shape of something so that it looks strange or unnatural, change meaning
a powerful amplifier capable of producing sound at high volume without distorting it. The map distorted Greenland to appear four times its actual size.
znak drogowy
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road sign
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cross, intersect
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przesadzona reakcja
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